Is abstinence-only ed working? High teen preg rate in abstinence-only states


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Teen Pregnancies Highest In States With Abstinence-Only Policies

37 states require sex education that includes abstinence, 26 of which require that abstinence be stressed as the best method. Additionally, research shows that abstinence-only strategies could deter contraceptive use among teenagers, thus increasing their risk of unintended pregnancy.

For example, take the states with the highest and lowest teen pregnancy rates. Mississippi [which has the highest teen birth rate] does not require sex education in schools, but when it is taught, abstinence-only education is the state standard. New Mexico, which has the second highest teen birth rate, does not require sex ed and has no requirements on what should be included when it is taught. New Hampshire [which has the lowest teen birth rate], on the other hand, requires comprehensive sex education in schools that includes abstinence and information about condoms and contraception.
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Where are Sunni Fag Blowjobsteve to tell us that the gays are responsible?
Of course it's not working. It's like teaching driver's ed, but never letting them leave the parking lot.
Abstinence always works 100%. There isn't a teen in the entire US with an IQ of over 10 who does not know how a baby is conceived. Teens sometimes take the easy democrat option of government supplied birth control and abortion and some teens don't. Meanwhile the sissies still engage in anonymous unprotected sex and blame republicans for not authorizing millions of dollars for AIDS research.
Yes, abstinence ALWAYS works. So does drinking ZERO alcohol and driving.

But, neither are realistic. Would you tell a person "If you drink alcohol and drive, you'll die, never do it."

Or would you say, "Dont drink and drive. But, if you do, know that it only takes 2 beers to become buzzed. So even then, you are intoxicated. If you have a beer with dinner, wait 30 minutes, then drive, you'll likely be fine. But only you can make the right choice."

See? Which is more reasonable?
Abstinence always works 100%. There isn't a teen in the entire US with an IQ of over 10 who does not know how a baby is conceived. Teens sometimes take the easy democrat option of government supplied birth control and abortion and some teens don't. Meanwhile the sissies still engage in anonymous unprotected sex and blame republicans for not authorizing millions of dollars for AIDS research.

I knew a conservative girl, and I know it's going to sound like I'm making this up for the purpose of the argument but I swear it's true, who had an abortion without her parent's knowledge because she didn't think she could get pregnant if she was on top. So she did not use protection.

That is one of the results of abstinence only education.
Neither is any other education ... it's parental responsibility which the government mocks that is actually successful. But even the few that are parentally responsible these days won't be successful when in competition with a huge government that promotes failed ideas as awesome.
You ask a question: is abstinence only sex-ed working? But the link you provided does not really answer the question. It only tells us what the current rates are, and not what they where 10 years ago, and apparently makes no allowances for other factors.
Its sort of like saying: "I have 2 objects; object A and object B. Object A is 10 ft. above the ground, and object B is 100 ft. Which is falling faster?" There's a whole host of information you've left out that we need to answer the question.

Teen Pregnancy rates are down nationwide

If you want to answer the question of whether certain kinds of education are working better than others, you need to track down some more information. Find out what the pregnancy rates where in each state every 10 years for a couple of decades, and compare them to those today. See what the rates of decline for each are. Make sure you adjust for race, an socio-economic factors (traditionally, immigrants, minorities, and the poor have more kids, and they have them younger).

I couldn't find a good answer in less than 3 minutes on google, so I'm thinking this will take some actual effort (instead of just linking whatever headline pops into your browser first). Good luck.
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Everyone knows Democrats are secretly sneaking in and making them pregnant while they sleep.

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I wonder how many of the parents, who insist their kids get abstinence only, were virgins when they married.
Every unwanted pregnancy and every abortion has been a direct result of the failure of abstinence education

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