Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.
He might turn out to be a shitty president like the last two, but as of right now he ain’t so bad.

He has not invaded any countries and he has not totally fucked up our I guess he is doing slightly better than the last two.
Health care costs are at record levels. Trump has done everything he can to sabotage Obamacare to make it even more of a disaster than it already was.

I guess that is what he meant when he promised to deliver "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost...and it will be so easy!"

And now he's getting free health care on the taxpayers dime. He is getting health care at a tiny fraction of the cost to himself.
So much for being such a brilliant businessman. He basically just took, then squandered, daddy's money over and over, failed to pay his taxes or his employees and contractors, relied on bailouts, and rode inflation, all while living a continual lie to convince people to buy a license for his name.

The truth shall lock him up.

By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father. The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

The manipulation of values to evade taxes was central to one of the most important financial events in Donald Trump’s life. In an episode never before revealed, Mr. Trump and his siblings gained ownership of most of their father’s empire on Nov. 22, 1997, a year and a half before Fred Trump’s death. Critical to the complex transaction was the value put on the real estate. The lower its value, the lower the gift taxes. The Trumps dodged hundreds of millions in gift taxes by submitting tax returns that grossly undervalued the properties, claiming they were worth just $41.4 million. The same set of buildings would be sold off over the next decade for more than 16 times that amount.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

It's a stunning article.
Trump's lawyer has already blasted back with threats against the NYT.
The Times editors must be fairly sure of their information since they know Trump is a sue-aholic.

This piece distills the info down well:
11 Takeaways From The Times’s Investigation Into Trump’s Wealth

It would be interesting to know how many of the 535 Congress Critters became multi-millionaires while in office. Start by questioning The K Street Clique.

Diverting and deflecting doesn't work on me, Sparky.
Congressional Liberal Socialist pukes want to investigate and ruin Trump over taxes and wealth so whats diverting and deflecting over their sudden wealth and the failure to declare the income and failure to pay taxes on said sudden wealth. BTW, some people in both parties are guilty of fraud, graft and tax evasion.
I love it when a tard attempts to use a tu quoque fallacy to defend the indefensible.

Careful, tards. Your benchmarks have always come back to bite you.

So when a crooked politician with the wrong party affiliation comes around, try to remember you just said you are okay with it.
Who said it was OK? How do you fuck up English like that? I don't condone any political crooks.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.
Why are you incapable of comprehending the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance, jackass?

Are you just too drunk on that grape kool-aid?
Why are you incapable of reading an article which details tax evasion? Is it because the article is longer than a tweet and would overload your alleged mind?
Remember, no matter how much you whine like a little bitch

Trump is going to prison, and have many of his assets confiscated.

And GOP voters will continue to live on an imaginary planet, totally duped by the greedy idiot rich...
I'm not a GOP voter, duppe.
If you don't vote for a Democrat, you are a GOP voter or just as bad. And no there is no conspiracy protecting Hillary the Foundation Obama holder the FBI etc etc etc. Phony b*******all investigated and nothing. The GOP propaganda machine owes us thousands of retractions...
Many a federal investigation has been initiated due to media reportage. That's why the media is called "the watchdog of our democracy".

If the article has any merit, the IRS will look into it.
So the IRS let's the media investigate for them. Interesting.
From the article:

Under I.R.S. rules, selling shares worth $15.5 million to your son for $10,000 is tantamount to giving him a $15.49 million taxable gift. Fred Trump reported no such gift.

According to tax experts, the only circumstance that would not have required Fred Trump to report a gift was if Trump Palace had been effectively bankrupt when he unloaded his shares.

Yet Trump Palace was far from bankrupt.

Property records show that condo sales there were brisk in 1991. Trump Palace sold 57 condos for $52.5 million — 94 percent of the total asking price for those units.

Donald Trump himself proclaimed Trump Palace “the most financially secure condominium on the market today” in advertisements he placed in 1991 to rebut criticism from buyers who complained that his business travails could drag down Trump Palace, too. In December, 17 days before his father sold his shares, he placed an ad vouching for the wisdom of investing in Trump Palace: “Smart money says there has never been a better time.”

By failing to tell the I.R.S. about his $15.49 million gift to his son, Fred Trump evaded the 55 percent tax on gifts, saving about $8 million. At the same time, he declared to the I.R.S. that Trump Palace was almost a complete loss — that he had walked away from a $15.5 million investment with just $10,000 to show for it.

Federal tax law prohibits deducting any loss from the sale of property between members of the same family, because of the potential for abuse. Yet Fred Trump appears to have done exactly that, dodging roughly $5 million more in income taxes.

Tax EVASION. Not tax avoidance.
Under I.R.S. rules, selling shares worth $15.5 million to your son for $10,000 is tantamount to giving him a $15.49 million taxable gift. Fred Trump reported no such gift.
They should dig up Fred Trump's rotting corpse and prosecute him for Tax Evasion.
The article goes into a lot of detail about a specific tax fraud scheme hatched by the Trumps, with Donald playing a leading role, in the section titled 'A Disguised Gift.

It's a classic con often used by The Mob to launder money.
I have no doubt that 44 had the IRS go over Trumps taxes with a fine tooth comb long before the election.
Under I.R.S. rules, selling shares worth $15.5 million to your son for $10,000 is tantamount to giving him a $15.49 million taxable gift. Fred Trump reported no such gift.
They should dig up Fred Trump's rotting corpse and prosecute him for Tax Evasion.
Actually, it sounds to me like Fred Trump would make a far shrewder president than Donald, even dead.
Actually, it sounds to me like Fred Trump would make a far shrewder president than Donald, even dead.
So, why is everyone complaining about Donald Trump?

Is there anything in that article that alleges tax evasion in this millennium?

I am not interested in reading a goddamn word written by the New York Times if I can avoid it.
Many a federal investigation has been initiated due to media reportage. That's why the media is called "the watchdog of our democracy".

If the article has any merit, the IRS will look into it.
So the IRS let's the media investigate for them. Interesting.

Actually, it's now being investigated by the NY Tax Department.

In January it will be investigated, among many other things by Democrats who will control the House.
Actually, it sounds to me like Fred Trump would make a far shrewder president than Donald, even dead.
So, why is everyone complaining about Donald Trump?

Is there anything in that article that alleges tax evasion in this millennium?

I am not interested in reading a goddamn word written by the New York Times if I can avoid it.
Yes, there is a lot about tax evasion in the article.

And they provide documentation.

It is a very interesting read. I just finished it.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.
He might turn out to be a shitty president like the last two, but as of right now he ain’t so bad.

He has not invaded any countries and he has not totally fucked up our I guess he is doing slightly better than the last two.
Health care costs are at record levels. Trump has done everything he can to sabotage Obamacare to make it even more of a disaster than it already was.

I guess that is what he meant when he promised to deliver "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost...and it will be so easy!"

And now he's getting free health care on the taxpayers dime. He is getting health care at a tiny fraction of the cost to himself.
HC costs have ALWAYS been at record levels dummy.

And besides , your Messiah lied his ass off about EVERYTHING related to Ocare, including lowering costs. All he did was enrich big pharmaceutical, big insurance and big HC.

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