Is $20 trillion in debt taxation without representation for future Americans?

$20 trillion looks like high taxes to pay down the debt, just like after WWII, but no politician has the balls to suggest such a move, much less implement it..

The spending cuts will be yuge.
Not really that is deficit spending, not debt reduction..That money taken from Peter will enrich Paul...

What the hell are you talking about? Befuddlement of the day!

Spending gets cut and therefore government has money to pay the debt. Simple, clear, concise. No robbing anyone.
Everyone being born is inheriting a massive tax burden.

Doesn't seem fair. They had no say in it.

And when they say 'Fuck You. I am not going to pay for it anymore'. ?

The right thing to do is for the baby boomers to clean up their inhereted mess now. How that happens is subject to debate.

And when they say 'Fuck You. I am not going to pay for it anymore'. ?

The right thing to do is for the baby boomers to clean up their inhereted mess now. How that happens is subject to debate.

Good post. Do like business always does. 10-25% layoff. 10% pay cut for regular Joe. 25% pay cut for management. Close sites. Combine. Consolidate. Cut. No "unnecessary" travel or parties or frivolous waste.
Get rid of all Congressional staff. Cut WH budget in half. Why does Michelle need 28 $100K assistants? Why does "the barfly" have a PR staff? T-Rump are you listening........? Why are you in Europe as we burn down?

Finally, cut pensions back to SS levels. Why are they on Gold-Plated Illinois/CA plan?
Finally, SELL Assets. Apply to debt. Balance budget immediately, new plan. It must hurt to be good for you.
Everyone being born is inheriting a massive tax burden.

Doesn't seem fair. They had no say in it.

The Baby Boomers decided it for them.
The obvious solution to this conundrum is to have Moonglow put the national debt on his American Express card and then flee to South America.

He could gr0w our way out of debt?

Banana farming...Moonglows future growth occupation.
Something wrong with bananas? Does it not have a usable market for delivery?

profit margin issues.

we need a cash crop bro?
The obvious solution to this conundrum is to have Moonglow put the national debt on his American Express card and then flee to South America.

He could gr0w our way out of debt?
They can't. How many new employees and expenses did Obama and his congress crew add during his eight years?
Dr. Janda describes it in this video.

This next video describes a portion of what has been going down.
Everyone being born is inheriting a massive tax burden.

Doesn't seem fair. They had no say in it.

And when they say 'Fuck You. I am not going to pay for it anymore'. ?

The right thing to do is for the baby boomers to clean up their inhereted mess now. How that happens is subject to debate.

And when they say 'Fuck You. I am not going to pay for it anymore'. ?

The right thing to do is for the baby boomers to clean up their inhereted mess now. How that happens is subject to debate.

Good post. Do like business always does. 10-25% layoff. 10% pay cut for regular Joe. 25% pay cut for management. Close sites. Combine. Consolidate. Cut. No "unnecessary" travel or parties or frivolous waste.
Get rid of all Congressional staff. Cut WH budget in half. Why does Michelle need 28 $100K assistants? Why does "the barfly" have a PR staff? T-Rump are you listening........? Why are you in Europe as we burn down?

Finally, cut pensions back to SS levels. Why are they on Gold-Plated Illinois/CA plan?
Finally, SELL Assets. Apply to debt. Balance budget immediately, new plan. It must hurt to be good for you.

Responsible government pension finance would help. These government entities are planning on 10% return in their invested funds, but are only getting 3-4%.

In the private sector, a person would go to jail for that stuff.
Everyone being born is inheriting a massive tax burden.

Doesn't seem fair. They had no say in it.

The Baby Boomers decided it for them.

I know you don't care and that's the issue. The Boomers have never given a shit about anyone but themselves. You're the "Me! Me! Me!" generation, unlike your parents who sacrificed everything during a world wide war.
You will be the next generations blame, so enjoy the free ride while you can...
The obvious solution to this conundrum is to have Moonglow put the national debt on his American Express card and then flee to South America.

He could gr0w our way out of debt?
They can't. How many new employees and expenses did Obama and his congress crew add during his eight years?
Dr. Janda describes it in this video.

This next video describes a portion of what has been going down.

The obvious solution to this conundrum is to have Moonglow put the national debt on his American Express card and then flee to South America.

He could gr0w our way out of debt?
They can't. How many new employees and expenses did Obama and his congress crew add during his eight years?
Dr. Janda describes it in this video.

This next video describes a portion of what has been going down.

I am interested but I am lazy. Please summarize for the common man.

I am going to buy a $5 million house and 3 Lamborghinis and I am going to make my kids and grandkids pay for my spending!!!

Snowflake logic

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