Is Atheism a Religion or a severe mental disorder?

Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
Obviously theists no longer consider lying immoral, as most of your posts are nothing but lies, this post included.
Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
Obviously theists no longer consider lying immoral, as most of your posts are nothing but lies, this post included.
People can follow the devil without even realizing it.
Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
Are you worshipping the devil by using the Internet?
Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
Obviously theists no longer consider lying immoral, as most of your posts are nothing but lies, this post included.
People can follow the devil without even realizing it.
Like you using a computer?
Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
There you have is the DEVIL
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

Religion is the mental disorder. My grandparents used to tell me and my cousins "ghost stories" to scare us. Religion is a 2000 year old ghost takes a mental patient or a fool to believe that shit. I don't believe in any ancient gods......there's a bunch of them. The folks who cooked up that shit believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat.
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Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

Religion is the mental disorder. My grandparents used to tell me and my cousins "ghost stories" to scare us. Religion is a 2000 year old ghost takes a mental patient or a fool to believe that shit. I don't believe in any ancient gods......there's a bunch of them. The folks who cooked up that shit believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat.

The same types of people that would use psychics more than likely. Lol. :D
Your lack of faith doesn't harm me, just as my faith doesn't harm you. Once we establish that we do have our personal beliefs, why can't we all be satisfied with that?

I believe that has already been covered in this thread.

Of course. But, you can't accept it.
When Islam and the bible belt chill out we'll chill.

You should chill unless you can demonstrate that YOU are harmed by someone else's faith.
Stem cell research. Nancy Reagan started endorsing it when all other Republicans were condemning it. Why? Because she knew it could potentially help people going through what old Ronny was going through.

Unlike the politicians pandering for the religious right vote. Someone I love is going through what old Ronnie was going through so I do believe this ignorance has caused me personal suffering. That's OK though because we are becoming a less religious/superstitious people.

This is just one example. How many of my tax dollars go to fight radical Islam which is another great example of bad religion

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the positions of different religious groups on stem cell research. Most may not be as opposed as you imagine. Religious Groups’ Official Positions on Stem Cell Research
Your lack of faith doesn't harm me, just as my faith doesn't harm you. Once we establish that we do have our personal beliefs, why can't we all be satisfied with that?

I believe that has already been covered in this thread.

Of course. But, you can't accept it.
When Islam and the bible belt chill out we'll chill.

You should chill unless you can demonstrate that YOU are harmed by someone else's faith.

This is a message board. I think you need to chill. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen! :2up:

Yes, it is a message board, which is why I left you a message.
Thanks for the list, but none of those things do you actual harm. You just want to use your assumptions about those issues to batter those who believe differently than you.
A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. I truly think it's holding us back in every way possible. It makes us dumb and easily manipulated. It's divisive and so obviously a tool used to control the masses.

I can look at one person and say yes I see how religion can be good. But as a species I think it's not good for us.

One day when no one takes the bible Koran book of Mormons literally we will be a much smarter people and much better off

So, the world will not be a better place and people are not smarter unless they believe as you do. That's the first step down the road to intolerance, that which you claim to condemn.
Not me. When I see a religious person in person I never tell them what I believe. No good will ever come of that. I've done that to one friend who's a devout Catholic and never do that again. People gotta figure it out on their own. That's why the internet is great. Normally a 20 year old in the past would get easily sucked into a religion without having the benefit of Google. People are getting to smart for that shit.

Im only militant here. In person I might feel you out to see what your faith is and if I could tell you were a true believer ID back off.

I had a Muslim drive me 4 hours. I didn't dare tell him I don't believe.

I told a Chaldean once at the gym and he was frazzled I would even consider it.

I leave stupid alone but here they are asking for it.

And if they are confident they should just feel sorry for me. But I never get that vibe.

Ahh ...but it is just the opposite now, 20 year olds get converted to your Atheist religion by preachers like you.


I still don't get why thinking about something you say don't exsist consumes your entire life...


It only consumes my USMB life. It's one of the 3 things I love to talk about and those are the three things you aren't supposed to talk about. Politics, Religion and Race.

I hate the GOP but it doesn't consume my life. Just my USMB life and maybe sometimes at family functions. I hate racists and I hate how unsafe Detroit is and I think blacks need to clean up their act, but it doesn't consume my life. And I think Religion is a scourge on our society but it doesn't really bother me when I'm out walking around. In fact at my company all month no one mentioned god once. Neither did any of my friends or people I run into out in public. For the most people keep that shit to themselves.

I wonder who's using religion to divide us? Who's riling up the evangelicals?

The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. It was founded in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell and associates, and dissolved in the late 1980s.

Christian right or religious right is a term used - mainly in the United States - to label right-wing Christian political factions that are characterized by their strong support of socially conservative policies.

You "hate" Republicans? Wow, that's a lot of effort to muster up that much emotion for those who merely disagree with you politically.

Perhaps you might benefit from talking to a counselor about these extreme feelings you are admitting to having.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
A lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel. I truly think it's holding us back in every way possible. It makes us dumb and easily manipulated. It's divisive and so obviously a tool used to control the masses.

I can look at one person and say yes I see how religion can be good. But as a species I think it's not good for us.

One day when no one takes the bible Koran book of Mormons literally we will be a much smarter people and much better off

So, the world will not be a better place and people are not smarter unless they believe as you do. That's the first step down the road to intolerance, that which you claim to condemn.
Not me. When I see a religious person in person I never tell them what I believe. No good will ever come of that. I've done that to one friend who's a devout Catholic and never do that again. People gotta figure it out on their own. That's why the internet is great. Normally a 20 year old in the past would get easily sucked into a religion without having the benefit of Google. People are getting to smart for that shit.

Im only militant here. In person I might feel you out to see what your faith is and if I could tell you were a true believer ID back off.

I had a Muslim drive me 4 hours. I didn't dare tell him I don't believe.

I told a Chaldean once at the gym and he was frazzled I would even consider it.

I leave stupid alone but here they are asking for it.

And if they are confident they should just feel sorry for me. But I never get that vibe.

Ahh ...but it is just the opposite now, 20 year olds get converted to your Atheist religion by preachers like you.


I still don't get why thinking about something you say don't exsist consumes your entire life...


It only consumes my USMB life. It's one of the 3 things I love to talk about and those are the three things you aren't supposed to talk about. Politics, Religion and Race.

I hate the GOP but it doesn't consume my life. Just my USMB life and maybe sometimes at family functions. I hate racists and I hate how unsafe Detroit is and I think blacks need to clean up their act, but it doesn't consume my life. And I think Religion is a scourge on our society but it doesn't really bother me when I'm out walking around. In fact at my company all month no one mentioned god once. Neither did any of my friends or people I run into out in public. For the most people keep that shit to themselves.

I wonder who's using religion to divide us? Who's riling up the evangelicals?

The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. It was founded in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell and associates, and dissolved in the late 1980s.

Christian right or religious right is a term used - mainly in the United States - to label right-wing Christian political factions that are characterized by their strong support of socially conservative policies.

You "hate" Republicans? Wow, that's a lot of effort to muster up that much emotion for those who merely disagree with you politically.

Perhaps you might benefit from talking to a counselor about these extreme feelings you are admitting to having.
Who are you?
So, the world will not be a better place and people are not smarter unless they believe as you do. That's the first step down the road to intolerance, that which you claim to condemn.
Not me. When I see a religious person in person I never tell them what I believe. No good will ever come of that. I've done that to one friend who's a devout Catholic and never do that again. People gotta figure it out on their own. That's why the internet is great. Normally a 20 year old in the past would get easily sucked into a religion without having the benefit of Google. People are getting to smart for that shit.

Im only militant here. In person I might feel you out to see what your faith is and if I could tell you were a true believer ID back off.

I had a Muslim drive me 4 hours. I didn't dare tell him I don't believe.

I told a Chaldean once at the gym and he was frazzled I would even consider it.

I leave stupid alone but here they are asking for it.

And if they are confident they should just feel sorry for me. But I never get that vibe.

Ahh ...but it is just the opposite now, 20 year olds get converted to your Atheist religion by preachers like you.


I still don't get why thinking about something you say don't exsist consumes your entire life...


It only consumes my USMB life. It's one of the 3 things I love to talk about and those are the three things you aren't supposed to talk about. Politics, Religion and Race.

I hate the GOP but it doesn't consume my life. Just my USMB life and maybe sometimes at family functions. I hate racists and I hate how unsafe Detroit is and I think blacks need to clean up their act, but it doesn't consume my life. And I think Religion is a scourge on our society but it doesn't really bother me when I'm out walking around. In fact at my company all month no one mentioned god once. Neither did any of my friends or people I run into out in public. For the most people keep that shit to themselves.

I wonder who's using religion to divide us? Who's riling up the evangelicals?

The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. It was founded in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell and associates, and dissolved in the late 1980s.

Christian right or religious right is a term used - mainly in the United States - to label right-wing Christian political factions that are characterized by their strong support of socially conservative policies.

You "hate" Republicans? Wow, that's a lot of effort to muster up that much emotion for those who merely disagree with you politically.

Perhaps you might benefit from talking to a counselor about these extreme feelings you are admitting to having.
Who are you?

Not me. When I see a religious person in person I never tell them what I believe. No good will ever come of that. I've done that to one friend who's a devout Catholic and never do that again. People gotta figure it out on their own. That's why the internet is great. Normally a 20 year old in the past would get easily sucked into a religion without having the benefit of Google. People are getting to smart for that shit.

Im only militant here. In person I might feel you out to see what your faith is and if I could tell you were a true believer ID back off.

I had a Muslim drive me 4 hours. I didn't dare tell him I don't believe.

I told a Chaldean once at the gym and he was frazzled I would even consider it.

I leave stupid alone but here they are asking for it.

And if they are confident they should just feel sorry for me. But I never get that vibe.

Ahh ...but it is just the opposite now, 20 year olds get converted to your Atheist religion by preachers like you.


I still don't get why thinking about something you say don't exsist consumes your entire life...


It only consumes my USMB life. It's one of the 3 things I love to talk about and those are the three things you aren't supposed to talk about. Politics, Religion and Race.

I hate the GOP but it doesn't consume my life. Just my USMB life and maybe sometimes at family functions. I hate racists and I hate how unsafe Detroit is and I think blacks need to clean up their act, but it doesn't consume my life. And I think Religion is a scourge on our society but it doesn't really bother me when I'm out walking around. In fact at my company all month no one mentioned god once. Neither did any of my friends or people I run into out in public. For the most people keep that shit to themselves.

I wonder who's using religion to divide us? Who's riling up the evangelicals?

The Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. It was founded in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell and associates, and dissolved in the late 1980s.

Christian right or religious right is a term used - mainly in the United States - to label right-wing Christian political factions that are characterized by their strong support of socially conservative policies.

You "hate" Republicans? Wow, that's a lot of effort to muster up that much emotion for those who merely disagree with you politically.

Perhaps you might benefit from talking to a counselor about these extreme feelings you are admitting to having.
Who are you?

View attachment 76597
500 people saw him perform miracles, says 11 guys. Don't forget Judas didn't spread the gospel.

Keep in mind those 11 didn't write the bible. Hearsay
Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
Obviously theists no longer consider lying immoral, as most of your posts are nothing but lies, this post included.
People can follow the devil without even realizing it.

I have yet to see evidence of devils or gods.

Yahweh alone knows my heart and exactly what it would take for me to believe in Him. He just won't show me what I need to see to believe. By His inaction He is damning me to Hell.

So much for loving all His children and wanting us by his side.
Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
Obviously theists no longer consider lying immoral, as most of your posts are nothing but lies, this post included.
People can follow the devil without even realizing it.

I have yet to see evidence of devils or gods.

Yahweh alone knows my heart and exactly what it would take for me to believe in Him. He just won't show me what I need to see to believe. By His inaction He is damning me to Hell.

So much for loving all His children and wanting us by his side.
There's no excuse, all one needs is logic to know that there is a God and source of universal truth.

As mentioned in another thread for example, order arising from chaos unguided is logically nonsensical.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
I believe the Bible tells as that the root cause of all atheism is pride. Some people simply refuse to humble themselves and admit that they are a sinner. There will be no excuses on Judgement Day.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
I believe the Bible tells as that the root cause of all atheism is pride. Some people simply refuse to humble themselves and admit that they are a sinner. There will be no excuses on Judgement Day.
True, I believe that when man decides that life is meaningless then he ends up either deifying the self, or believing that man can surpass God (which is an essential idea behind progressive utopianism; that man can "create" heaven on earth). It's essentially pride.

I think everyone is born knowing there is a God, and when they lose their trust in the world they end up believing their is nothing greater than the self.

This is why you often hear atheists using examples of badness in the world such as starving children or deformed babies as justification for their belief; by dwelling on the badness in the world they lose faith in anything other than the self or other fallible mortals; much like Nietzsche likely did, and unfortunately his loss of faith in everything lead to him dying in a state of mental illness.

The essential ideology of atheism is that the world is inherently bad, untrustworthy, and no rights exist other than might, so it leads many to lead a miserable existence.
Atheism can't be a religion because nobody collect money off of them once a week.

They spend their time and money on the inventions of "science", whether pharmaceutical drugs, gadgets, or other things they feel will "save" them from fleshly pain, only to realize it never will since the master of the material world they worship is actually the devil.
Obviously theists no longer consider lying immoral, as most of your posts are nothing but lies, this post included.
People can follow the devil without even realizing it.

I have yet to see evidence of devils or gods.

Yahweh alone knows my heart and exactly what it would take for me to believe in Him. He just won't show me what I need to see to believe. By His inaction He is damning me to Hell.

So much for loving all His children and wanting us by his side.
There's no excuse, all one needs is logic to know that there is a God and source of universal truth.

As mentioned in another thread for example, order arising from chaos unguided is logically nonsensical.
So who made god?

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