Is 50% of 58% a "Mandate?

I think not... Obama has no mandate for shit. I say the Republicans should fight Obama on every issue where he robs us of our liberties. Once we lose them it's almost impossible to get them back

Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Benjamin Franklin

Do you mean like the Patriot Act?
I think not... Obama has no mandate for shit. I say the Republicans should fight Obama on every issue where he robs us of our liberties. Once we lose them it's almost impossible to get them back

Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Benjamin Franklin

Of course it's a mandate. Besides, if you get that other 42% of the electorate out to vote, than Obama ends up winning in a landslide, just ask all the Teabagger Governors why it is they kept wanting to scrap early voting and suppress the vote.

Just ask Paul Ryan, who blamed "people in urban areas" for losing. It's all their fault, see, because they weren't supposed to come out and vote!

The whole Republican vision of this election was to do their best to keep the "silent majority" from voting.

As long as they can keep the silent majority from voting, they have a chance of winning. Well, it backfired and they lost!

Obama won the argument--again--on letting taxes go back up for the wealthiest among us.

Obama won the argument on keeping the defense budget where it is or cutting it, not raising it like what Romney and the neo-cons wanted to do.

Obama won the argument--again--on the Dream Act, which was something George W. Bush wanted to do first anyway.

Obama won the argument on Global Warming--again.

Obama won the argument on having a balanced approach to the deficit deal, mixing revenue increases along with spending cuts.

This election has decided those things, and it has decided a couple of those things for a second time.

On the matter of the 42% of adults who didn't show up to vote, that's their own fault for not showing up because elections, if you hadn't heard, are decided by the people who DO show up and NOT by the people who stay at home, which completely invalidates the OP's logic.

President Obama won re-election. He is legitimate even if the OP would like to continue living in the right-wing echo chamber that has turned into a bizarro kind of America.
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sounds like another one of those RINO's they need to get out of the party.

Didn't he read his Ayn Rand?
It has been almost a week, and the wingnuts are bawling, mewling, and puking over the woodshedding the voters gave them.

I hope they get to 'acceptance' before we go over the cliff. If the House doesn't get their act together, their prophecy of a "lost country" may be self-fulfilling.
I think not... Obama has no mandate for shit. I say the Republicans should fight Obama on every issue where he robs us of our liberties. Once we lose them it's almost impossible to get them back

Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Benjamin Franklin

Of course it's a mandate. Besides, if you get that other 42% of the electorate out to vote, than Obama ends up winning in a landslide, just ask all the Teabagger Governors why it is they kept wanting to scrap early voting and suppress the vote.

Just ask Paul Ryan, who blamed "people in urban areas" for losing. It's all their fault, see, because they weren't supposed to come out and vote!

The whole Republican vision of this election was to do their best to keep the "silent majority" from voting.

As long as they can keep the silent majority from voting, they have a chance of winning. Well, it backfired and they lost!

Obama won the argument--again--on letting taxes go back up for the wealthiest among us.

Obama won the argument on keeping the defense budget where it is or cutting it, not raising it like what Romney and the neo-cons wanted to do.

Obama won the argument--again--on the Dream Act, which was something George W. Bush wanted to do first anyway.

Obama won the argument on Global Warming--again.

Obama won the argument on having a balanced approach to the deficit deal, mixing revenue increases along with spending cuts.

This election has decided those things, and it has decided a couple of those things for a second time.

On the matter of the 42% of adults who didn't show up to vote, that's their own fault for not showing up because elections, if you hadn't heard, are decided by the people who DO show up and NOT by the people who stay at home, which completely invalidates the OP's logic.

President Obama won re-election. He is legitimate even if the OP would like to continue living in the right-wing echo chamber that has turned into a bizarro kind of America.

You nut job Obama didn't win on any of that, he won on personality and union support...What a moron.... Boy you people are delusional, I hope you're this excited when your utility bills go through the roof and fuel cost climb even higher

Did all these poor losers not take civics class?

This isn't Canada, although at least they were smart enough to kick out the liberals

It's hilarious when losers whine about losing like a petulant three year-old.

"Waah! He doesn't have a mandate! Waah!"

Maybe you should go live in Saudi Arabia if you don't like democracy.

Did all these poor losers not take civics class?

This isn't Canada, although at least they were smart enough to kick out the liberals

It's hilarious when losers whine about losing like a petulant three year-old.

"Waah! He doesn't have a mandate! Waah!"

Maybe you should go live in Saudi Arabia if you don't like democracy.

We all lose with Obama, not just conservatives idiot
Obama’s Dirty Little Secret to Winning the 2012 Presidential Election

The president didn’t win with a ‘magnificent’ get-out-the-vote operation. It was his relentless negative ads that discouraged and disillusioned the Republican and independent voters Romney needed,

To paraphrase the traditional Passover formulation honored in Jewish homes: why was this election different from all other elections? What makes 2012 stand out in recent political history, either as a temporary anomaly or a significant, long-term shift in the electorate?

The most striking change in the results this year involved a precipitous and alarming decline in voter participation, a drop-off that stemmed from a deliberate strategy by the Obama campaign and almost certainly provided the president with his margin of victory. Meanwhile, much of the conventional wisdom about the results has been fatuous and unsubstantiated, ignoring the troubling reality of disillusioned voters.

For instance, there’s no basis for the common claim Obama won through a superb, unprecedented, supremely effective get-out-the-vote effort by the Democrats. Even downcast Republicans have hailed the opposition’s turnout operation as magnificent, but they fail to note that it resulted in far fewer voters showing up for President Obama.

The president drew 7.6 million fewer votes than he did in the hope-and-change election of 2008. His vote total, 61,911,000, is far closer to the numbers in Sen. John Kerry’s losing bid in 2004 than to his own triumphant support four years ago. Even the reviled President George W. Bush earned more raw votes, from a much smaller potential electorate, in his own reelection bid than Obama did in his.

It’s also not true that a powerful surge of new black and Latino support powered the president to victory. Exit polls showed that Obama got a slightly smaller percentage of the black vote than last time and that turnout was sharply down, delivering at least 1.5 million fewer African-American ballots for the Democrats. A slightly enlarged Latino electorate and an increase in the president’s percentage of Hispanic voters, to 71 percent from 67 percent, did provide him an additional 700,000 votes, but the falloff in black support still meant that overall “minority votes” for Obama went down, not up.

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This isn't Canada, although at least they were smart enough to kick out the liberals

It's hilarious when losers whine about losing like a petulant three year-old.

"Waah! He doesn't have a mandate! Waah!"

Maybe you should go live in Saudi Arabia if you don't like democracy.

We all lose with Obama, not just conservatives idiot

Yet after spending a billion dollars of the Koch brothers' money, you couldn't convince people of that.
This isn't Canada, although at least they were smart enough to kick out the liberals

It's hilarious when losers whine about losing like a petulant three year-old.

"Waah! He doesn't have a mandate! Waah!"

Maybe you should go live in Saudi Arabia if you don't like democracy.

We all lose with Obama, not just conservatives idiot

That's your opinion. And even if I agree with you, that's not the point. The people have spoken. He has a mandate. Whining that Obama "only" received 62 million votes and doesn't have a mandate makes you look like a petulant loser.
It's hilarious when losers whine about losing like a petulant three year-old.

"Waah! He doesn't have a mandate! Waah!"

Maybe you should go live in Saudi Arabia if you don't like democracy.

We all lose with Obama, not just conservatives idiot

That's your opinion. And even if I agree with you, that's not the point. The people have spoken. He has a mandate. Whining that Obama "only" received 62 million votes and doesn't have a mandate makes you look like a petulant loser.

Fortunately for the country, by your logic, the Republicans have a mandate in the house and hopefully we will have gridlock instead of more laws against my freedom.
In America, yup, it is.

We lost, Jroc, get over it. We need to understand the demography of voting has changed. Soc con values will retreat into the private world, and neo-conservatism is as dead as isolationism.

Tis what tis.
I think not... Obama has no mandate for shit. I say the Republicans should fight Obama on every issue where he robs us of our liberties. Once we lose them it's almost impossible to get them back

Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Benjamin Franklin
Fortunately for the country, by your logic, the Republicans have a mandate in the house and hopefully we will have gridlock instead of more laws against my freedom.

a 'mandate in the house'?

not even a little.... they lost seats.

just saying.

the teatard house has single digit approval ratings. what they need to do is get out of the way so the grown ups can do what they need to.
Sorry the part of government closest to the people is mandated republican. Get in line kid and compromise
I think not... Obama has no mandate for shit. I say the Republicans should fight Obama on every issue where he robs us of our liberties. Once we lose them it's almost impossible to get them back

Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

Benjamin Franklin

Republicans need to remember that we voted them a majority in the House. They have a mandate also.
Our majority in the House's mandate is the same as Obama's and the Senate's: govern jointly.
Sorry the part of government closest to the people is mandated republican. Get in line kid and compromise

Well, actually, we don't really have to.

Either the REpublicans agree to what the President wants to do, or we let the Bush Tax cuts expire and the automatic cuts to defense happen.

Fortunately for the country, by your logic, the Republicans have a mandate in the house and hopefully we will have gridlock instead of more laws against my freedom.

a 'mandate in the house'?

not even a little.... they lost seats.

just saying.

the teatard house has single digit approval ratings. what they need to do is get out of the way so the grown ups can do what they need to.

Obama lost votes as well. So I guess they are even. At the end of the day the Republicans own the House. If Obama thinks he has a mandate, then so do Republicans.

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