Is acceptance of Sodomy, and taking Pride in Homo Sin, causing God to send plagues to us on Earth?like Covid?

As mankind matures your religion will die out.
As mankind matures, it is more likely more will seek God rather than will be excusing him/herself from taking the time and doing the work. They also might take the time to learn to read and correctly assess scripture--particularly Hebrew scripture.
That sums up your rejection. There are better ways to approach God than 'kowtowing' (etymology from the Chinese to knock heads). Again, I regret it did not work for you. Or your friends.
Your approach just seems to make God to be whatever you want and need him to be.

A healthy approach, really. If you stuck to the Bible about what Yahweh is, you would be bowing to an evil God.
Lets not accuse God of evil. God is always good. God is always so busy being good that He doesn't have time to curse anyone.

All of creation is Holy...
"Cursed is the Earth because of you..." Is an explanation about the Earth in that it is cursed because the earth doesn't forgive.

Meaning that the whole universe is against homosexuality. It isn't part of God's design for people. So the whole universe is seeking to destroy all of those who are sinning.
God will forgive (when people repent and ask)
People might forgive...(limited amounts...they aren't perfect)
The Earth and the environment has no capacity for it offers none.
I submit to you all that accepting Homosexuality,Transexualism, Lesbianis, beastiality as normal, is causing God to unleash all different kinds of plagues upon us as punishment.Covid 19 being the most obvious one. We must go back to obeying Gods commandments to rid ourselves of these plagues. Your thoughts. The Bibles Book of Revelations stated that this would occur.
What do you mean by "accepting"? Allowing them breathing privileges?
Your approach just seems to make God to be whatever you want and need him to be.

A healthy approach, really. If you stuck to the Bible about what Yahweh is, you would be bowing to an evil God.
It is a new year. You may remember last year I chose to stop responding to you. I am interested in discussion, not insults, not fights. How many days we last this year is up to you.

My approach is the knowledge of what God is: Love.

When one knows God is love, Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) can be puzzling to Christians whose understanding flows through the perspective of modern English. I had two options: Dismiss Hebrew Scriptures because clearly those ancient writers had no knowledge of God. Or, accept they, too, knew God (as they said) and devote research and study to figure out why they presented God as they did. Clearly, you have no knowledge of God, because if you did, you would not call Him evil. Nor did the ancient Hebrews see Him as such.

What you do have is the modern English perspective of Hebrew Scripture, most likely seen from a Western and Christian lens. That lens is very different from the ancient, Hebrew lens.

What we accuse others of, is most often more true of ourselves. For example you say my approach "just seems to make God to be whatever I want and need him to be." Could it be Is that is more true for you than it is for me? For example, do you want and need God to be the way you see Him as reason to dismiss Him from your life?
What do you mean by "accepting"? Allowing them breathing privileges?
I would like to step in for a moment. "Accepting as normal" is not the same as denying "breathing privileges" to those who are not. I can name any number of ways where I am not "normal". It comes with being unique, and each one of us is.

Let us think about those who want society to "normalize" that which is outside the norm. Even math teaches us there are outliers. What is wrong with that? The answer, "Nothing, it just is." Hollywood. Politicians. Mainstream Media. They are like ignorant math teachers to tell students that there are no outliers, it just looks as though there are. Attentive math students know this is not the case.

In human society, sex between a man and a woman is the norm. It simply is. There are also outliers: Gay, bisexuals, transgenders, pedophilia, bestiality, etc. A couple of these rightly have stigma attached to them. A few are working to have stigma removed. Still outlier, BUT ONLY WHEN IT COMES TO SEXUALITY. No stigma. I think there are very few people where the first thing they want people to know about them, and the first thing they want remembered about them, is sexual preference. Ewww. There is so much more to ALL of us. It is time politicians, Hollywood, and the Mainstream Media see this.
no, but can the good, hate ... doubt they love the devil.

... from the old day's - beats pregnancy - so they made it a sin, same as abortion - the who's who of 4th century crucifiers. religion gone bad. hetero, of course.
Infantacide has always been a sin...
And abortionsers always hated.

The guy who carried Jesus' cross was an abortion advocate. Simon of Cyrene sold abortifacient for a living.

The imagery is horrendous. Nothing else was a worse punishment except for Judas.
As mankind matures, it is more likely more will seek God rather than will be excusing him/herself from taking the time and doing the work. They also might take the time to learn to read and correctly assess scripture--particularly Hebrew scripture.
Or not.

As mankind matures, people will come to acknowledge the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists and correctly assess scripture as being written by men – just as fallible as men, and devoid of authoritative merit.

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