Is ANYONE else sick of all this political shit with the sexual claims?

feck empathy , law is supposed to be blind and emotionless with only the proven FACTS mattering LLaugher .
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Then go do something else instead of reading about it or watching it on TV. You have a choice.
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
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It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Nervous? How many on the Right are nervous right now?
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Claims of Sexual Misconduct is certainly not limited to politicians. Look at the business community and the entertainment industry. In fact, most every segment of society from religious organization, to schools, to the Fortune 500 companies all have their share.

Most victims of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment keep their mouth shut to avoid having their sex lives open to pubic scrutiny and ridicule. It is so much easier to change jobs and try to forget the incident but it's often not easy to forget and it can create serious mental damage. However, when one person has the guts to step forward to tell their story it encourages others to do the same. Are some of these stories made up and exaggerated? Of course they are but that is no reason to discount all of them. People that perpetrate sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct do so over and over. It is rare to find isolated events. Sexual harassment like rape is not so much about sex as it is about control and subjugation.
------------------------------------------- seems to me that axccusations should be backed up wity PROOF in a court of law . To me , there is nothing brave about bringing forth accusations that are 40 years old Papa .
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't givope a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

I just feel for those who are genuine victims as they are seeing this flare up in the media. Especially when some of the complaints seem to be so petty. I can't imagine how a severely molested person feels about those (for the most part) petty allegations.
In support groups. The problem with this is many of the allegations is there are specific people that are named.
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feck empathy , law is supposed to be blind and emotionless with only the proven FACTS mattering LLaugher .

Silly nutter.
-------------------------------- reduced to calling names eh LLaugher .

Yes. Your inability to man up has reduced the discourse to calling names. You nailed it.
----------------------------------------- YOU have nothing thoughtful to say so you call names LLaugher .
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.

These men treating women bad need to kick their asses kicked and maybe they will keep their penis in their pants..:biggrin:

It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Anything that damages the federal government and additionally damages Hollywood... is a good thing.
Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Frankin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?
Whatever lol
Quit standing up for these sick spineless motherfuckers... You sound like a fucking pussy
Actually I will be sick of it "after" Al Franken goes down.
Could never stand the SOB and enjoyed seeing the stone throwing hypocritical ass get 15 minutes of negative coverage on the local news today.
First laugh Franken has ever given me in his comedy...political career.

Franklin had enough integrity to immediately take responsibility for his actions, and apologize. The woman accepted his apology. Did Moore or Poppy Bush do that?

The only reason Gropenfranken admitted it was because she had the picture. And you know it so quit propping him up as a saint. He's a disgusting idiot. Typical libtardo hypocrite.

I never said he didn't do it. or that it was not wrong. I just said he handled it in an honorable way.
You are really are fucked in the head... lol
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
It's all becoming white noise to me at this point today we got allegations against Al Franken and Sylvester Stallone I'm pretty much at the point where I just don't care anymore. With so many people making accusations it's hard to know who to believe or if you should believe anyone.
-------------------------------------------------------- seems to me that NO ONE should be believed . Seems to me that claims made after Statute of Limitations should be ignored . Seems to me that TIMELY complaints should be investigated and charges made if evidence exists . I thought that thats how USA Law worked .

Yeah. That’s a weak man’s take. You aren’t strong enough to develop empathy.
Your political correctness/hypocrisy makes you sound like a pussy… LOL
It is so rampant right now and the "claims" come so fast with so little proof.
I've gotten to the point that I just don't give a damn anymore. I know that's a TERRIBLE position to take but it's so bad that I feel like I can't trust anyone's "claims" any longer.
I don't like the position I find myself in at this point.
Nervous? How many on the Right are nervous right now?
It would be great if every career politician would be taken down... They are all guilty of sexual misconduct

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