Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

The atmosphere does not cause climate change.


Greenland and North America.

Increasing Co2 does not warm atmosphere


unfudged satellite and balloon data
How do you explain the fact that more than 99 out of every 100 scientists would call those the opinions of an idiot?
How do you explain the fact that more than 99 out of every 100 scientists would call those the opinions of an idiot?

What you define as a "scientist" is no such thing. What you call a scientist is a taxpayer funded conflicted fudgebaking liar who cannot explain a map of the Arctic... and has precisely ZERO REAL EVIDENCE to back up anything that pops out of her pie hole...
What you define as a "scientist" is no such thing. What you call a scientist is a taxpayer funded conflicted fudgebaking liar who cannot explain a map of the Arctic... and has precisely ZERO REAL EVIDENCE to back up anything that pops out of her pie hole...
If you actually believe that, you've got some serious mental problems you need to deal with.
Where's your fucking data?

That is DATA, that after $20 trillion wasted and stolen your side cannot explain

WHY is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but trees and moose north of Arctic Circle on Alaska??

Jeopardy! music still playing
That is DATA, that after $20 trillion wasted and stolen your side cannot explain

WHY is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but trees and moose north of Arctic Circle on Alaska??

Jeopardy! music still playing
No one gives a fuck about your geographic fantasies.

You claim CO2 is not warming the planet. Show us your data.

You claim there has been no temperature increase. Show us your data.

You claim there has been no rise in sea level. Show us your data.
That is DATA, that after $20 trillion wasted and stolen your side cannot explain

WHY is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but trees and moose north of Arctic Circle on Alaska??

Jeopardy! music still playing
Hey dumbo. You don’t know the difference between sea ice and snow ice do you ? One is caused by increased snow events do to warmer temps and the other is decreased due to warmer temps. . Got another stupid question ?
Ask again….that will make the tenth time.
That is DATA, that after $20 trillion wasted and stolen your side cannot explain

WHY is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but trees and moose north of Arctic Circle on Alaska??

Jeopardy! music still playing
Why are people swimming and sunning themselves on the French Riviera when it's at roughly the same latitude as Kennebunkport, Maine?
We see in SunsetTommy's Signature two ideas/'truths' meant to show it isn't falsifiable and is therefore Not a Valid theory/truism.

“A theory that is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific.” – Karl Popper​
"The climate system is a coupled non linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible" --- IPCC​

But Of course, it is Falsifiable, and the two statements above do Not necessitate any conclusion.
Saying so is a non sequitur.

If ie, we hugely cut our emissions as a planet, and GHGs returned to what they were before man drove them up: (ie, CO2 50%/280-420; or Methane 3x,) and the warming didN'T gradually stop and even reverse, that would discredit the theory, BARRING other factors as the many Solar Cycles (Milankovich etc).

Because no one is claiming that it can't get cooler IF Weakening of Solar Forcing (earth tilt changed, or distance increased cyclically) (or a La Nina, etc) overrode it due to any event - foreseen or unforeseen - just that Man IS causing it to warm with these Aptly name Greenhouse gases. And if a weakening of the sun cooled it, it would still be warmer than it would otherwise have been due to our thicker GHG blanket.

In fact, the theory continues to be Validated (which is how science works). Theories, like Evo, Atomic, etc do not get Proven. (A 'God' could always pop up and say he is the cause of anything.)
Scientists have already tested this by directly measuring Solar energy hitting earth, and shown that is has NOT Changed in 50+ years... UNLIKE what has caused ALL the other warming/cooling cycles.

They have also measure solar energy being Reflected back out into space, and it is being Blocked/Trapped at the exact spectral wavelengths of - again - (the aptly named) Greenhouse Gases.

That/those two is one of the biggest reason we know.

Fuck you fossil fuel whores! Especially, Westfall! You're the biggest fossil fuel POS at this website!

Arguing against climate change, is as stupid as saying gravity plays no role in plane crashes!
Why are people swimming and sunning themselves on the French Riviera when it's at roughly the same latitude as Kennebunkport, Maine?

Everyone read that and stop and laugh... the "top climate scientists" cannot explain a FUCKING MAP OF THE ARCTIC after wasting $20 trillion lying about Co2....
Arguing against climate change

It takes a complete MORON to confuse Climate Change with Global Warming, the Co2 fraud.

Climate change is a science. On Earth, what drives climate change is the amount of ice, which is governed by how much land is near the poles, and land moves...

Global Warming aka Co2 based climate change is the most obvious fraud in science history and only complete invalids believe it....
Hey dumbo. You don’t know the difference between sea ice and snow ice do you ? One is caused by increased snow events do to warmer temps and the other is decreased due to warmer temps. . Got another stupid question ?
Ask again….that will make the tenth time.

Just did post it dufus. It you’re too ignorant to understand, that’s not my problem. You can just Google one of those 30 k institutes, and and govt agency payed to lie about CC from the democratic war chest. Geesus, even Putin is being paid by Hunter and Al Gore to lie about CC.

already did….several times.


Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland and trees and moose and no ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska...?

Map = DATA

Now answer or STFU

GeoGarage blog: Arctic Ocean: history and now


Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland and trees and moose and no ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska...?

Map = DATA

Now answer or STFU

GeoGarage blog: Arctic Ocean: history and now

Sea ice vs snow ice stooooopid. Google any climate science institute or agency ignoramuses. You’re talking to other stupid people.
Sea ice vs snow ice stooooopid.


Both are LAND MASSES idiot. Alaska has no ice age glacier. Greenland is covered head to toe with it. And the "top climate scientists" cannot explain it...


WHY do we FUND this BULLSHIT???

These people who believe and push the Co2 fraud are ABSOLUTE FUCKING MORONS with IQ under 5.

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