Is acceptance of Sodomy, and taking Pride in Homo Sin, causing God to send plagues to us on Earth?like Covid?

We all know what God did to Sodom and Gohmorah. America and Europe are the modern day Sodom and Gohmorah. God will have more plagues to unleash upon the sinful sodomites.
The Bible says they will make sin look good, and Gods word look bad. We all know the Homosexuals and Lesbians seek to punish people who speak out against their sodomy and sinfull lifstyle. This evil sinfull way of life can not continue unpunished. God exist , and his commandments can not continue to be disobeyed. Taking pride in sin, as Homosexulas do, is a great sin in and of itself. These Homosexuals and lesbians are bringing the wrath of God upon us all here on the Earth.
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was the sin of lack of hospitality. That being said, the final chapters of tells us the observations of ancient man about nations. Nations decline, and one of the first signs that a nation is in decline is the lack of self discipline, in particular, lack of sexual discipline.

If they could, Ancient Man wouldn't show up today and warn us--if they could have, they would have shown up back in the 1960s and pointed to the lack of sexual discipline occurring then. So don't blame gays and transgenders. Heterosexuals opened the door and homosexuals and transgenders were foolish enough (after a couple of decades) to walk through as well.

Heterosexuals should keep quiet until after they clean up the mess they started. It is only then they might have a bit of advice that is in any way worthwhile to other groups.
I submit to you all that accepting Homosexuality,Transexualism, Lesbianis, beastiality as normal, is causing God to unleash all different kinds of plagues upon us as punishment.Covid 19 being the most obvious one. We must go back to obeying Gods commandments to rid ourselves of these plagues. Your thoughts. The Bibles Book of Revelations stated that this would occur.

Jesus= he who is without sin cast the first stone-- 1Corinthians 6:9-11, Galations 5:19-21--as well as all the false god worship on earth, Paul used Spiritism at Galations-The Greek word = Farmacia-thus drug addiction is apart of that. so both lists of those unacceptable sins which included homosexuality is just as bad in Gods view. Have you cleaned the timber out of your eye as Jesus teaches so that you can take the splinter out of your brothers eyes? 99% on earth do wicked things. If God sent covid it is because of all them, not just what you have said.
You are a complete nut to believe any ridiculous God has any effect on human beings.
As for covid, don't you republicans all think it was the Chinese? Should we now call them God?

The ten commandments is bullshit. Morals and ethics are a higher standard by which to live and don't be ignorant to say God gave them to us. He didn't.
The only plague we should be obliterating as ting is Religion itself.
People like you with your paranoia about God being responsible is pathetic. You prayed mumblers and Jesus junkies do more harm than good by wantimg to return to a thousand years ago when the world was covered with dickheads who believes there was a god.
It's popularity loss it typified by your ignorant injection of it into a rational debate.
Your thoughts aren't worth contemplating. You're ignorant and naive.

God destroyed Sodom because they engaged in sinfull acts,homosexuality, Lesbianism.God exist,
your non belief in him does not negate his existence. You sinners will all be cast in the lake of fire.
God does have an effect on the World. Human homosexual sin will be punished. The Devil has been your leader, you and your kind will be punished by God. The wages of sin is death. AIDS, heapatitis, are all plagues that God has cast upon homosexuals.
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was the sin of lack of hospitality.
Jude 1:7, NIV: "In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire."
God destroyed Sodom because they engaged in sinfull acts,homosexuality, Lesbianism.God exist,
your non belief in him does not negate his existence. You sinners will all be cast in the lake of fire.
God does have an effect on the World. Human homosexual sin will be punished. The Devil has been your leader, you and your kind will be punished by God. The wages of sin is death. AIDS, heapatitis, are all plagues that God has cast upon homosexuals.

There is no God and never has been. You have no irrefutable evidence there is or you would produce.
What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Like all the God botherers in America, you are a fraudulent charlatan.

As for getting punished by God, that's another typical religious threat by you insecure morons. Do You have unique access to what God is thinking? How could you possibly know because you have no evidence of anything. Its extremely arrogant of you to suggest you will go to some celestial utopia while judging the punishment and destination for your opponents.

You sound like a dedicated follower of that ratbag Falwell. He and Buchanan used to blame people's behaviour for floods etc.
You're are a raving God bothering brain dead moron.
Stick without your filthy bible. You're a complete moron.
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was the sin of lack of hospitality. That being said, the final chapters of tells us the observations of ancient man about nations. Nations decline, and one of the first signs that a nation is in decline is the lack of self discipline, in particular, lack of sexual discipline.

If they could, Ancient Man wouldn't show up today and warn us--if they could have, they would have shown up back in the 1960s and pointed to the lack of sexual discipline occurring then. So don't blame gays and transgenders. Heterosexuals opened the door and homosexuals and transgenders were foolish enough (after a couple of decades) to walk through as well.

Heterosexuals should keep quiet until after they clean up the mess they started. It is only then they might have a bit of advice that is in any way worthwhile to other groups.
How about the Progressive Heterosexuals who have fucked it up, along with the gays , dikes and trannies. They keep fucking it up for everyone.
How about the Progressive Heterosexuals who have fucked it up, along with the gays , dikes and trannies. They keep fucking it up for everyone.
One nation, under God....

We have proven ourselves a people who reject the rule of God for the rule of the wealthy and powerful. For example, if insisted on the rule of God, when leaders said, "Divorce is fine" there would have been no divorce. When they said, "Abortion is fine" there would have been no abortion. When they said, "Any kind of sex is fine between consenting adults" sexual activity would have still been confined to marriage.

But the people--and I mean all of us to a certain extent--decided God's rule was too strict and they turned to man. Next Conservatives were too strict, so they turned to "Progressives". Here's the deal. Anyone with any type of authority can get a little over sixty percent of the population to follow along, no matter how bad the idea is. It's human nature. Any bad idea is going to get the support of the majority of the populace.

In the past, there were new frontiers, but none are available to us today. The Forty Percent are stuck with the Sixty Percent. It is what happens when self-discipline is put aside. The ancients saw it; people in later Biblical times saw it; and we see it playing out today. Yes, it may more be most obvious in our sexual proclivities, but we let many things slip even before we got to that point.
One nation, under God....

We have proven ourselves a people who reject the rule of God for the rule of the wealthy and powerful. For example, if insisted on the rule of God, when leaders said, "Divorce is fine" there would have been no divorce. When they said, "Abortion is fine" there would have been no abortion. When they said, "Any kind of sex is fine between consenting adults" sexual activity would have still been confined to marriage.

But the people--and I mean all of us to a certain extent--decided God's rule was too strict and they turned to man. Next Conservatives were too strict, so they turned to "Progressives". Here's the deal. Anyone with any type of authority can get a little over sixty percent of the population to follow along, no matter how bad the idea is. It's human nature. Any bad idea is going to get the support of the majority of the populace.

In the past, there were new frontiers, but none are available to us today. The Forty Percent are stuck with the Sixty Percent. It is what happens when self-discipline is put aside. The ancients saw it; people in later Biblical times saw it; and we see it playing out today. Yes, it may more be most obvious in our sexual proclivities, but we let many things slip even before we got to that point.
The American people are rejecting hateful, tribal, disgusting religions. There is nothing of God in your religion.
There is no God and never has been. You have no irrefutable evidence there is or you would produce.
What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Like all the God botherers in America, you are a fraudulent charlatan.

As for getting punished by God, that's another typical religious threat by you insecure morons. Do You have unique access to what God is thinking? How could you possibly know because you have no evidence of anything. Its extremely arrogant of you to suggest you will go to some celestial utopia while judging the punishment and destination for your opponents.

You sound like a dedicated follower of that ratbag Falwell. He and Buchanan used to blame people's behaviour for floods etc.
You're are a raving God bothering brain dead moron.
Stick without your filthy bible. You're a complete moron.
I largely agree with you, there is no religious God. A Creator force / being does exist. It requires nothing of us, except to advance ourselves, love one another and become what destiny plans for us.
The American people are rejecting hateful, tribal, disgusting religions. There is nothing of God in your religion.
And there you would be wrong. However, I do understand some have a bad experience with religion and don't recover. You experience is not everyone's.
And there you would be wrong. However, I do understand some have a bad experience with religion and don't recover. You experience is not everyone's.
None of my neighbors go to church anymore. There's no desire to. There is no God of love in these hateful religions. And I mean the big three judgmental tribal ones; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They have always been and hopefully will not continue to be a scourge on this planet. Religion is a cop out on what humanity is supposed to be. Responsibility relies on man's humanity to his fellow man, not cow towing to some religious god.
None of my neighbors go to church anymore. There's no desire to. There is no God of love in these hateful religions.
No desire for God, no love of God. As I said, I am sorry this has been your experience, but your experience is not the experience of all. God is there, and He is pure love. Seek and find. It is worth the effort.
Responsibility relies on man's humanity to his fellow man, not cow towing to some religious god.
That sums up your rejection. There are better ways to approach God than 'kowtowing' (etymology from the Chinese to knock heads). Again, I regret it did not work for you. Or your friends.
No desire for God, no love of God. As I said, I am sorry this has been your experience, but your experience is not the experience of all. God is there, and He is pure love. Seek and find. It is worth the effort.
Your God has a hate love relationship to mankind. It is very sick. The bottom line is Christianity should have never existed in the first place. The teachings of Jesus were pure and simple love one another, find the good in everyone in every situation. It was a beautiful philosophy and that's all it was meant to be. Jesus actually hated religion, he grew to understand how corrupt and evil it was.
That sums up your rejection. There are better ways to approach God than 'kowtowing' (etymology from the Chinese to knock heads). Again, I regret it did not work for you. Or your friends.
As mankind matures your religion will die out. Change is the one thing we can depend on in this life on Earth. 2000 years is too long for a lie to exist.

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