Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

'A mammoth New York Times investigation found that Donald Trump had engaged in "dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents."

Why it matters: The report, which relies on confidential Fred Trump (his father) documents and tax returns, shows how Donald Trump built his fortune. Documents suggest that Trump's father provided his son with as much as $60.7 million in loans ($140 million if adjusted for inflation), in contrast to Trump's suggestion he only received $1 million.

Details from the story: "All told, The Times documented 295 distinct streams of revenue Fred Trump created over five decades to channel wealth to his son."

  • "When Fred Trump died in June 1999 at the age of 93, the vast bulk of his empire was nowhere to be found in his estate — testament to the success of the tax strategies devised by the Trumps in the early 1990s."
  • The Times found that Trump received the equivalent of $413 million after questionable tax dealings with this father’s real estate empire during the 1990s.
  • Helped by a variety of tax dodges, the Trumps paid $52.2 million, or about 5%.
  • The IRS reportedly provided little pushback against the Trumps' tactics.
  • Trump reportedly tried to change his father's will when he was sick to benefit himself.
  • His father was “alarmed and angered, feared could result in his empire’s being used to bail out his son’s failing businesses.”
Among the juiciest lines: “By age 3, [Donald Trump] was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. In his 40s and 50s, he was receiving more than $5 million a year.”

  • Fred Trump illegally purchased $3.5 million in casino chips at his son's casino in 1990, ultimately paying a $65,000 fine.
The bottom line: Fred Trump's documents reveal he acted like the stereotype of a rich person, using every possible legal tax loophole (along with some that were less than legal) to pass his fortune to his children.

What's next: "The Tax Department is reviewing the allegations in the NYT article and is vigorously pursuing all appropriate avenues of investigation," a spokesman from New York State Department of Taxation and Finance told CNBC.'

Trump’s self-made claims challenged by father’s tax returns

This is no secret (though the exact details are interesting).
It's common knowledge that Trump's claims of only getting a $1 million loan from his father were TOTALLY ridiculous. But most of his Trumpbots buy whatever he tells them and many others are clueless about it worked (buy and large).
And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president.
I'm neither making the case that ne's a great prez, nor sniveling like a little bitch that he is the prez.

But the continued sniveling of snivelers like you does provide a certain entertainment value, in a certain Wile E. Coyote vein.
We had to listen and observe eight years of whining, screaming, teeth gnashing, temper tantrums, breath holding, and flying flecks of foam spewing from the mouths of Obama haters. A level of hatred that is yet to be matched by Trump's opponents.

Even Trump the Birther got into the act.

Karma's a bitch.

As for this article, America deserves to know if their President is a crook and a liar.
Republicans don't feel that way.

If you are white you are right. No investigation. Because Trump, under all that orange, is white. You can tell from the white part around his eyes.

You hate me because I am white? Something I cannot control. That is the definition of racism.
What makes you say that?
If I were a Democrat, I wouldn't be pulling on that thread.

So much for being such a brilliant businessman. He basically just took, then squandered, daddy's money over and over, failed to pay his taxes or his employees and contractors, relied on bailouts, and rode inflation, all while living a continual lie to convince people to buy a license for his name.

The truth shall lock him up.

By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father. The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

The manipulation of values to evade taxes was central to one of the most important financial events in Donald Trump’s life. In an episode never before revealed, Mr. Trump and his siblings gained ownership of most of their father’s empire on Nov. 22, 1997, a year and a half before Fred Trump’s death. Critical to the complex transaction was the value put on the real estate. The lower its value, the lower the gift taxes. The Trumps dodged hundreds of millions in gift taxes by submitting tax returns that grossly undervalued the properties, claiming they were worth just $41.4 million. The same set of buildings would be sold off over the next decade for more than 16 times that amount.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father
I thought this was old news.

Actually, you're right.
It is old news.
Except it's in black and white now.
Before this investigative report, it was just suspected by me and millions of others because:
1. Trump wouldn't release his tax returns
2. Trump University was sued for $35,000,000 in a class action for FRAUD
3. Trump filed bankruptcy six times.
4. That was enough for any rational, logical person to not vote for the con man.
What I also found very, very disturbing about Trump is that he tried to change his father's will by trickery and subterfuge when his father started showing signs of senility.

This is piece of shit territory.

Trump's father was so concerned that Donald would liquidate his empire he removed Donald as executor and put all his children as executors. Furthermore, I found it interesting that Fred named his son Robert as power of attorney and not Donald.

I think he knew that Donald was irresponsible and needed to be restrained. Even Fred came to the conclusion Donald was not to be trusted.
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Read the article. It explores that question.
I have and since he was never charged with any crime he either did nothing illegal or there was not enough evidence to charge him with anything. So I will let everyone enjoy their latest nothing burger and I’m going to focus on what is relevant in the year 2018.
If you have read the article, then you would know the answer.

You didn't read it.

This article may very well result in the IRS taking a deeper dive into the Trump empire's finances.
No scum bag, we don't have to read the goddam lies! The article will result in nothing but scum like you posting more lies.
And here we see the willful blindness! :lol:

Keep repeating your lies faggot, it's all you know how to do.
You mean like all you know how to do is make childish, monotonous insults?
Actually, it sounds to me like Fred Trump would make a far shrewder president than Donald, even dead.
So, why is everyone complaining about Donald Trump?

Is there anything in that article that alleges tax evasion in this millennium?

I am not interested in reading a goddamn word written by the New York Times if I can avoid it.

Read it. Fuck.

NYT has been in print since 1851, Bootlicking Lee NoWorth.
If you think they would print something that would jeopardize their entire institution, you're even more ignorant than I ever imagined.
Go stick your fat head back in the sand and gag on it.
I have and since he was never charged with any crime he either did nothing illegal or there was not enough evidence to charge him with anything. So I will let everyone enjoy their latest nothing burger and I’m going to focus on what is relevant in the year 2018.
If you have read the article, then you would know the answer.

You didn't read it.

This article may very well result in the IRS taking a deeper dive into the Trump empire's finances.
No scum bag, we don't have to read the goddam lies! The article will result in nothing but scum like you posting more lies.
And here we see the willful blindness! :lol:

Keep repeating your lies faggot, it's all you know how to do.
You mean like all you know how to do is make childish, monotonous insults?
I've long had my doubts that Trump is a billionaire. He sure as shit isn't worth what he claims to be worth.

He is broke and banks are keeping him afloat....if he was as rich as he is, he would flash his tax papers on daily basis.
If you have read the article, then you would know the answer.

You didn't read it.

This article may very well result in the IRS taking a deeper dive into the Trump empire's finances.
No scum bag, we don't have to read the goddam lies! The article will result in nothing but scum like you posting more lies.
And here we see the willful blindness! :lol:

Keep repeating your lies faggot, it's all you know how to do.
You mean like all you know how to do is make childish, monotonous insults?
Oh, so you actually know some of the names then.
Precedents are a bitch when they come back to bitch slap you in our own face, you know?
Joe Biden can bear witness.
Just about every Democrat and every Republican can. It is time to purge them all and start from scratch.

This country is ripe for a new major party.
Well, if all the people who voted for Bernie or donated to the DNC would grow some fucking balls and get in on the class action lawsuit against the DNC, perhaps they could bankrupt the DNC and the Democratic party could be dissolved.

You must admit, the Democratic party has done some very horrible things and is infamous for it's human rights abuses. If it was dissolved, parents wouldn't have to have that very difficult talk with their children.

The one where they start asking why such an evil institution is still allowed to exist and get half the votes. Then you have to explain to your child that a lot of the people who vote Democrat are just very ignorant and/or stupid. Not all of them are evil. But a lot of them are. You have to explain to them how the Democratic party has made most of the people in some neighborhoods so poor that they can't even afford their own home and have to live in building that they don't own. Then try to explain why the Democrats do that to people.

I have 5 adult children and I remember having that talk with them. It literally brought me to tears. Now I have a 4 year old. It would be awesome if I never have to explain to her why the Democratic party is still allowed to exist.
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Is there anything in that article that alleges tax evasion in this millennium?

No, the article is pretty clear that on New Year's Eve 2000 Donald woke up and found Jesus at the foot of his bed. His past tax evasions were of course forgiven, but then Donald got hungry. Remembering that Jesus' body turns into bread Donald ate Jesus. In that moment Donald became Jesus, and we now worship Donald Christ forever and ever, amen.
The NYT has a record of making up stories. A well documented record.

Fake new from TDS afflicted Moon Bats.
Please post the NYT record of making up stories.

He can't. He thought about posting a series of miscellaneous retractions they've made over the years, but then he realized he can't trust the NYT, so he had to conclude the retractions were in error and the paper is basically inerrant. Then he got confused and had to take a nap.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.
Why are you incapable of comprehending the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance, jackass?

Are you just too drunk on that grape kool-aid?
Why are you incapable of reading an article which details tax evasion? Is it because the article is longer than a tweet and would overload your alleged mind?
Why are you dodging the question?
Trump stole over $300,000,000 or hard working tax payer money & Repubtards Love Him!!!

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.
Explain why shitty.

This ought to be good.
Well not sh!tty for billionaires, they got tax cuts.

And you aren't a billionaire.
Seems to me that you should be looking for a fucking job instead of trolling USMB if you haven't benefited financially from Trump's policies.

Who are you leeching off of? A boyfriend? Your parents? The taxpayers? All of the above?

Is that why you thought that only billionaires benefit from Trump tax reform.
Spoken like a true neo-Keynesian.

Selling a tax bill that adds $1.5 trillion to the debt as an economic stimulus.

You sound just like a Democrat who doesn't give a shit that our kids are going to have to foot the bill.
Who the fuck do you think is going to inherit all that money that I'm saving?

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