Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both?

I supported George Bush, quite voiciferously at one time, but now look back and recognize he was no different than meatheads like John McCain, Romney et. al. In bed with the special interests like the rest......

W and his cronies were much, much worse than the American public imagines. Not only did they lie to the American people to justify the invasion of Iraq, but Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made millions of dollars off this war through their ownership of shares in Haliburton and other government contracted corporations who supplied the troops on deployment.

The whole pack of them should be put on trial and forced to return that money to the American people.

Yeeesh. are so emeshed in the matrix, arent you?!!!!:2up:


Happy designing, honey!!!:rock::rock::rock:
I supported George Bush, quite voiciferously at one time, but now look back and recognize he was no different than meatheads like John McCain, Romney et. al. In bed with the special interests like the rest......

W and his cronies were much, much worse than the American public imagines. Not only did they lie to the American people to justify the invasion of Iraq, but Cheney and Rumsfeld personally made millions of dollars off this war through their ownership of shares in Haliburton and other government contracted corporations who supplied the troops on deployment.

The whole pack of them should be put on trial and forced to return that money to the American people.

What difference does that make?

That was so long ago
The left can't even conceive of the possibility that Obama, Lord, Savior, Daddy, might have fucked this up
Ya'll keep saying that but don't give any specifics as to how? Shit happens, and unfortunately Benghazi didn't have the proper security because Republicans in Congress refused to increase funding. Ever think about that?

It's about time Republican/conservatives started taking responsibility for their mistakes.
The left can't even conceive of the possibility that Obama, Lord, Savior, Daddy, might have fucked this up
Ya'll keep saying that but don't give any specifics as to how? Shit happens, and unfortunately Benghazi didn't have the proper security because Republicans in Congress refused to increase funding. Ever think about that?

It's about time Republican/conservatives started taking responsibility for their mistakes.

yeah....but only the fringe far left thinks that way. The only place you hear bogus shit like that is on MSNBC which about 117 people watch each night.:up:
The right calling the kettle black. Unbelievable ridiculous considering the 8 years of Bush screw ups that cost trillions and millions of lives. And Congress on extended vacation. Benghazi is no comparison to Iran-Contra and Watergate. Mind boggling right wing hatred for Obama because he is not failing. :confused:
How many lives were saved doing the Benghazi attack? The right will keep digging until they dig their cesspool. Putting it lightly.

Speaking of predictable. For nearly the past 5 years all we have heard is the Blame Bush for everything from Obama's hang nail to the world's problems. Then comes Benghazi-Gate and people like LiIoLady side with Carney saying Benghazi happened a long time ago and Hillary claims 'What difference does it make."
Yeah, it's Obama so, let's sweep it under the rug. While we're at it let's see if we can bring up Bush's name and find a way to insert him in the issue.
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Is Bengazi becoming a watergate or iran contra or both.


No one who matters cares.

And why is that?
I am repeating a post I made in the other thread as it needs to be seen here as well -

why were they denied and removing the security they had when the region was tumultuous? The Brits had pulled their people due to an assassination attempt of their Ambassador in Benghazi in June! The UN and the Red Cross had also removed their personnel. Is that not enough to tell you how bad the situation was becoming?

Libya: British guns unaccounted for after Benghazi consulate attack - Telegraph

"From June 2011 to July 2012, then-Regional Security Officer (RSO) for Libya Eric Nordstrom compiled a list of more than 200 security incidents in Libya, 50 of which took place in Benghazi.6 These incidents included violent acts directed
against diplomats and diplomatic facilities, international organizations, and third-country
nationals, as well as large-scale militia clashes. 7 U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi came under direct fire twice in the months leading up to September 11, 2012: first in April 2012, when disgruntled Libyan contract guards allegedly threw a small improvised explosive device (IED) over the perimeter wall; and in June 2012, when unknown assailants used an IED to blow a hole in the perimeter wall."

Why were they drawing down security there? The writing was on the wall! Senior Al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki had recently been killed in a drone attack, 9/11 was approaching. They had been told the security situation there was deteriorating yet they denied them the security they asked for, were even told to continue drawing down the resources they had. They had asked for continued use of a DC-3 airplane, which they recently removed, even though security there at the airport had deteriorated! And it is on record in the hearings they did not deny it due to lack of funds.
And then they tried to blame it on a video, aired ads to apologize about it, rather than state we do not know what happened, let us get back to you as soon as we do. And even though they knew the truth they altered the facts and continued to spread these falsehoods for days!
If you have an ounce of integrity you would want us to get to the bottom of why all of this transpired.
to add to this, to think we had already had 2 IED attacks there, on top of all the other threats, yet they continued to draw down security there is beyond comprehension. If I were the parents of those injured or killed I would be livid.
Is Bengazi becoming a watergate or iran contra or both.


No one who matters cares.

And why is that?

If I were the parents of those injured or killed I would be livid.

Me too. But I'm not.

Me and most Americans are tired of this shit.

When nutballs figure out that jobs are first priority maybe someone besides Fox News and white trash - I repeat myself, apologies - will pay attention to them.
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No one who matters cares.

And why is that?

If I were the parents of those injured or killed I would be livid.

Me too. But I'm not.

Me and most Americans are tired of this shit.

When nutballs figure out that jobs are first priority maybe someone besides Fox News and white trash - I repeat myself, apologies - will pay attention to them.

The FACT you cannot see this is more than that just shows how small minded and self absorbed you are. What a really sad state to be in. Let's see you tell that to the face of the parents that are still seeking answers they cannot get as to what happened there.
The left can't even conceive of the possibility that Obama, Lord, Savior, Daddy, might have fucked this up
Ya'll keep saying that but don't give any specifics as to how? Shit happens, and unfortunately Benghazi didn't have the proper security because Republicans in Congress refused to increase funding. Ever think about that?

It's about time Republican/conservatives started taking responsibility for their mistakes.
The reason that is untrue is that Homeland Security is funded through the Military, which has adequate funding. Mertex, the big boys and girls in the DNC have fooled you guys out here where the rubber hits the road. They're feeding you trash and blaming THEIR egregious error on anybody else convenient, in this case, the Republicans who've adequately funded Homeland Security.

If Obama has subverted military money and spent it on his 1%er campaign funders, like the guy backing Solyndra who benefitted with the $513,000,000.00 dollars Solyndra diverted AWAY FROM 1100 California workers to give him back on his failed ventures, he made a huge mistake to do that. Yet, he kept on making the same mistake over and over until Congress ended the freebies to investors who were walking away fat cats with workers holding the bag.

Obama uses the U.S. Treasury like his and his supporters' piggy bank. It's here piggy piggy here, piggy piggy there, and 1100 workers get a pink slip with no warning whatever when this baloney happens, and it continues to happen because Obama jumps up and down on the Treasury every time one of his supporters needs bigtime cash to invest in something else, then feed people on the ground chickenfeed about how HIS EGREGIOUS THEFT is somehow the Republicans' fault for saying he has to pass a budget, which he responds like a spoiled little boy with the egregious behavior of lying his heiney off to the public.

Here a piggy, there a piggy, oh, my gosh!

Great news: Green-jobs subsidies created 1 job for every $4.85 million spent
And why is that?

If I were the parents of those injured or killed I would be livid.

Me too. But I'm not.

Me and most Americans are tired of this shit.

When nutballs figure out that jobs are first priority maybe someone besides Fox News and white trash - I repeat myself, apologies - will pay attention to them.

The FACT you cannot see this is more than that just shows how small minded and self absorbed you are. What a really sad state to be in. Let's see you tell that to the face of the parents that are still seeking answers they cannot get as to what happened there.

Perhaps neither of us is a stranger to those faces. Still, the faces that linger in my mind are the shell shocked eyes of children, not the grieving faces of parents.

To recap: in this economy in a nation still shell shocked by Bush League scum, fewer than 40% have more than mild interest in a cowboy bureaucrat getting himself and a handful of decent people killed. Fox News isn't going to change that.
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Only on internet message boards, 4am talk radio and the pages of CT Paranoia Comics, the next exciting issue of which features a scratch-and-sniff of Glenn Beck's ass.

The real world? Rotsa ruck selling it.

[ame=]Father Of Navy SEAL Killed In Benghazi Says Obama Admin Pushing A "Pack Of Lies" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Families Of Benghazi Victims Still Have Not Benn Given Info On Attack - Pat Smith - Geraldo - YouTube[/ame]
Benghazi: As new whistle-blowers emerge and Congress tells CIA staffers to lawyer up, a grieving father demands to know how and why his son died and why no one in the administration wants to talk to him.

As long as we're on the subject of finding the terrorists responsible for killing U.S. citizens on American soil, the father of a former Navy SEAL killed in Benghazi last September was on Capitol Hill Wednesday to urge support of a special committee to investigate the attacks.

As we search for answers on Boston, we still have no real answers on Benghazi seven months after the terrorist attack on our diplomatic mission there.

Charles Woods and several members of Congress held a press conference in an effort to highlight what they say is the Obama administration's failure to fully disclose the circumstances that led to the deaths of four Americans, including Ty Woods and U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

The elder Woods said he is still waiting for real answers from the White House and the State Department.

"We don't just want another paper report," Woods said. "We want people who were on the ground" to testify and explain "why they failed to provide support and protection" to Tyrone and others. "This is extraordinary and we need to know ... who was it that gave the order to stand down," Woods said.

Woods' appearance on Capitol Hill comes less than a week after the mother of another Benghazi victim, Sean Smith, penned a frustrated letter to Congress about the death of her son.

"When I was in Washington, D.C., at the reception of the caskets, I asked for and received promises from President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, V.P. Biden and several other dignitaries in attendance. They all looked me directly in the eyes and promised they would find out (what happened in Benghazi)," wrote Patricia Smith. "I got only one call from a clerk about a month later quoting from the time line, which I already had."

Earlier on Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry was asked about Benghazi at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing.

"We have made request after request about, for example, just to get the list of the names of the people who were evacuated from Benghazi, and we haven't even gotten that, much less some of the important questions," Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., told Kerry.

As we've written, the Benghazi survivors have in effect been held incommunicado by their own government.Father Of Benghazi Victim Ty Woods Seeks Answers On Capitol Hill -

Only on internet message boards, 4am talk radio and the pages of CT Paranoia Comics, the next exciting issue of which features a scratch-and-sniff of Glenn Beck's ass.

The real world? Rotsa ruck selling it.

[ame=]Father Of Navy SEAL Killed In Benghazi Says Obama Admin Pushing A "Pack Of Lies" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Families Of Benghazi Victims Still Have Not Benn Given Info On Attack - Pat Smith - Geraldo - YouTube[/ame]

I was about to ask what your point was but I see; I left Fox Noise off the list.

My bad. I must be slipping :eek: You are correct; that is a powerful propaganda tool, especially considering how well they did under the influence of Dick Morris and Karl Rove.
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The chickenhawks and draft dodgers of the right are at it again, Hansen another chickenhawk is simply a tool of the corporate supported think tanks that do anything but think. Talking heads, paid for and bought, weird how this segment of lackeys never goes away nor ever accomplishes anything but words words words. Words pay when they support the elite. Why not just compare Benghazi to the fall of Rome.

"Where was all that concern for our men and women serving in embassies and consulates across the globe when all the other attacks and killings occurred?

Like in 2002 when the US Consulate in the Karachi, Pakistan, was attacked and 10 were killed?
Or in 2004 when the US embassy in Uzbekistan was attacked and two were killed and another nine injured?
How about in 2004, when the US Consulate in Saudi Arabia was stormed and 8 lost their lives?
There is more: In 2006, armed men attacked the US Embassy in Syria and one was murdered.
Then in 2007 a grenade was thrown at the US Embassy in Athens.
In 2008, the US Embassy in Serbia was set on fire.
In 2008, bombings in the US Embassy in Yemen killed 10.
Notice the dates, all before the Obama administration.

Not yet convinced that all the noise over Benghazi has nothing to do with love of countryman? How about the biggest, most catastrophic attack and murder of Americans? As a New Yorker, Sept. 11, 2001, is indelibly imprinted on my psyche and I’m sure on the rest of the country. 3,000 perished in the most brutal act of terror in our recent history—all under a Republican administration. George W. Bush and his team had nine warnings that al-Qaida would attack within the United States, but they did absolutely nothing. No one in that administration’s head rolled for that stunning incompetence.

But Republicans now want President Obama’s head for Benghazi."

Many embassies attacked during the Bush years before Benghazi
Top Ten Republican Myths on Benghazi that Justify Hillary Clinton's Anger | Informed Comment

The left can't even conceive of the possibility that Obama, Lord, Savior, Daddy, might have fucked this up
Ya'll keep saying that but don't give any specifics as to how? Shit happens, and unfortunately Benghazi didn't have the proper security because Republicans in Congress refused to increase funding. Ever think about that?

It's about time Republican/conservatives started taking responsibility for their mistakes.

yeah....but only the fringe far left thinks that way. The only place you hear bogus shit like that is on MSNBC which about 117 people watch each night.:up:

I don't know what you are calling bogus. It's a fact that Republicans in Congress voted "no" to increasing funds for Embassies, and Benghazi was one that needed increased security.

GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

And, you're probably right, only a fringe on the left watch MSNBC, and not all the time like the nuts on the right, who the majority of them watches Faux News 24/7.
The chickenhawks and draft dodgers of the right are at it again, Hansen another chickenhawk is simply a tool of the corporate supported think tanks that do anything but think. Talking heads, paid for and bought, weird how this segment of lackeys never goes away nor ever accomplishes anything but words words words. Words pay when they support the elite. Why not just compare Benghazi to the fall of Rome.

"Where was all that concern for our men and women serving in embassies and consulates across the globe when all the other attacks and killings occurred?

Like in 2002 when the US Consulate in the Karachi, Pakistan, was attacked and 10 were killed?
Or in 2004 when the US embassy in Uzbekistan was attacked and two were killed and another nine injured?
How about in 2004, when the US Consulate in Saudi Arabia was stormed and 8 lost their lives?
There is more: In 2006, armed men attacked the US Embassy in Syria and one was murdered.
Then in 2007 a grenade was thrown at the US Embassy in Athens.
In 2008, the US Embassy in Serbia was set on fire.
In 2008, bombings in the US Embassy in Yemen killed 10.
Notice the dates, all before the Obama administration.

Not yet convinced that all the noise over Benghazi has nothing to do with love of countryman? How about the biggest, most catastrophic attack and murder of Americans? As a New Yorker, Sept. 11, 2001, is indelibly imprinted on my psyche and I’m sure on the rest of the country. 3,000 perished in the most brutal act of terror in our recent history—all under a Republican administration. George W. Bush and his team had nine warnings that al-Qaida would attack within the United States, but they did absolutely nothing. No one in that administration’s head rolled for that stunning incompetence.

But Republicans now want President Obama’s head for Benghazi."

Many embassies attacked during the Bush years before Benghazi
Top Ten Republican Myths on Benghazi that Justify Hillary Clinton's Anger | Informed Comment


One of our Embassies in Mexico was attacked with deaths there under Obama. There were also 2 US Embassy Officers, in another Embassy incident, that were CIA officers shot by Mexican police before the Benghazi attack. Yet you haven't heard screaming about that. Why? Because a barrel of lies weren't thrown out there immediately after that attack. And there have actually been more attacks on Embassies under Obama than Bush. Sadly, but not unexpected, wiki doesn't include them all.
The left can't even conceive of the possibility that Obama, Lord, Savior, Daddy, might have fucked this up
Ya'll keep saying that but don't give any specifics as to how? Shit happens, and unfortunately Benghazi didn't have the proper security because Republicans in Congress refused to increase funding. Ever think about that?

It's about time Republican/conservatives started taking responsibility for their mistakes.
The reason that is untrue is that Homeland Security is funded through the Military, which has adequate funding.
Where did you get that erroneous piece of information?
DHS has it's own funding and is not funded by the Dept of Defense, so right of the bat you don't know what you are talking about.
In fiscal year 2011, DHS was allocated a budget of $98.8 billion and spent, net, $66.4 billion.

Mertex, the big boys and girls in the DNC have fooled you guys out here where the rubber hits the road.
And Faux News has you completely brainwashed.
Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

They're feeding you trash and blaming THEIR egregious error on anybody else convenient, in this case, the Republicans who've adequately funded Homeland Security.
I don't get my information from the DNC, I watch the news, something that most Republicans are lacking because they only watch Faux News and Faux News doesn't tell the whole story.

If Obama has subverted military money and spent it on his 1%er campaign funders, like the guy backing Solyndra who benefitted with the $513,000,000.00 dollars Solyndra diverted AWAY FROM 1100 California workers to give him back on his failed ventures, he made a huge mistake to do that. Yet, he kept on making the same mistake over and over until Congress ended the freebies to investors who were walking away fat cats with workers holding the bag.
Quit changing the subject. Solyndra doesn't have anything to do with the topic of this thread, but you are deceitfully trying to get in some digs and get the conversation away from the fact that Republicans in Congress denied increased funding for the embassies, and now they want to blame the Obama administration for the fuck-up of Benghazi, and it frustrates them because they can't find anything they can claim as a deliberate act by Obama that caused the attack on Benghazi.

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