Is acceptance of Sodomy, and taking Pride in Homo Sin, causing God to send plagues to us on Earth?like Covid?

This reminds me of a simple challenge:

Name ONE statement of morality that could not be made by an atheist.

See you in never.

Now, name some immoral statements that could only be made by theists.

Several instantly leap to mind.

To say we need to believe in gods to have morality is childish and stupid.
Nobody is. Good and evil have as much substance as they are given. These abstract concepts are artifacts of our introspective self awareness.

We have greatly improved our morality and ethics since these first and worst attempts at both.

Even your morality chiefly arises from where and when you were born. You delude yourself to think you get it from an iron age book of mythology.
My morality comes from God...

Yours was written by you. just lost the intellectual time try coming armed to the battle of wits.
My morality comes from God..
Nah, you delude yourself. As evidenced by your morality being modern and far superior to the average goober from the year 1350, despite having g the same God and same, iron age handbook.

Your morality comes chiefly from your upbringing. Your family and friends.
Yours was written by you.
Also not totally true. I had a LOT of help. just lost the intellectual argument..
What a joke. You think you won an intellectual argument, by saying "God did it, I win"?

I am cool with anyone believing anything they want. But this proud anti-intellectualism and self delusion is a real-world, negative consequence of your magical beliefs.
I'll give this thread the amount of attention it deserves.. from a serious Catholic.

Yes, God controls things, but also allows things. Sometimes he punishes people.. do we know when that is vs. when something bad happens to somebody? No.

So, whenever someone tries to say "God is punishing you for X".. just know they have no idea what they're talking about.

That's all.
I'll give this thread the amount of attention it deserves.. from a serious Catholic.

Yes, God controls things, but also allows things. Sometimes he punishes people.. do we know when that is vs. when something bad happens to somebody? No.

So, whenever someone tries to say "God is punishing you for X".. just know they have no idea what they're talking about.

That's all.
Goes for all of it, really.
I'll give this thread the amount of attention it deserves.. from a serious Catholic.

Yes, God controls things, but also allows things. Sometimes he punishes people.. do we know when that is vs. when something bad happens to somebody? No.

So, whenever someone tries to say "God is punishing you for X".. just know they have no idea what they're talking about.

That's all.

no, that is taken care of by choosing to control one's own destiny - at least those not living in someone's basement or needing an artificial book to hide behind.
Nah, you delude yourself. As evidenced by your morality being modern and far superior to the average goober from the year 1350, despite having g the same God and same, iron age handbook.

Your morality comes chiefly from your upbringing. Your family and friends.

Also not totally true. I had a LOT of help.

What a joke. You think you won an intellectual argument, by saying "God did it, I win"?

I am cool with anyone believing anything they want. But this proud anti-intellectualism and self delusion is a real-world, negative consequence of your magical beliefs.
You are ridiculous. Absolute laughing stock.
I submit to you all that accepting Homosexuality,Transexualism, Lesbianis, beastiality as normal, is causing God to unleash all different kinds of plagues upon us as punishment.Covid 19 being the most obvious one. We must go back to obeying Gods commandments to rid ourselves of these plagues. Your thoughts. The Bibles Book of Revelations stated that this would occur.
The Western World is done.

I'll give this thread the amount of attention it deserves.. from a serious Catholic.

Yes, God controls things, but also allows things. Sometimes he punishes people.. do we know when that is vs. when something bad happens to somebody? No.

So, whenever someone tries to say "God is punishing you for X".. just know they have no idea what they're talking about.

That's all.

You must have missed this truth-Matthew 23(--do not call any man on earth FATHER--This is about a spiritual teacher, not a dad. Simple bible milk-The religion that came out of Rome has had over 1700 years to learn simple bible milk, but they havent. Do you really think they can understand the meat when they cant understand simple bible milk? i say-RUN FROM THEM-2Corinthians 11;12-15

Revelation does mentions plagues being unleashed upon the earth at the end. There is no proof God did Covid. there is proof men did it. Is it just Genocide of the elderly and the weak. It originated in the usa. They took it to China.
I submit to you all that accepting Homosexuality,Transexualism, Lesbianis, beastiality as normal, is causing God to unleash all different kinds of plagues upon us as punishment.Covid 19 being the most obvious one. We must go back to obeying Gods commandments to rid ourselves of these plagues. Your thoughts. The Bibles Book of Revelations stated that this would occur.

Viruses have been around a lot long than humans, and a lot, lot, lot longer than your religion.

In fact, viruses might be the way that creatures have learned to change, adapt. They transmit information from one creature to another, or from one species to another, so we can learn from each other, improve, or die if we're not up to it.
I submit to you all that accepting Homosexuality,Transexualism, Lesbianis, beastiality as normal, is causing God to unleash all different kinds of plagues upon us as punishment.Covid 19 being the most obvious one. We must go back to obeying Gods commandments to rid ourselves of these plagues. Your thoughts. The Bibles Book of Revelations stated that this would occur.
I submit to you that the coming of the Lord will be proceeded by much more than just this evil making. It was the sin of Adam that unleashed death upon mankind. And, sin will continue to do so until we can all unity in Christ. Since that isn't happening, we will have to wait until the 2nd coming of Christ and the Millennium.
We see also that in the entire Old Testament and New - never do we find anyone ever physically recorded as having been stoned to death for adultery.

It just was never recorded in the Bible.

It may or possibly or probably did happen - however, there is not a single recorded instance or incident that tells that anyone was ever stoned to death for adultery.

The point to the law was orbiting around disease prevention, I believe that stoning to death simply did not occur in the way that people imagine or envision.

The Law was given at the time of Moses, there were diseases, plagues and viruses that were killing thousands of people in just a single day and at this time - yes - there were people recorded as having been killed for committing immoral sex acts and literally infecting others and bringing diseases and plagues into the encampment of the Israelites.

But after this catastrophic event in Moses's lifetime and by him the law was given - however, after Moses we can not point to a single incident where anyone was killed for sexual immorality.

Also, after Moses was gone, the following prophets after him, did not repeat this law.

The prophets after Moses did not declare that the death penalty was important for breaking sexually related blood crimes. Even the homosexuals were never killed. the kings simply told them to leave the area and they were put out of the land.

This law was given during a time period in which diseases and sicknesses were prevalent and spreading to thousands of innocent people and the law was given specifically to prevent people infecting others with sexually transmitted diseases.

If a woman was dishonest and lying about her BLOOD related activities and had had blood transitions with other males and was lying to another man about this - then the law was there to protect a man who would otherwise be a victim of a possible disease or sickness .

A woman who had sexual relations with other men would then lie about this and proceed to marry a man who has 4 or 6 other wives - and this potential sickness or disease would be spread to him and all of his other multiple wives and all of their future children would also become sick and diseased before they knew that the new wife was lying about her BLOOD CRIME....

blood crimes are real -

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