Is Atheism a Religion or a severe mental disorder?

Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
I believe the Bible tells as that the root cause of all atheism is pride. Some people simply refuse to humble themselves and admit that they are a sinner. There will be no excuses on Judgement Day.
The bible is a book written by men, with no help from an invisible superbeing in another dimension that nobody has been to or knows where it it.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
What about someone like me, I'm agnostic: I see no real proof either way for or against the possibility of a god, but am willing to change my mind if someone comes up with real proof either way. Can't be any fairer than that.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."


Well I suppose you can't blame them, seeing as Christianity had a 1,700 year head start in indoctrination.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
I believe the Bible tells as that the root cause of all atheism is pride. Some people simply refuse to humble themselves and admit that they are a sinner. There will be no excuses on Judgement Day.
The root of all atheism is gay pride? Wtf?
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
I believe the Bible tells as that the root cause of all atheism is pride. Some people simply refuse to humble themselves and admit that they are a sinner. There will be no excuses on Judgement Day.
The root of all atheism is gay pride? Wtf?

I have not thought of that before:

Root of the atheism religion is gay pride

Yup makes perfect sense to me.

Excellent root causes

The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs

Here are some. Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012):

  • Are poorer.
  • They are less urbanized.
  • Have lower levels of education.
  • They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
  • Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
  • Suffer more from low birth weights.
  • Have worse child nutrition.
  • Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.

The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs
Excellent root causes

The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs

Here are some. Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012):

    • Are poorer.
    • They are less urbanized.
    • They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
    • Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
    • Suffer more from low birth weights.
    • Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.
The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs
Troll alert!

Excellent root causes

The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs

Here are some. Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012):

    • Are poorer.
    • They are less urbanized.
    • They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
    • Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
    • Suffer more from low birth weights.
    • Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.
The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs
Troll alert!

View attachment 77053
typical low iq hyper religionist
Excellent root causes

The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs

Here are some. Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012):

    • Are poorer.
    • They are less urbanized.
    • They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
    • Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
    • Suffer more from low birth weights.
    • Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.
The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs
Troll alert!

View attachment 77053
typical low iq religionist,

Based on scientific research

The More Religious the Parents, the Less Intelligent the Children

There is a reason why god-believing adults rarely become scientists, and almost never become top scientists. Not only does theology and dogmatic religious assertions interfere with correct scientific thought, but, children of religious parents have on average, lower intelligence. This common-sense finding is not a one-off statistic, but part of an entire trend. The stricter the religious beliefs of the parent, the less the average intelligence of the child.

“Sociologist Zena Blau of the University of Houston recently conducted a study of more than a thousand children in Chicago. [...] In 1981 Blau reported that IQs were lowest among children whose mothers have overly strict religious beliefs. Children whose mothers were from a non-denominational or non-religious background had the highest average IQs - 110 for whites, 109 for blacks. Children whose mothers belonged to "fundamentalist" religious groups tended to have IQs that were 7 to 10 points lower. According to Blau, these religion-IQ differences hold even when you take into account the mother's social class, current occupational status, and education.”

"Understanding Human Behavior" by James V. McConnel (1986)7

It is easy to see how a cycle may emerge: If some people are prompted to adopt some religious beliefs, their children will have less IQ.

They will therefore be more likely to take up religious beliefs more strictly. If they do so, their children will have even less average intelligence, and perhaps adopt even stricter religious behaviours. A cycle. This cycle would be most readily shaken by education imposed from without, on a national scale. Public education is a good defence against communities cycling into la-la land. Also, sometimes such as during the enlightenment, a general changing in culture can break the hold of specific forms of religious inhibition, and break the cycle. In the West, a gradual counter-cycle of individualism ended the dark ages and allowed the West's cultural ascent.

Religion and Intelligence
Last edited:
Excellent root causes

The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs

Here are some. Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012):

    • Are poorer.
    • They are less urbanized.
    • They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
    • Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
    • Suffer more from low birth weights.
    • Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.
The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs
Troll alert!

View attachment 77053
typical low iq hyper religionist
Excellent root causes

The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs

Here are some. Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012):

    • Are poorer.
    • They are less urbanized.
    • They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
    • Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
    • Suffer more from low birth weights.
    • Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.
The Real Reason Atheists Have Higher IQs
Troll alert!

View attachment 77053
typical low iq religionist,

Based on scientific research

The More Religious the Parents, the Less Intelligent the Children

There is a reason why god-believing adults rarely become scientists, and almost never become top scientists. Not only does theology and dogmatic religious assertions interfere with correct scientific thought, but, children of religious parents have on average, lower intelligence. This common-sense finding is not a one-off statistic, but part of an entire trend. The stricter the religious beliefs of the parent, the less the average intelligence of the child.

“Sociologist Zena Blau of the University of Houston recently conducted a study of more than a thousand children in Chicago. [...] In 1981 Blau reported that IQs were lowest among children whose mothers have overly strict religious beliefs. Children whose mothers were from a non-denominational or non-religious background had the highest average IQs - 110 for whites, 109 for blacks. Children whose mothers belonged to "fundamentalist" religious groups tended to have IQs that were 7 to 10 points lower. According to Blau, these religion-IQ differences hold even when you take into account the mother's social class, current occupational status, and education.”

"Understanding Human Behavior" by James V. McConnel (1986)7

It is easy to see how a cycle may emerge: If some people are prompted to adopt some religious beliefs, their children will have less IQ.

They will therefore be more likely to take up religious beliefs more strictly. If they do so, their children will have even less average intelligence, and perhaps adopt even stricter religious behaviours. A cycle. This cycle would be most readily shaken by education imposed from without, on a national scale. Public education is a good defence against communities cycling into la-la land. Also, sometimes such as during the enlightenment, a general changing in culture can break the hold of specific forms of religious inhibition, and break the cycle. In the West, a gradual counter-cycle of individualism ended the dark ages and allowed the West's cultural ascent.

Religion and Intelligence
You're an idiot if you believe that. IQ is tied to genetics. A persons IQ is in no way affected by their religious beliefs. And some of the greatest scientists in history were Christians. You are so full of it.
And I'll match my IQ against yours any day. What would you like to discuss? Quantum Mechanics? String Theory? Information Theory? Put your money where your mouth is. Pick a topic, and we'll discuss it. Let's see who's smarter.

And I'll match my IQ against yours any day. What would you like to discuss? Quantum Mechanics? String Theory? Information Theory? Put your money where your mouth is. Pick a topic, and we'll discuss it. Let's see who's smarter.


Don’t make the topic logic, reason, and critical thinking skills – you’ll clearly fail at that.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
I believe the Bible tells as that the root cause of all atheism is pride. Some people simply refuse to humble themselves and admit that they are a sinner. There will be no excuses on Judgement Day.
What you ‘believe’ fails as a straw man fallacy, a ridiculous lie on your part intended to misrepresent those free from faith.

Indeed, being free from faith has nothing to do with ‘pride’; instead, it has to do with acknowledging the facts and evidence which indicate that religion and ‘god’ as perceived by theists are creations of man, and that as creations of man they are completely devoid of any objective authority, and cannot be used to justify compelling compliance with religious doctrine and dogma in the context of secular society and the law.

That’s why theists citing bible verses is pointless and meaningless, as doing so fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."

There is a book, by Dr. Lyle Rossiter, called the liberal mind. A very revealing look at why Liberals behave the way they do. I believe that much of what he says can also be applied to atheists. They seem to have much in common.
Basically I divide atheism into two main camps:

Existential/egoist atheism - Basically self-deification, materialistic hedonism, or Satanism

Progressive/humanist atheism - Basically deification of "science" and the secular state
And this would be an example of the arrogance and ignorance common to far too many theists.
IMO god is no more or less offensive than Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny
Except one does not have Rodent adherents making national policy to fit the behaviour of rabbits and mice.
What national policy forces religion upon anyone?
Nationaly nobody, but since Creationism is getting in the science classrooms in the south, I don't think the post is totaly wrong. Your right though the idea of god isn't bad, the idea that God goes before secular law and logic is.
But as a case in point, the use of Biblical passages to justify slavery as a national policy.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."


You are a moron. That said I'll answer your stupid question.

The only thing WORTH posting about even Over and Over is...wait for it.... THE TRUTH!!!

Religion and all it's lies have a strangle hold on the thoughts and the politics of our nation. If there EVER was a reason to fight the good fight it's to free men's minds from living a make believe fairy tale existence and expecting EVERYONE else to follow suit.

Religion is a fraud. I will speak against fraud to my last breath.
Part of me says it is a religion, but part of me says it is a severe mental disorder along the lines of liberalism and the AGW cult.

How could any sane person go on and on talking and preaching about something that they consider don't exists?

I don't post constantly post about invisible flying pink elephants, why?

Because it rarely crosses my mind....

What sane person would constantly think about something that they think don't exsist?

I don't constantly think about people's belief in goblins, ghost, big foot, UFOs or all the rest, frankly I don't give a crap about them nor do I try to say they don't exsist because myself a truth seeker, a man of science I can not prove they don't exsist with out a doubt.

An interesting piece on Atheism is a religion...

"Religion certainly includes an idea of a God under whom man is inherently subservient, but religion also governs the belief system undergirding the way people think about, and live, their lives.

It tells them who their authority is and it informs their values and behavior. It gives them their sense of morality and goodwill, and it guides them in the way they treat themselves and others. Religion does nothing less than construct one’s view of the world.

Atheists are, in fact, some of the most religious people.

First, they have a functioning God under whom they are subservient (normally it’s science or rationality, but mainly themselves), and that idea of God informs the way they live and interpret their lives. It informs their biases and determines their values, and governs any sense of morality or ethics they adhere too, or ignore.

Once that’s all settled all that’s left is the preaching.

And they preach all the time.

This new breed of atheists is obsessed with the idea of God. They write books, deliver speeches, comment-bomb the evangelical blogosphere and generally rant on ad nauseam about the ills of believing in God.

Honestly – comically – some atheists must type the word “God” on the Internet five times more often than most Christians I know and they do it with the fury of a fire-and-brimstone zealot!

Maybe no one invokes the name of “God” more than they, and they are doing so in more and more virulent ways such as the shocking moment when Dr. Dawkins recently told Al-Jazeera television that he believed being raised Catholic was in itself even more psychologically damaging than being abused by a priest!

Instead of just ignoring God, or the idea of God, atheist preachers feel somehow compelled to rid the Earth of him; so they argue endlessly that theists can’t prove God exists without confessing that they can’t prove he doesn’t either."


You are a moron. That said I'll answer your stupid question.

The only thing WORTH posting about even Over and Over is...wait for it.... THE TRUTH!!!

Religion and all it's lies have a strangle hold on the thoughts and the politics of our nation. If there EVER was a reason to fight the good fight it's to free men's minds from living a make believe fairy tale existence and expecting EVERYONE else to follow suit.

Religion is a fraud. I will speak against fraud to my last breath.
Im going to uncover a book that is 3000 years old that says God talked to my ancestors and said all organized religions are a scam.

1. Proof it's a miracle from God is that the book is typed and typewriters weren't even invented 3000 years ago. Prayed be god.

2. Christians can't use carbon dating to prove my book isn't 3000 years old because they don't believe in that science.

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