Is anyone surprised that the country hates MAGA

My opinion of MAGA is harsher then that, They are driven by two forces hate and stupidity, They are not the other side of the isle, or just a group with a different opinion , or are they the noble opposition , They are by far the biggest threat this country and it's democracy has seen in centuries. They are literally the country's biggest enemy. and it is my opinion that they should be treated as such. If Trump wins this election it is the end to our democracy, and that will be With the total support of his hate group they call a party. We can't forget what this group attempted, we can't never forget , they are to be watched from this day forward because if they get a chance they will try to bring down our democracy with lies again. Never forget.

There's three kinds of Americans. Them, us, and moderates who don't pay attention and lean towards Trump. Because he's better at branding. For example, for some reason Mexicans are considering voting for Trump. They pick Trump over Joe 45% to 55%. Something like that. Even though Trump just the other day asked why we can't get people from "nice" countries to immigrate to the USA. Nice people. Say it Don. WHITE PEOPLE!

And Trump has no clue how to fix inflation. He caused it. And when asked how he would fix it all he says is drill baby drill. So why are latino's so stupid that they would vote for Trump?

This is what scares me. Our country, democracy, is dependent on these idiots on the fence.
There's three kinds of Americans. Them, us, and moderates who don't pay attention and lean towards Trump. Because he's better at branding. For example, for some reason Mexicans are considering voting for Trump. They pick Trump over Joe 45% to 55%. Something like that. Even though Trump just the other day asked why we can't get people from "nice" countries to immigrate to the USA. Nice people. Say it Don. WHITE PEOPLE!

And Trump has no clue how to fix inflation. He caused it. And when asked how he would fix it all he says is drill baby drill. So why are latino's so stupid that they would vote for Trump?

This is what scares me. Our country, democracy, is dependent on these idiots on the fence.
simpler then that it is hate bases and ignorance that is maga's way to the future/ If your interested look into the approach of dictators around the world and what they do to capture control of the minds of their followers. What is happening now is age old and literally has a play book on how it is done and it is being done word for word action for action. The book that researchers used to see how Hitler took control and held control of his country. It is a book by Hitler (My New Order"and his actions he made to achieve his dictatorship. Again how it is done is with lies, hate and ignorance. This actually isn't rocket science. If it was Trump could never have done it.
simpler then that it is hate bases and ignorance that is maga's way to the future/ If your interested look into the approach of dictators around the world and what they do to capture control of the minds of their followers. What is happening now is age old and literally has a play book on how it is done and it is being done word for word action for action. The book that researchers used to see how Hitler took control and held control of his country. It is a book by Hitler (My New Order"and his actions he made to achieve his dictatorship. Again how it is done is with lies, hate and ignorance. This actually isn't rocket science. If it was Trump could never have done it.

It's true. When I attack Republicans I try to remember my brother and nephew are voting for Trump. And they are as white and privileged as it comes. My brother deserves what he has (not really. probably half is what I say he deserves. The other half he made because the boys at the top decide how much they make and labor hasn't had a seat at the table in decades)

Anyways, so ff 25 or so years. My white brother is a multi millionaire white guy who was asked to find a black or woman to replace him. And the replacement only cares about diversity. AND, diversity candidates are in such high demand, to get one to come work for you, you have to pay 2-4 x as much for them. That's right, the guy who replaced my brother makes 4 x what he was making. So he's bitter about that.

He's bitter about student loan forgiveness because we had to pay for our colleges.

And now my nephews have to compete in a world where a black or woman is going to get hired over them.

So he's not an evil man. My nephew thought, he's a young republican. I won't even talk politics with him. Know it all. And he doesn't want to hear about white privilege. He hates how WOKE college is. Me too. Cancel culture. Gays, affirmative action.

My dad and I are in shock my brother is going to vote for Trump. He voted for Obama. Probably voted for Biden the first time. But he has fallen for the cult of personality for his own reasons.

I get why Republicans vote for Trump. They voted for Bush. Twice. Them I get. I don't get people who are independents, swing voters or undecideds. I don't get why Latino's would vote for Trump. He just said "why can't we get immigrants to come here from nice countries like Denmark or Switzerland. He meant white you know that right? Doesn't he realize they don't want to come here?
It's true. When I attack Republicans I try to remember my brother and nephew are voting for Trump. And they are as white and privileged as it comes. My brother deserves what he has (not really. probably half is what I say he deserves. The other half he made because the boys at the top decide how much they make and labor hasn't had a seat at the table in decades)

Anyways, so ff 25 or so years. My white brother is a multi millionaire white guy who was asked to find a black or woman to replace him. And the replacement only cares about diversity. AND, diversity candidates are in such high demand, to get one to come work for you, you have to pay 2-4 x as much for them. That's right, the guy who replaced my brother makes 4 x what he was making. So he's bitter about that.

He's bitter about student loan forgiveness because we had to pay for our colleges.

And now my nephews have to compete in a world where a black or woman is going to get hired over them.

So he's not an evil man. My nephew thought, he's a young republican. I won't even talk politics with him. Know it all. And he doesn't want to hear about white privilege. He hates how WOKE college is. Me too. Cancel culture. Gays, affirmative action.

My dad and I are in shock my brother is going to vote for Trump. He voted for Obama. Probably voted for Biden the first time. But he has fallen for the cult of personality for his own reasons.

I get why Republicans vote for Trump. They voted for Bush. Twice. Them I get. I don't get people who are independents, swing voters or undecideds. I don't get why Latino's would vote for Trump. He just said "why can't we get immigrants to come here from nice countries like Denmark or Switzerland. He meant white you know that right? Doesn't he realize they don't want to come here?
anyone who votes for Trump, is this countries and it's democracy's biggest threat and hence its biggest enemy. There hasn't been a threat like this to our democracy in centuries.
anyone who votes for Trump, is this countries and it's democracy's biggest threat and hence its biggest enemy. There hasn't been a threat like this to our democracy in centuries.

Well he's not going to win. For example, Latino community leaders are waking up the dumb young latino's who like Trump's brand better and they think he'll fix inflation. In other words, they've fallen for the lie that inflation is his fault.

It's the administrations job to make sure poor and middle class people know just how much he has done for them. I don't think they get it.
It's true. When I attack Republicans I try to remember my brother and nephew are voting for Trump. And they are as white and privileged as it comes. My brother deserves what he has (not really. probably half is what I say he deserves. The other half he made because the boys at the top decide how much they make and labor hasn't had a seat at the table in decades)

Anyways, so ff 25 or so years. My white brother is a multi millionaire white guy who was asked to find a black or woman to replace him. And the replacement only cares about diversity. AND, diversity candidates are in such high demand, to get one to come work for you, you have to pay 2-4 x as much for them. That's right, the guy who replaced my brother makes 4 x what he was making. So he's bitter about that.

He's bitter about student loan forgiveness because we had to pay for our colleges.

And now my nephews have to compete in a world where a black or woman is going to get hired over them.

So he's not an evil man. My nephew thought, he's a young republican. I won't even talk politics with him. Know it all. And he doesn't want to hear about white privilege. He hates how WOKE college is. Me too. Cancel culture. Gays, affirmative action.

My dad and I are in shock my brother is going to vote for Trump. He voted for Obama. Probably voted for Biden the first time. But he has fallen for the cult of personality for his own reasons.

I get why Republicans vote for Trump. They voted for Bush. Twice. Them I get. I don't get people who are independents, swing voters or undecideds. I don't get why Latino's would vote for Trump. He just said "why can't we get immigrants to come here from nice countries like Denmark or Switzerland. He meant white you know that right? Doesn't he realize they don't want to come here?

I get why Republicans vote for Trump. They voted for Bush. Twice. Them I get. I don't get people who are independents, swing voters or undecideds. I don't get why Latino's would vote for Trump. He just said "why can't we get immigrants to come here from nice countries like Denmark or Switzerland. He meant white you know that right? Doesn't he realize they don't want to come here?

Latinos like living here. It's nice here.
They don't want ten million additional illegal aliens swarming in during a second Biden term and fucking it up. The eight million he let in already are causing enough chaos.
We've got TB and measles outbreaks here in Chicago from Biden's border fuckups.
I get why Republicans vote for Trump. They voted for Bush. Twice. Them I get. I don't get people who are independents, swing voters or undecideds. I don't get why Latino's would vote for Trump. He just said "why can't we get immigrants to come here from nice countries like Denmark or Switzerland. He meant white you know that right? Doesn't he realize they don't want to come here?

Latinos like living here. It's nice here.
They don't want ten million additional illegal aliens swarming in during a second Biden term and fucking it up. The eight million he let in already are causing enough chaos.
We've got TB and measles outbreaks here in Chicago from Biden's border fuckups.

I heard measles outbreaks are happening because Floridiots aren't getting their kids vaccinated. See what you idiots started? Now people are afraid of vaccines because of FAKE NEWS.
I heard measles outbreaks are happening because Floridiots aren't getting their kids vaccinated. See what you idiots started? Now people are afraid of vaccines because of FAKE NEWS.

The outbreaks in Chicago are happening in "migrant" shelters.
Not a lot of kids from Florida were in those shelters, but thanks for the laugh.
I thought you guys say it shouldn't matter if other people are vaccinated so long as you are.

There is no widely used vaccine for TB. I'm not sure all the poor black people who now have this contagious "migrant" shelter in their neighborhood have been fully vaccinated.

I hope they don't pay the ultimate price for Biden's border fuckups.
MAGA is looked at positively by only a small percentage of People in this country and the rest look down on them like they are trash. Gee I wonder why, they are totally anti American, they support our enemy's and attack our allies. They love cruel dictatorships and look down on democracy around the world. They are anti Ukraine and Pro Russian. There is no speaker in this country that speaks with such hatred and ugliness as Donald Trump . There isn't a bigger threat in this country them MAGA. They have to be treated as such.

Editorial: Trump’s dangerous ‘vermin’ speech would have been at home in Nazi Germany​

MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lastword1:
Actually none of this is true at all. Somebody's got quite a fantasy going on in their head. I believe there are people you can talk to and 800 numbers you can call to bring you off of the ledge.
when Trump gets cornered by the courts or loses any election he will ask his followers to kill for him and they will, simply be prepared. Protect your family, friends, constitution and country. and for Gods sake don't ever forget these people. Remember one thing every patriot in this country is on your side.
Sure, MAGA is violent. Let's not forget the democrat BLM/Antifa riots in Minneapolis, Portland and CHOP/CHAZ in Seattle.
Dem Threats.jpg

democrat insurrectionists.jpg

You people are shit paper, use and dispose. You think your on to something and your not. There will no new administration. Your hero does not two shits about you.
You're actually trying to influence thinking people and you don't know when to use "you're" vs. "your" SMH. Good luck with that moron.
There is no widely used vaccine for TB. I'm not sure all the poor black people who now have this contagious "migrant" shelter in their neighborhood have been fully vaccinated.

I hope they don't pay the ultimate price for Biden's border fuckups.

But I thought it's okay if your neighbor is unvaccinated? Herd immunity bitch!

What is this "other".
I think what my friend called a "Morphadite".

I was looking at this tall blonde's nice female-shaped posterior, and he goes: "You know that a Morphadite, right?"

And I was like "Bullshit!", but I was wrong. :omg:

Think I had to pay him $5 on that. One in 2200 is born a hermaphrodite.

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