Is an NK EMP attack on the US possible? The answer is 'maybe'.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This is the best article I've found on the possibility of a North Korean EMP attack on the US. The "Starfish Prime" event that documented the effects of a small EMP burst near Hawaii notes that Hawaii was on the outskirts of the burst field and thus did not feel the full effects of the EMP. It seems NK could potentially float an EMP device via balloon and cause damage to the US. I would hope we have the ability to detect such a slow moving contraption and shoot it down over the ocean. The article is worth a read. Draw your own conclusions.
North Korea Nuclear EMP Attack: An Existential Threat | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea
If only Trump would follow in obamas footsteps and make some sort of nuke deal with them..
This is the best article I've found on the possibility of a North Korean EMP attack on the US. The "Starfish Prime" event that documented the effects of a small EMP burst near Hawaii notes that Hawaii was on the outskirts of the burst field and thus did not feel the full effects of the EMP. It seems NK could potentially float an EMP device via balloon and cause damage to the US. I would hope we have the ability to detect such a slow moving contraption and shoot it down over the ocean. The article is worth a read. Draw your own conclusions.
North Korea Nuclear EMP Attack: An Existential Threat | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

If N. Korea was to use EMP to take out the US electrical grid, a balloon is not the way to do it.

All it would really take is an ICBM that is launched, and detonated 11 to 15 miles above the Earth, and in the center of the country. The EMP generated would knock out most of the US power grid.
This is the best article I've found on the possibility of a North Korean EMP attack on the US. The "Starfish Prime" event that documented the effects of a small EMP burst near Hawaii notes that Hawaii was on the outskirts of the burst field and thus did not feel the full effects of the EMP. It seems NK could potentially float an EMP device via balloon and cause damage to the US. I would hope we have the ability to detect such a slow moving contraption and shoot it down over the ocean. The article is worth a read. Draw your own conclusions.
North Korea Nuclear EMP Attack: An Existential Threat | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

A balloon? How big is this balloon going to be?

Man, I wish had some of your imaginations! I could make TV and movies a lot less believable.
This is the best article I've found on the possibility of a North Korean EMP attack on the US. The "Starfish Prime" event that documented the effects of a small EMP burst near Hawaii notes that Hawaii was on the outskirts of the burst field and thus did not feel the full effects of the EMP. It seems NK could potentially float an EMP device via balloon and cause damage to the US. I would hope we have the ability to detect such a slow moving contraption and shoot it down over the ocean. The article is worth a read. Draw your own conclusions.
North Korea Nuclear EMP Attack: An Existential Threat | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

If N. Korea was to use EMP to take out the US electrical grid, a balloon is not the way to do it.

All it would really take is an ICBM that is launched, and detonated 11 to 15 miles above the Earth, and in the center of the country. The EMP generated would knock out most of the US power grid.

First, we have to assume they have a missile capable of reaching the center of the continental US.. At present, they don't.

Second, we would have to assume their nuclear weapons had developed to the point they could produce an EMP device. There is no evidence they can produce anything of the sort.

Third, we would have to assume they made the device small enough to fit on the missile which they do not have, which they have shown no ability to do ad of yet.

Lastly, we would immediately annihilate NK if they launched a missile at the US. Does Un have a death wish for his entire country?.
The article suggests the possibility of a low tech vehicle for an EMP device such as a high altitude balloon that could be launched from the deck of a ship positioned near the US.

Whether it is a missile or some other deployment method, it does still come down to how crazy that fat head really is since as you say it would assure the annihilation of his country.
The article suggests the possibility of a low tech vehicle for an EMP device such as a high altitude balloon that could be launched from the deck of a ship positioned near the US.

Whether it is a missile or some other deployment method, it does still come down to how crazy that fat head really is since as you say it would assure the annihilation of his country.

A balloon that is big enough to carry a nuke capable of generating an EMP would be pretty fair sized, and easily picked up on radar.

Sorry, but there are no stealth ways to fly a balloon that I know of, the shape that works for effective flight is also one that shows up quite clearly on radar.

Add that to how slow it would be, and you have something that is easily shot out of the sky.

Besides...............even though there are balloons that are capable of that height, I wonder how they would know when to set off the nuke, and how would they do it, remote control?
The question should really be, is a US EMP attack on others possible? And i would have to say, absolutely yes.
This is the best article I've found on the possibility of a North Korean EMP attack on the US. The "Starfish Prime" event that documented the effects of a small EMP burst near Hawaii notes that Hawaii was on the outskirts of the burst field and thus did not feel the full effects of the EMP. It seems NK could potentially float an EMP device via balloon and cause damage to the US. I would hope we have the ability to detect such a slow moving contraption and shoot it down over the ocean. The article is worth a read. Draw your own conclusions.
North Korea Nuclear EMP Attack: An Existential Threat | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

Don’t have to be North Korea. Don’t have to be a nuclear missile.

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