Fulton County Sheriff Says ‘We’ll Have A Mugshot’ If Former Pres. Trump Is Indicted Locally

what Trump believed is an important part of criminal intent. Trump's defense will try to argue that Trump actually thought he won, so its the job of the prosecutor to prove that Trump knew he lost so that his attempt to overturn the results are a corrupt intent.

See how they can prove he knew he lost.

His intent was to flip the election. It doesn't matter what he believed. If I rob a bank because I believe they have my money but won't give it to me, that's still a felony. It's not legal for him to have fake Trump electors sent to Congress, with the intent for them to be counted instead of legit Biden electors, even if he 100% believed the election was stolen from him. The indictment is clear. It points out Trump had every right to challenge the election legally. He had the right to say whatever he wanted. He had the right to knowingly lie, if he wanted. But what he didn't have a right to do was act in an illegal manner to flip the election. Point being, Smith can convict Trump, on the charge regarding fake electors, without having to prove Trump's state of mind about the fairness of the election.
The prosecution will create a storm of testimony proving that Trump was informed multitudinous times by many credible individuals that he lost the election, to an extent that a reasonable man standard is set that he knew he had lost.

In Trump's case, he knew he lied even if he said he did not believe it.

If convicted, 49% of GOP right now poll they will support someone else for the GOP nomination. It will only grow in % as the trials go forward.
Of course Trump knew. There are 86 witnesses against Trump and not one of them is a Democrat. Why do you think Trump's staffers oppose him?
You have Smith's witness list? Care to share?
Prove they do

It's your claim most don't believe that election was legit. YOUR claim is YOURS to prove. You're only asking me to prove otherwise because you can't prove YOUR claim because you're full of shit and you know it. Now everyone here knows it too.

Trump and Putin want to discredit all our elections. Trump wants to go down in history. Trump was advised against breaking the law and did it anyway.
Trump hasnt broken any laws, you fucking liar.

In this country we require conviction in a court of law.

Things may be different where you come from.
I do not believe most Americans. We are a selfish and self-centered people now. We even scoff at those who are not. Most everything is getting darker as to use for propaganda and to change our personalities. Upbeat people are not as controllable as those who are negative all the time in everything they do in living. And it affects people on all sides with Progs at a much higher percentage.

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