Is Ariel Castro a Murderer?

If Castro caused these women to miscarry and they were more than 24 weeks into their pregnancy, than I would consider it murder. As for abortion, while I support the right of a woman to abort a pregnancy, I do not support that right past the second trimester. I actually support a 20 week limit, and I would have been happy standing in support of the Texas legislation except for the fact the idiots tied all kinds of other things to it that forced the closing of many women's health centers.

What other things?

And is "women's heath centers" a euphemism for "abortion clinics"?

Tying the need for doctors to have admitting privileges at local hospitals forced the closing of most of these centers. Yes, they performed abortions, but they performed many other services for women. This bill was put in place to get Texas one step closer to banning abortions completely. In the long run, this will most likely come back to bite conservatives in Texas, because Texas is not going to remain conservative forever. The big problem with right to lifers is that they piss off those of us in the middle who support reasonable limits on abortion by doing everything they can to ban abortion completely. In the end, most of the time, people like me end up standing with those who don't support any limits because it becomes an either/or issue, which it really should not be.

BTW, you knew what I was talking about. Quit playing dumb.

To the second part of your post...

Do you believe that murder is wrong?

Not abortion...after birth, do you believe that murder is wrong?
No, it's third party consent. The baby is the first party and the most affected here.

No its first party. The baby cant even think coherently enough to form a decision. Mom has to make that decision.
However YOU disregard that it is a VIABLE human being that deserves protection BY the mother, and the doctors that have the ability to preserve it's life.

By the way? A co-worker of mine recently was told by his son he was going to be a grandfather...He was presented with a photo of the sonogram. The fetus was a few weeks old, no bigger than a grain of rice, and had a Heartbeat.

Just disregard life because it can't make a decision on it's own without help?



I understand the outrage. However, like I said before, unless you are prepared to carry the baby to term the mom is the only person capable of making decisions for the baby. Sucks but its the truth. You dont have a right to tell her what she has to do with her body.
No its first party. The baby cant even think coherently enough to form a decision. Mom has to make that decision.
However YOU disregard that it is a VIABLE human being that deserves protection BY the mother, and the doctors that have the ability to preserve it's life.

By the way? A co-worker of mine recently was told by his son he was going to be a grandfather...He was presented with a photo of the sonogram. The fetus was a few weeks old, no bigger than a grain of rice, and had a Heartbeat.

Just disregard life because it can't make a decision on it's own without help?



I understand the outrage. However, like I said before, unless you are prepared to carry the baby to term the mom is the only person capable of making decisions for the baby. Sucks but its the truth. You dont have a right to tell her what she has to do with her body.

Fair enough and SHE will bear the burden of giving God back that which she was given by God.

It's the wrong decision, morally and ethically, and I don't condone forcing MY views on the mother but ask her instead to think about it...the Mother will eventually have to answer to someone much higher on the scale than all of us.
No its first party. The baby cant even think coherently enough to form a decision. Mom has to make that decision.

So if we execute people who are comatose is that OK because they can't think coherently?
Hell, some of the posters on this thread probably qualify under that standard.

I assume you mean pull the plug? If the person making the decision was granted that right via a signed medical directive then yes.

No, not just that. Anytime someone cannot give consent does that make them eligible to be killed?
Watching Ariel Castro speak about his crimes was hauntingly familiar of the same way that George Zimmerman spoke about his crimes.

They both put the blame on the victims.
So if we execute people who are comatose is that OK because they can't think coherently?
Hell, some of the posters on this thread probably qualify under that standard.

I assume you mean pull the plug? If the person making the decision was granted that right via a signed medical directive then yes.

No, not just that. Anytime someone cannot give consent does that make them eligible to be killed?

I'm not getting your point. Just because someone is comatose doesnt mean there should be consideration for killing them. Besides they are out of the mother (who is also affected) at that point.
On June 7, a Cuyahoga County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against Castro. It contained 329 counts, including two counts of aggravated murder (under different sections of the Ohio criminal code) for his alleged role in the termination of one of the women's pregnancies. The indictments covered only the period from August 2002 to February 2007. The County Prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, stated that the investigation was ongoing and that any further findings would be presented to the grand jury. McGinty said that pursuing a death penalty specification would be considered following completion of indictment proceedings.

Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?


You’re confusing criminal law (murder) with civil law (privacy rights).
Watching Ariel Castro speak about his crimes were hauntingly reminding of the same way that George Zimmerman spoke about his crimes.

They both put the blame on the victims.
Zimmerman caused an abortion Swallow? Really?

Didn't READ the OP did you?

*YOU ARE A DOLT* Get lost.

You want to swallow my jiz, T? Seriously..I don't go in for gay sex.

And you shouldn't either..because you'd regret it when you were sober again.

Zimmerman didn't cause an "abortion". Zimmerman shot a kid.

And Zimmerman called it "god's plan".

Like you'd probably call your gay sex when drunk.
Watching Ariel Castro speak about his crimes were hauntingly reminding of the same way that George Zimmerman spoke about his crimes.

They both put the blame on the victims.
Zimmerman caused an abortion Swallow? Really?

Didn't READ the OP did you?

*YOU ARE A DOLT* Get lost.

You want to swallow my jiz, T? Seriously..I don't go in for gay sex.

And you shouldn't either..because you'd regret it when you were sober again.

Zimmerman didn't cause an "abortion". Zimmerman shot a kid.

And Zimmerman called it "god's plan".

Like you'd probably call your gay sex when drunk.
Translation: "You're correct, T."

Challenge stands...Get lost loser.
I assume you mean pull the plug? If the person making the decision was granted that right via a signed medical directive then yes.

No, not just that. Anytime someone cannot give consent does that make them eligible to be killed?

I'm not getting your point. Just because someone is comatose doesnt mean there should be consideration for killing them. Besides they are out of the mother (who is also affected) at that point.
OK,so merely not being able to consent is not a standard to decide whether someone can be killed or not. So your first point is refuted.

Now, let's try again: Castro pleaded guilty to something that abortion doctors do every day. Isn't a crime a crime? If he can be chaged with murder for killing an unborn baby then isn't every instance also murder?
On June 7, a Cuyahoga County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against Castro. It contained 329 counts, including two counts of aggravated murder (under different sections of the Ohio criminal code) for his alleged role in the termination of one of the women's pregnancies. The indictments covered only the period from August 2002 to February 2007. The County Prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, stated that the investigation was ongoing and that any further findings would be presented to the grand jury. McGinty said that pursuing a death penalty specification would be considered following completion of indictment proceedings.

Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?


You’re confusing criminal law (murder) with civil law (privacy rights).

I'm not confusing anything.
We have the exact same act. In Castro's case, it's murder. In the doctor's case it's legally providing service.
So I want to know what distinguishes one case from the other.
On June 7, a Cuyahoga County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against Castro. It contained 329 counts, including two counts of aggravated murder (under different sections of the Ohio criminal code) for his alleged role in the termination of one of the women's pregnancies. The indictments covered only the period from August 2002 to February 2007. The County Prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, stated that the investigation was ongoing and that any further findings would be presented to the grand jury. McGinty said that pursuing a death penalty specification would be considered following completion of indictment proceedings.

Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?

This is kind of silly. Yes, abortion docs do this every day, but the women who go there, are there for abortions.

If you cut a embryo out of a woman who doesnt want you to, then you are committing a crime.

Silly comparison really. Its almost as if you are using what this horrible human waste of air did to further some kind of anti abortion agenda.

Doesnt that sort of make you a piece of crap opportunist? I could be complely off though.
Zimmerman caused an abortion Swallow? Really?

Didn't READ the OP did you?

*YOU ARE A DOLT* Get lost.

You want to swallow my jiz, T? Seriously..I don't go in for gay sex.

And you shouldn't either..because you'd regret it when you were sober again.

Zimmerman didn't cause an "abortion". Zimmerman shot a kid.

And Zimmerman called it "god's plan".

Like you'd probably call your gay sex when drunk.
Translation: "You're correct, T."

Challenge stands...Get lost loser.

Thanks for the "correction".. are big and bad.

Generally when you tell someone to get can back that up.

In any case..I'm thinking you are a pudgy idiot, like Zimmerman and would need a gun to do that.

And does the T stand for "T"rannie?

Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?


You’re confusing criminal law (murder) with civil law (privacy rights).

I'm not confusing anything.
We have the exact same act. In Castro's case, it's murder. In the doctor's case it's legally providing service.
So I want to know what distinguishes one case from the other.

The CHOICE of the woman. Why cant your side understand the importance of a womans body being just that, HER body. She can choose certain things. It is not up to anyone else, just HER.

The child Castro murdered was conceived by rape, surely the left would admit that a child conceived out of such violence should be aborted. It's an article of faith with them. It's actually a bit surprising that the left isn't demanding that Amanda Berry's six year old daughter isn't "aborted". She's in her 24th trimester. Time enough for a post birth abortion.
Didn't some idiot senator say that a woman's body has a way of not getting pregnant during a rape ? Wasn't it said that the experience would shut the body down, therefore no pregnancy could happen in such a traumatic experience ? This was in defense of a woman not having to worry about getting an abortion due to a rape right afterwards, because the pregnancy wasn't possible after a rape according to this senator.

Now if the senators scientific study or info is correct, then this woman's claim of this man hitting her in the stomach to abort her child in which he impregnated her with while raping her, would be wrong would it not be, because she never got pregnant to begin with according to this senators findings ? I think a woman can become pregnant during a rape, and I think right after the rape, once the woman is free from her captor or her perpetrator, she should be able to get help making sure she is not pregnant after such a violation of her body had occurred, but if she would have gone to the point that a baby is formed in the womb afterwards, then she should carry the baby to term without question, and after that she should either have the baby adopted out or maybe keep the child if she so chooses to. Castro is a murderer of a child, as they had gotten it right with the charge added in which he killed through a violent act.
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You want to swallow my jiz, T? Seriously..I don't go in for gay sex.

And you shouldn't either..because you'd regret it when you were sober again.

Zimmerman didn't cause an "abortion". Zimmerman shot a kid.

And Zimmerman called it "god's plan".

Like you'd probably call your gay sex when drunk.
Translation: "You're correct, T."

Challenge stands...Get lost loser.

Thanks for the "correction".. are big and bad.

Generally when you tell someone to get can back that up.

In any case..I'm thinking you are a pudgy idiot, like Zimmerman and would need a gun to do that.

And does the T stand for "T"rannie?


Not that there is anything wrong with that. :cool:
On June 7, a Cuyahoga County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against Castro. It contained 329 counts, including two counts of aggravated murder (under different sections of the Ohio criminal code) for his alleged role in the termination of one of the women's pregnancies. The indictments covered only the period from August 2002 to February 2007. The County Prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, stated that the investigation was ongoing and that any further findings would be presented to the grand jury. McGinty said that pursuing a death penalty specification would be considered following completion of indictment proceedings.

Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?

This is kind of silly. Yes, abortion docs do this every day, but the women who go there, are there for abortions.

If you cut a embryo out of a woman who doesnt want you to, then you are committing a crime.

Silly comparison really. Its almost as if you are using what this horrible human waste of air did to further some kind of anti abortion agenda.

Doesnt that sort of make you a piece of crap opportunist? I could be complely off though.

Nothing silly about it.
So you're saying the desire of the mother is determinative here?

It is hilarious watching the leftists twisting themselves into slinkys to make sense of this conundrum. It is of course completely indefensible.

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