Is AIDS God's way of punishing homosexuality?

Mr. P said:
And hey, don’t forget, Sickle cell anemia is Gods way of punishing Black folks for being Black, too. :rolleyes:

No, malaria is God's way of punishing people who live in crapholes and sickle cell anemia is God's way of protecting the black people from it, since no black person can ever move out of a craphole without the help of the Democratic party and God doesn't trust Democrats to get the job done.

If anybody think's I'm serious, go beat yourself in the face with a rubber chicken until you develop a sense of humor.
Hasn't God punished the masses before according to the Bible? Weren't 'innocents' killed during those types of events as well? Saying that God letting an innocent child die of HIV is cruel is the same as saying God is at fault when a kid is killed by a bus. Maybe God wants these innocent people up in heaven.
The ClayTaurus said:
So what lesson does God teach us through cancer?

Depends what kind, depends how you are living your life, and it depends how you respond to adversity.

You can learn something from anything if you are willing to try.
Remember, children dying is only hurtful to those who remain. To the child, they are instantly with God - it's actually BETTER for the kid. :)
I also wanted to point out, that God knew that AIDs and other STDs was coming. Did you ever think that the reason He gave men commandments to protect them from the calamnities that He knew people would face?
Avatar4321 said:
I also wanted to point out, that God knew that AIDs and other STDs was coming. Did you ever think that the reason He gave men commandments to protect them from the calamnities that He knew people would face?

Nail hit on head. I'm convinced 99% of what God calls 'sin' is forbidden in God's efforts to keep us from 'ourselves'. God ONLY does things which are 'best' for us. His efforts are to HELP us live better lives. In our sinful, carnal minds, however, we feel we can do things 'better'. :(
dmp said:
Remember, children dying is only hurtful to those who remain. To the child, they are instantly with God - it's actually BETTER for the kid. :)

So you're pro choice?
KarlMarx said:
After twenty years of "safe sex" education you might expect the HIV/AIDS infection rate to be decreasing or, at least, stable. That is not the case, the number of HIV/AIDS cases is now increasing. Clearly, education is not enough.

Go here:
and look at the graphs. It is obvious that "safe sex" education has been effective against STDs...they're even talking about the extinction of syphillis as a possibility in the very near future.

The spread of AIDS in Africa is a direct result of their cultural bias against the use of condoms. IMO, the increases here in the states are due more to sharing needles than promiscuity.
Powerman said:
So you're pro choice?

You mean Pro-Death?

No. I'm saying we should take comfort in knowing illnesses brought on by unexplained circumstances which MAY lead to the death of a child may not be so bad for the kid.

Ladies hiring doctors to kill their unborn babies is morally reprehensible.
dmp said:
You mean Pro-Death?

No. I'm saying we should take comfort in knowing illnesses brought on by unexplained circumstances which MAY lead to the death of a child may not be so bad for the kid.

Ladies hiring doctors to kill their unborn babies is morally reprehensible.

But all of these unborn babies would go to heaven right? If I believed what you did I would want as many people to have abortions as possible. Afterall these unborn babies are lucky to go straight to heaven without even having the oppurtunity to mess up like the rest of us.

And as for the first do you expect anyone to take you seriously with statements like that?
Powerman said:
But all of these unborn babies would go to heaven right? If I believed what you did I would want as many people to have abortions as possible. Afterall these unborn babies are lucky to go straight to heaven without even having the oppurtunity to mess up like the rest of us.

And as for the first do you expect anyone to take you seriously with statements like that?

My question is how do you expect anyone to take you seriously? Are you that bigotted and blinded that you couldnt see the difference in finding comfort when a child dies from a disease and supporting the murder of those children?
Avatar4321 said:
My question is how do you expect anyone to take you seriously? Are you that bigotted and blinded that you couldnt see the difference in finding comfort when a child dies from a disease and supporting the murder of those children?

No I really don't find comfort seeing a child die from a disease. What kind of twisted person would find that comforting? I can understand if you mean that they don't have to suffer anymore. But to suggest that it is comforting that children born with AIDS die at a young age is just cruel and heartless. It seems to be very inconsistent to be pro-life and find comfort in kids dying of diseases they were born with. Anyone else think this is a little bit backwards?
Powerman said:
No I really don't find comfort seeing a child die from a disease. What kind of twisted person would find that comforting? I can understand if you mean that they don't have to suffer anymore. But to suggest that it is comforting that children born with AIDS die at a young age is just cruel and heartless. It seems to be very inconsistent to be pro-life and find comfort in kids dying of diseases they were born with. Anyone else think this is a little bit backwards?

There's nothing wrong with trying to find a little comfort in otherwise tragic events that you have no control over.
The ClayTaurus said:
There's nothing wrong with trying to find a little comfort in otherwise tragic events that you have no control over.

I can agree with that. You seem rational. 3 cheers for sweet revenge :cheers2:

I like you clay
Semper Fi said:
Just a thought.

By the way, this thread is not meant to be a slam to children and straight people who have AIDS or HIV, moreover it is meant to be a philosophical discussion.

If it is he sure messed up because heteros catch it, too.
no...this is not a curse from god on gay folks....if it was..... gay women would be getting it at the same rate and all of the poor hetros in africa would be A ok

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