Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

Hmmm, China kills people daily so when will you condemn the Chinese Government?
Heartily. The Chinese suck...I don't see why they keep getting the Olympics. We should be lined up across every negotiating table there is where China has a presence. Our continual withdrawl in the area of foreign policy is going to cost us long term. I condemn the Chinese.

Your move.
And Joey Xi's weakness was Putin's impetus for doing so. Xi Jinping may do the same to Tiawan in the coming weeks and Joey Xi again will do squat? Maybe he'll have a tantrum. That's about it and more people will die.
Joe is full of shit when it come to his protest and the OP is full of shit with her fake outrage and she knows it!
Heartily. The Chinese suck...I don't see why they keep getting the Olympics. We should be lined up across every negotiating table there is where China has a presence. Our continual withdrawl in the area of foreign policy is going to cost us long term. I condemn the Chinese.

Your move.
I already condemned China many times in the past and I have stated in this thread my opinion about Putin, Trump and Biden you moronic piece of trash!
And Joey Xi's weakness was Putin's impetus for doing so. Xi Jinping may do the same to Tiawan in the coming weeks and Joey Xi again will do squat? Maybe he'll have a tantrum. That's about it and more people will die.


Do you still consider yourself a patriot? If so...representing which nation?
Feel free to tell us what words you're talking about any old time now.

You're never condemned Putin's actions on this thread.
Oh yes I did you lying hack!

I condemned Biden, Putin and Trump!

Now when will you condemn Biden words and wish for war against Russia?

See you love war but only when the left does it!
I condemn you supporting Joe words while you protested the War in Iraq.

Funny all of a sudden you love war and believe we as a society should sacrifice our men and women to defend a country that has no treaty with NATO nor has the U.N. offered to send Peace Keepers in!

So when you condemn Biden words and actions is when I will admit Putin is a moronic piece of shit like Trump and Biden but of course you agree with Biden, so you will never condemn Biden!

I wrote in this response my opinion of Trump, Putin and Biden, so are you that fucking retarded or are you just wanting to label anyone that does not support Biden a traitor?
Because he is killing innocent people????

Just tossing that out there.

Okay we condemn killing “innocent people”.

But what people are you talking about?

Have you condemned Biden drone bombing innocent people?
As candycorn writes about anyone that does not support Biden war drum beat beautiful traitors and lovers of Putin let just remember the OP love war only when the left want it but hate it when the right does it…
Okay we condemn killing “innocent people”.

But what people are you talking about?

Have you condemned Biden drone bombing innocent people?
Did she condemn Obama usage of drones?

If so can she show where and when?

She is pissed that people are not wanting to go and die in the name of Biden her God in Ukraine!
The thread is really revealing...none of you "christians" can condemn cold blooded murder?

Really...what in the fuck is wrong with you people?
Well for starters you need to prove that Putin is killing innocent people.

It isn’t very “Christian” to just accuse people of serious crimes with zero evidence.
Heartily. The Chinese suck...I don't see why they keep getting the Olympics. We should be lined up across every negotiating table there is where China has a presence. Our continual withdrawl in the area of foreign policy is going to cost us long term. I condemn the Chinese.

Your move.
LOL, you “don’t see why they keep getting the Olympics”.

Because Western countries keep electing leftwing morons that love China and kiss their asses every chance they get.

If you want to “condemn” the Chinese you would had supported President Trump’s tariffs and efforts to move manufacturing jobs out of China. But no, you vote for Establishment morons like Obama and Biden who spent their whole lives selling this country out to China.

So please, don’t pretend for one second you “condemn China”.
As candycorn writes about anyone that does not support Biden war drum beat beautiful traitors and lovers of Putin let just remember the OP love war only when the left want it but hate it when the right does it…

I wrote in this response my opinion of Trump, Putin and Biden, so are you that fucking retarded or are you just wanting to label anyone that does not support Biden a traitor?

Yes I am and when will you condemn Biden words and wish to have a war with Russia?
You're no longer worth the effort.
Condemn PUTIN!! We gotta do that when it was your great leader that brought this freakin' mess on us??!! Y'all screwed it up. Yall fix it. Your whore of a VP is headed off into hiding. When did you condemn BLM/antifa bunch of freakin' hypocrites.

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