IRS Warns: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid...

I'll choose #3) False Premise

The only way it is a false premise is if we don't admit people to the ER or turn hospitals into collection agencies.

Feel free to argue those points.

I prefer my tax dollars being used to support those that use the ER, than for the government to decide that I have insurance for things I do not need.

I accept my responsibility as an American citizen to have my tax dollars help those in need.

And I will go one step farther...I do not recall ANYONE campaigning to have "free ER care" eliminated.

So you choose #2?

People did campaign on the fact that ER care is costly and the nation would save money if less people used the ER like they were their GP. This is a problem that is tied to insurance coverage but also goes beyond that as a lot of people still just go to the ER when they are on Medicaid.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

Every person who has to write a check to pay for obamacare is gonna vote Republican. You democrats own this disaster lock stock and barrel. Tattoo that on your forehead.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

Are you guaranteeing that if we #1 pay a small tax that #2 no one will get free care?

I call bullshit!
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

I'll choose #3) False Premise

The only way it is a false premise is if we don't admit people to the ER or turn hospitals into collection agencies.

Feel free to argue those points.

We the makers have to pay for the takers one way or another. Feel free to argue that point.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

False dichotomy.

Additionally, the high cost of healthcare has almost nothing to do with people using the ER.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

Please explain point 1.

If you haven't been around, let me help you.

Obamacare is raising health care premiums on most. So "free" ?

Don't think so.

Unless you plan to sponge.

He doesn't pay taxes.
The only way it is a false premise is if we don't admit people to the ER or turn hospitals into collection agencies.

Feel free to argue those points.

I prefer my tax dollars being used to support those that use the ER, than for the government to decide that I have insurance for things I do not need.

I accept my responsibility as an American citizen to have my tax dollars help those in need.

And I will go one step farther...I do not recall ANYONE campaigning to have "free ER care" eliminated.

So you choose #2?

People did campaign on the fact that ER care is costly and the nation would save money if less people used the ER like they were their GP. This is a problem that is tied to insurance coverage but also goes beyond that as a lot of people still just go to the ER when they are on Medicaid.

Funny, I don't remember ever getting any bills in the mail asking me to pay for someone else's ER treatment.
Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

How about this?

Where are the 48 million people that Obama said over and over did not have coverage.
Aren't they the reason we are where we are today?

How about they get off their asses and buy into this shitty law. :eek:
Aren't people sick of Big Brother yet? Thought your Dear Leader was giving you a choice on Healthcare? Well, think again. You better do it...or else. The Mandate is just wrong. I've said that from the beginning. Shame on all who have supported it.

That would be the rightwing Heritage Foundation (the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.
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Would you rather
1# Pay a small tax for close to free health care(France, Briton, etc)
or 2# Keep on allowing people to us the ER for free?

I'll choose #3) False Premise

The only way it is a false premise is if we don't admit people to the ER or turn hospitals into collection agencies.

Feel free to argue those points.

It is a false dichotomy because it assumes the only two viable health care systems are UHC (or some variant thereof) and what we had just before ObamaCare was enacted.
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Aren't people sick of Big Brother yet? Thought your Dear Leader was giving you a choice on Healthcare? Well, think again. You better do it...or else. The Mandate is just wrong. I've said that from the beginning. Shame on all who have supported it.

That would be the rightwing Heritage Foundation (the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.

So? whats your point?

My point is hypocrisy and double dealing. The individual mandate was a right wing invention, was proposed twice by the GOP on the national level, and the GOP nominated a man for President who not only supported it but forced it onto the people of his state.

But, oh my God, when a DEMOCRAT does it, suddenly it is a tool of Satan!


For decades now, the Democrats have been saying loud and clear what they would do about healthcare if they were given a chance. And with this knowledge fully in the minds of the GOP, what did the GOP do to fix a broken healthcare system for all Americans when ALL the reins of power were in their hands?


Well. Not exactly nothing. They created a trillion dollar entitlement program for seniors to get votes for 2004, WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT. So all this current bellyaching about budgets is hypocrisy in the extreme.

The GOP completely capitulated on the issue. They left it for the Democrats to solve.

We were sold down the river.
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That would be the rightwing Heritage Foundation (the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.

So? whats your point?

My point is hypocrisy and double dealing. The individual mandate was a right wing invention, was proposed twice by the GOP on the national level, and the GOP nominated a man for President who not only supported it but forced it onto the people of his state.

But, oh my God, when a DEMOCRAT does it, suddenly it is a tool of Satan!

For decades now, the Democrats have been saying loud and clear what they would do about healthcare if they were given a chance. And with this knowledge fully in the minds of the GOP, what did the GOP do to fix a broken healthcare system when ALL the reins of power were in their hands?


The GOP completely capitulated on the issue. They left it for the Democrats to solve.

We were sold down the river.

Just tattoo it on your forehead. Thank God you own it.
That would be the rightwing Heritage Foundation (the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.

So? whats your point?

My point is hypocrisy and double dealing. The individual mandate was a right wing invention, was proposed twice by the GOP on the national level, and the GOP nominated a man for President who not only supported it but forced it onto the people of his state.

But, oh my God, when a DEMOCRAT does it, suddenly it is a tool of Satan!

that only applies to morons who believe the republican party's rhetoric vs. their actions. There isn't much different between democrats and republicans in action. The rhetoric is entirely different, the execution of public office is virtually identical.

SO, are republicans hypocrites? Of course. But they only meet their match when up against democrats. Who are clearly even easier to spot since the benchmark of their entire philosophy is set on hypocrisy.
So? whats your point?

My point is hypocrisy and double dealing. The individual mandate was a right wing invention, was proposed twice by the GOP on the national level, and the GOP nominated a man for President who not only supported it but forced it onto the people of his state.

But, oh my God, when a DEMOCRAT does it, suddenly it is a tool of Satan!

For decades now, the Democrats have been saying loud and clear what they would do about healthcare if they were given a chance. And with this knowledge fully in the minds of the GOP, what did the GOP do to fix a broken healthcare system when ALL the reins of power were in their hands?


The GOP completely capitulated on the issue. They left it for the Democrats to solve.

We were sold down the river.

Just tattoo it on your forehead. Thank God you own it.
Hey dumbshit. I own nothing. I am merely pointing out this giant steaming pile of rancid shit that is ObamaCare is just as much the GOP's creation as the Democrats.

The GOP consented to this by their silence and inaction.

All this screaming and renting of their clothes after the fact is theater for you rubes.
So? whats your point?

My point is hypocrisy and double dealing. The individual mandate was a right wing invention, was proposed twice by the GOP on the national level, and the GOP nominated a man for President who not only supported it but forced it onto the people of his state.

But, oh my God, when a DEMOCRAT does it, suddenly it is a tool of Satan!

that only applies to morons who believe the republican party's rhetoric vs. their actions. There isn't much different between democrats and republicans in action. The rhetoric is entirely different, the execution of public office is virtually identical.

SO, are republicans hypocrites? Of course. But they only meet their match when up against democrats. Who are clearly even easier to spot since the benchmark of their entire philosophy is set on hypocrisy.
This is a rare moment when I am in total accordance with you.
Aren't people sick of Big Brother yet? Thought your Dear Leader was giving you a choice on Healthcare? Well, think again. You better do it...or else. The Mandate is just wrong. I've said that from the beginning. Shame on all who have supported it.

That would be the rightwing Heritage Foundation (the inventors of the individual mandate), Senate Republicans not once but twice, and of course Mitt Romney.

They're wrong too. Forcing Healthcare by way of intimidation & force, is Un-American. The Mandate needs to go.

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