Is America Facing Its Worst Danger in 238 Years ??

The New York Times article reads >> "Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S." They're talking about the nuclear weapons in the arsenal of Pakistan. And the possibility of some of those going missing, being stolen by Islamist jihadists.

No doubt about the threat. The Muslim crazies in Pakistan have repeatedly attacked the storage facilities of these nukes. . The situation is so bad that Pakistan now moves these warheads around in ordinary cargo vans (like UPS), through ordinary streets, to keep the jihadists from focusing in on their locations. Problem is though, this also makes them dangerously susceptible to attack, if/whenever the gooneybirds manage to find the vans. On top of that, the Pakistani govt. is quite fragile, and if toppled by the Muslim loonies, the nukes would quickly be in the hands of the same people who attacked us on 9/11 and Fort Hood. In Afghanistan, it is essential for US troops to be in close proximity to Pakistan and it's arsenal of 100+ nuclear warheads. With the troops in Afghanistan, they can be close enough to the Paki nukes to quickly get to them, and secure them from the jihadists.
Note: If I had my way, the troops would enter Pakistan now and secure those nukes, and bring them back to the US, or to another safe location far away from al Qaeda's central operations.

Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S. | Tampa Bay Times

WikiLeaks cables highlight Pakistani nuclear terror threat | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan: Nuclear Arsenal Will Be Protected By 8,000 Trainees, Military Says

Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' |

Why Pakistan's nuclear bombs are a threat | Asia | DW.DE | 09.04.2013

Pakistan trains 8,000 to guard nuclear arsenal ?

Fear mongering from the perpetual warfare crowd.

Revelation of disconnect from reality.

PS - Wikileaks, "perpetual warfare crowd" ? Your foolishness is showing.

Huffington post ? Better think that one again.
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The New York Times article reads >> "Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S." They're talking about the nuclear weapons in the arsenal of Pakistan. And the possibility of some of those going missing, being stolen by Islamist jihadists.

No doubt about the threat. The Muslim crazies in Pakistan have repeatedly attacked the storage facilities of these nukes. . The situation is so bad that Pakistan now moves these warheads around in ordinary cargo vans (like UPS), through ordinary streets, to keep the jihadists from focusing in on their locations. Problem is though, this also makes them dangerously susceptible to attack, if/whenever the gooneybirds manage to find the vans. On top of that, the Pakistani govt. is quite fragile, and if toppled by the Muslim loonies, the nukes would quickly be in the hands of the same people who attacked us on 9/11 and Fort Hood. In Afghanistan, it is essential for US troops to be in close proximity to Pakistan and it's arsenal of 100+ nuclear warheads. With the troops in Afghanistan, they can be close enough to the Paki nukes to quickly get to them, and secure them from the jihadists.
Note: If I had my way, the troops would enter Pakistan now and secure those nukes, and bring them back to the US, or to another safe location far away from al Qaeda's central operations.

Afghan pullout seen as new threat for U.S. | Tampa Bay Times

WikiLeaks cables highlight Pakistani nuclear terror threat | World news | The Guardian

Pakistan: Nuclear Arsenal Will Be Protected By 8,000 Trainees, Military Says

Enough about Iran, Pakistan's nuclear threat should be our top concern | Fox News

'Pakistan nuclear weapons' threat under estimated' |

Why Pakistan's nuclear bombs are a threat | Asia | DW.DE | 09.04.2013

Pakistan trains 8,000 to guard nuclear arsenal ?

Fear mongering from the perpetual warfare crowd.

They wont be happy until we have a presence in every country and people not afriad to die blowing up our cities back here in the US. How intelligent do you have to be before you realize this war thing creates terrorism.

EARTH TO ASCLEPIAS: Muslim terrorism is rampant throughout the Koran, which Muslim loons believe is the word of God. Consequently, Muslim imperialism/terrorism/aggression/conquest has been going on for 1400 years, having killed 270 million people around the world. The Christian lands of Asia Minor, North Africa and southern Europe didn't attack Muslims. In every case, it was maruading Muslims who attacked them. It's what they do. The Hindus of India didn't attack Muslims. Muslims atttacked an killed tens of millions of them. Ever read the Koran ? Try it some time.

Basra attacked/conquered - 634 AD

Damascus attacked/conquered - 635 AD

Ctesiphon attacked/conquered - 636 AD

Alexandria attacked/conquered - 641 AD

Sicily attacked/conquered - 666 AD

Kabul attacked/conquered - 670 AD

Jerusalem attacked/conquered - 687 AD

Carthage attacked/conquered - 698 AD

Southern Spain attacked/conquered - 711 AD

Narbonne (Southern France) attacked/conquered - 720 AD

Battle of Poitiers (France) - Muslim advance halted - 732 AD

Armenia attacked/conquered - 1064 AD

Battle of Manzikert - 1071 AD

Nicaea attacked/conquered - 1331 AD

Kosovo attacked/conquered - 1389 AD

Bulgaria attacked/conquered - 1393 AD

Constantinople attacked - 1453 AD

Greece attacked/conquered - 1460 AD

Belgrade attacked/conquered - 1521 AD

Siege of Vienna (attacked) - Muslim advance halted - 1683 AD
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Earth to Protectionist. Christian terrorism has overrun the world. I dont get your point?

Oh please. I think something weird has overrun your mind. You know how many times of heard that piece of NONSENSE ? There is no such thing as Christian terrorism, and if you can cite some to me, let's her it.
Earth to Protectionist. Christian terrorism has overrun the world. I dont get your point?

Oh please. I think something weird has overrun your mind. You know how many times of heard that piece of NONSENSE ? There is no such thing as Christian terrorism, and if you can cite some to me, let's her it.

Where should I start? Lets see how about the papal bull to set up historical context?

Untitled Document

Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas on 18 June, 1452. It authorised Alfonso V of Portugal to reduce any “Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other unbelievers” to perpetual slavery.

Using this doctrine Columbus wiped out the Arawak Indians in the Bahamas. Should I go on or do you get the picture sufficiently enough to realize how stupid you sound?
Earth to Protectionist. Christian terrorism has overrun the world. I dont get your point?

Oh please. I think something weird has overrun your mind. You know how many times of heard that piece of NONSENSE ? There is no such thing as Christian terrorism, and if you can cite some to me, let's her it.

Where should I start? Lets see how about the papal bull to set up historical context?

Untitled Document

Pope Nicholas V issued the papal bull Dum Diversas on 18 June, 1452. It authorised Alfonso V of Portugal to reduce any “Saracens (Muslims) and pagans and any other unbelievers” to perpetual slavery.

Using this doctrine Columbus wiped out the Arawak Indians in the Bahamas. Should I go on or do you get the picture sufficiently enough to realize how stupid you sound?

I get the same picture I got when you first made THIS idiotic statement >> "Christian terrorism has overrun the world." And then you try to justify it with one relatively tiny instance involving Columbus, who, even if his men killed some Indians, that's not Christianity doing it, most of the Arawks were wiped out by disease, and the Bahamas isn't "the world." Strike 1, 2, 3, and 4.

So, basing "Christian terrorism has overrun the world.", on Pope Nicholas V's Dum Diversas, huh ? Pheeeeeww!!

EARTH TO A: DD only affected a tiny portion of the world, didn't last long (it was cancelled by Pope Paul III, with the papal bull Sublimus Dei), and as I said, most North American Indians died of infectious dieases (like smallpox) brought inadvertantly by Europeans.

Nice try though, A. Fact is , overwhelmingly conquistadores throughout the Americas, even during the short-lived DD period, didn't give a rat's ass about any religion. They were after gold, silver, treasures, and patriotic glory. As far as Christianity was concerned, sure they had missionaries, but they were not military men, were not fighters, and more often wound up killed by the people they tried to convert.

Sublimus Dei
"We, who, though unworthy, exercise on earth the power of our Lord and seek with all our might to bring those sheep of His flock who are outside into the fold committed to our charge, consider, however, that the Indians are truly men and that they are not only capable of understanding the Catholic Faith but, according to our information, they desire exceedingly to receive it. Desiring to provide ample remedy for these evils, We define and declare by these Our letters, or by any translation thereof signed by any notary public and sealed with the seal of any ecclesiastical dignitary, to which the same credit shall be given as to the originals, that, notwithstanding whatever may have been or may be said to the contrary, the said Indians and all other people who may later be discovered by Christians, are by no means to be deprived of their liberty or the possession of their property, even though they be outside the faith of Jesus Christ; and that they may and should, freely and legitimately, enjoy their liberty and the possession of their property; nor should they be in any way enslaved; should the contrary happen, it shall be null and have no effect."

Arawak peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sublimus Dei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In contrast to this relatively microscopic piece of history, Muslim marauders have killed over 270 million people, over 1400 years, ALL OVER THE WORLD. 120 million Africans, 80 million Hindus, 60 million Christians, 10 million Buddhists. No religion, cult, ideology or nation even comes close to this horrific figure (and Muslims are still at it today)
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