CDZ Is Affirmative Action racist?

Is Affirmative Action racist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
No argument in that affirmative action was the immediate political solution and racist, however, failed to address the central core at the hart of the problem, that of education. Accountability, teacher competency, and measurable results were swept under the rug for the benefit of those demanding more and more money to deliver mediocre results. How is it that private and charter schools manage to graduate competent college ready students at the same time public school system struggles to even graduate literate students? One key factor is parent involvement, the second is the quality of teachers. Why if everything is equal is an Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, Native American, or Back person judged not on accomplishment and ability but on race as a preference in college admission? The political justification dictating affirmative action defeats the objective of educating students and preparing them to be constructive citizens.Tax payers deserve better, accountability and measurable results based on competency and ability.
The role of racism in our education system is long and winding. It was once against the law to teach black slaves to read. Our local school board control and property tax funding for public schools guaranteed that "separate but equal" schools would never be equal. The range of per-pupil funding across the public school landscape is, even today, enormous.

The problems in the classroom don't originate in the classroom. The wild inequities in our neighborhoods create problems which schools cannot solve, problems that make effective education difficult, almost impossible. The disparities in public education are the principle bulwark of a class system which, historically and at its heart, is racist. So the cycle begins again.

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