Is acceptance of Sodomy, and taking Pride in Homo Sin, causing God to send plagues to us on Earth?like Covid?

Speaking of Sodomy, God sure did mete out some righteous punishment to the Lot family, didn't he?

I mean, here we had Lot offering up his two underaged daughters to the unruly crowd to be gang raped, and later on got drunk with them and had sex. God was cool with that. What REALLY pissed off God, though, was Lot's wife turning around and looking at Sodom as it was burning. Turned her into a pillar of salt, God did.

That'll sure teach people right from wrong!
Holy fucking shit !! Really. ??? May I ask, does that include sodomy committed by heterosexuals? What about eating shellfish, wearing clothing woven by more than one kind of cloth, touching the carcas of a pig and worshoping idols? ( Trump comes to mind)
Trump comes to mind? Lol, besides faggots and perversion, and grooming, Trump is all you think about.
Faggots, perversion and grooming, oh my! Faggots, perversion and grooming, oh my! Faggots, perversion and grooming, oh my! Faggots, perversion and grooming, oh my! Trump Trump Trump!
That's all that matters right?

I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain
Samuel Clemens has never known death.
Samuel Clemens has never known death.
Why because he's still alive in our minds? I agree. We all die twice. Once when we actually die and then when the last person on earth who remembers us dies.

But then again, that means today, none of us are going to die. At least not until the internet dies. Because our words have been uploaded to the cloud. So in a way, my words live forever too. So do yours.

I have this cool picture of some relatives from the 1800's. They still haven't died. My nephews will have that picture. Hopefully they pass it on.
Why because he's still alive in our minds? I agree. We all die twice. Once when we actually die and then when the last person on earth who remembers us dies.

But then again, that means today, none of us are going to die. At least not until the internet dies. Because our words have been uploaded to the cloud. So in a way, my words live forever too. So do yours.

I have this cool picture of some relatives from the 1800's. They still haven't died. My nephews will have that picture. Hopefully they pass it on.
We are not who you believe we are. None of us have died, we are eternal
We are not who you believe we are. None of us have died, we are eternal
Eternal only moving forward or have you always been eternal? Because I think when you die, it will be just like what it was like for you 2 years before your parents had you. Do you remember what it was like 2 years before your parents created you?

So if your parents didn't have sex that night you were conceived, you would have never been born. So your eternalness is only IF two humans make love and give birth to you. Once you are a human, you are eternal after that?

Is there also a magical place called heaven waiting for you?
I submit to you that we need to deal with real world problems like climate change, poverty, wealth disparity and much more instead of obsessing about gender identity and sexual practices. If there is a God, and if she is a just God, any plagues and misery cast upon us is because of our flagrant abuses of human rights, bigotry, greed, and the willful destruction of the earth.
So God sends plagues and disasters that effect everyone, to punish those who do wrong and those who do right?

A lot like how Biden shuts down oil and gas to spite the republicans irregardless of the fact that EVERYONE depends on and needs oil and gas products!

Gee, do you think that maybe Joe and God are working together to smite the planet? :smoke:
A lot like how Biden shuts down oil and gas to spite the republicans irregardless of the fact that EVERYONE depends on and needs oil and gas products!

Gee, do you think that maybe Joe and God are working together to smite the planet? :smoke:
Party politics is the bane of our existence.
I submit to you that we need to deal with real world problems like climate change, poverty, wealth disparity and much more instead of obsessing about gender identity and sexual practices. If there is a God, and if she is a just God, any plagues and misery cast upon us is because of our flagrant abuses of human rights, bigotry, greed, and the willful destruction of the earth.
What a load of leftist retarded fake bullshit.
Is a worm eternal? Why us not them?
You see yourself as a physical being, you are not. You are an energy being sharing a life experience with one of the physical beings ( In the case of the planet Earth humans are the being of choice. ).
Source? What the hell do you mean? Open your eyes and pull your head out of that dark and smelly placer where the sun don't shine.
A source for this:
"If there is a God, and if she is a just God, any plagues and misery cast upon us is because of our flagrant abuses of human rights, bigotry, greed, and the willful destruction of the earth."

You can't say what God would or would not do and expect that your say-so will do just fine, can you? So what is the source for this information?

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