Is Biden at fault for the worse inflation rate in 40 years?

And yet you provide NO PROOF!
Your opinion is purely subjective.
Where are the facts you base your evidently uninformed opinion on?

For people who might just have read your comment:
Biden signed a moratorium on exploring for oil on land that provides 25% of the nation's oil.
FACT: The White House froze new oil and gas lease sales shortly after President Biden took office.
FACT: 25% of our national oil production,
Oil from federal lands tops 1B barrels as Trump eases rules

The Biden administration exacerbated the inflation of gas prices by both restricting the supply of oil and pressuring banks and asset managers to divest from traditional energy projects. The result of these flawed policies is weakened purchasing power for consumers and more reliance on foreign countries to keep the United States powered.

President Biden is restricting America’s ability to produce its own oil and is instead relying on foreign countries, some of which have governments run by totalitarian regimes, to produce more oil to lower gas prices. Biden’s decision to cut off avenues for more domestic supply of oil by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and limiting exploration on federal lands and waters gives the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) significant leverage over American energy consumption.
How much oil was Keystone XL pipeline to transfer in 2021-2022 before it was cancelled?

ZERO. That's a fact.

How long does it take for new land lease to result in exploration and then oil out of the ground?

IT TAKES YEARS. That's a fact.

Futures oil markets are dominated by short term trading currently pricing in the risk of disruption if Russia invades Ukraine. That's a fact.

Do you refute any of these facts? If not then you are transparently full of shit.
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Biden inflation hits 40-year high… Rick Santelli breaks it down…​

So why is it Biden's "inflation"? Well among many reasons here is one dominate one!
Every day Americans buy an average of about 338 million gallons per day (or about 8.05 million barrels per day).
So when gas rises in price nearly 40% from what it was a year ago... that means every day gas cost Americans $334 million a day MORE
than a year ago.
So why is it Biden's "Inflation"... ONE major reason...
Biden shut off oil exploration on land that produces 25% of Americans oil.
He then begs OPEC to pump more gas while restricting American oil producers!
He then releases 50 million barrels from the strategic oil reserves!
These three Biden actions CAUSED gas prices to increase for Americans by $334 million a DAY!
Folks... if that doesn't add to are those of you who don't think Biden's at fault... You don't understand all!

View attachment 599629
Do you think Biden is responsible for the shortfall in the oil supply? The US government doesn't control domestic producers. We have not nat
no argument from me man.

I agree completely.
US oil companies are not investing profits in increased capacity.. they are returning profits to shareholders. Would you prefer socialism?
How much oil was Keystone XL pipeline to transfer in 2021-2022 before it was cancelled?

ZERO. That's a fact.

How long does it take for new land lease to result in exploration and then oil out of the ground?

IT TAKES YEARS. That's a fact.

Futures oil markets are dominated by short term trading currently pricing in the risk of disruption if Russia invades Ukraine. That's a fact.

Do you refute any of these facts? If not then you are transparently full of shit.
Well said. Such stupid people.
How much oil was Keystone XL pipeline to transfer in 2021-2022 before it was cancelled?

ZERO. That's a fact.

How long does it take for new land lease to result in exploration and then oil out of the ground?

IT TAKES YEARS. That's a fact.

Futures oil markets are dominated by short term trading currently pricing in the risk of Russian supply coming off market if it invades Ukraine. That's a fact.

Do you refute any of these facts? If not then you are transparently full of shit.
Who says so YOU? Please intelligent people like to see proof. Links. Substantiation!
Who was complaining about Keystone carrying oil affecting gas prices? I was pointing out the facts that
there are many other costs that increase including shipping oil via oil tankers (alternative to Keystone)! But of course that is too nitty gritty details for people like you. But FYI...with Keystone cancelled the alternative to shipping 1 million barrels via a pipeline carrying 700 barrels per mile VS a 1 million barrel oil tanker PER day on the open ocean like this not only is an environmental danger (you probably don't remember Exxon Valdez) but the cost using oil tankers is higher due to that risk... 1 million barrels on the open ocean traveling 1 mile VS 700 barrels traveling 1 mile in a buried on dryland pipe! But environmentalists don't seem to care!
Who says so YOU? Please intelligent people like to see proof. Links. Substantiation!
Who was complaining about Keystone carrying oil affecting gas prices? I was pointing out the facts that
there are many other costs that increase including shipping oil via oil tankers (alternative to Keystone)! But of course that is too nitty gritty details for people like you. But FYI...with Keystone cancelled the alternative to shipping 1 million barrels via a pipeline carrying 700 barrels per mile VS a 1 million barrel oil tanker PER day on the open ocean like this not only is an environmental danger (you probably don't remember Exxon Valdez) but the cost using oil tankers is higher due to that risk... 1 million barrels on the open ocean traveling 1 mile VS 700 barrels traveling 1 mile in a buried on dryland pipe! But environmentalists don't seem to care!
Keystone xl was a n export pipe line and tax dodge to benefit the Chinese owners of tarsands. You should have learned this in 2011.
Do you think Biden is responsible for the shortfall in the oil supply? The US government doesn't control domestic producers. We have not nat
US oil companies are not investing profits in increased capacity.. they are returning profits to shareholders. Would you prefer socialism?
25% of our national oil production comes from Federal lands.
Oil from federal lands tops 1B barrels as Trump eases rules
25% of US oil comes from Federal lands.
Biden moratorium stops exploration on federal lands and unlike you here is again the FACTS as to the EFFECT!
Plus please refute THIS FACT!
In 2019, when Donald Trump was president, the U.S. did achieve energy independence, something that had not happened since 1957.
Since 2019 there have been several months when the U.S. did not produce as much energy as it consumed, including January 2021.
BUT please refute with the facts!!!
25% of our national oil production comes from Federal lands.
Oil from federal lands tops 1B barrels as Trump eases rules
25% of US oil comes from Federal lands.
Biden moratorium stops exploration on federal lands and unlike you here is again the FACTS as to the EFFECT!
Plus please refute THIS FACT!
In 2019, when Donald Trump was president, the U.S. did achieve energy independence, something that had not happened since 1957.
Since 2019 there have been several months when the U.S. did not produce as much energy as it consumed, including January 2021.
BUT please refute with the facts!!!
View attachment 602594
They have options on plenty of oil concessions on federal lands. Typically they have 3-4000 options. They don't need more. US oil companies are investing profits in return to shareholders. You are very ignorant and should take some time to learn about the oil business instead of coming off like an idiot.
I suggest you start reading you own links.

"U.S. regular retail prices of gasoline fell to 2.43 in 2015 and a record low of 2.14 in 2016"

Trump didn't inherit 8 year average, he inherited low oil prices from 2016 and it was only more expensive from there untill economy crashed.
We are talking about minor ups and downs....normal.

Not what we got after the Xiden admin took office...try again
They have options on plenty of oil concessions on federal lands. Typically they have 3-4000 options. They don't need more. US oil companies are investing profits in return to shareholders. You are very ignorant and should take some time to learn about the oil business instead of coming off like an idiot.
Proof! Where is your proof for that "3-4,000 options"????????
Talk about idiots! Where is your links?
We are talking about minor ups and downs....normal.

Not what we got after the Xiden admin took office...try again
I suggest you review the graph again, you are still full of crap on the data.

You are also still full of crap in terms of establishing actual policy causality.
OH boy bring up Keystone! Please do!
Do you consider yourself a person concerned about environmental damage from fossil fuels?
Answer that question yes or no.
It's not a yes/no answer, dipshit. It's not all or nothing. If the rewards outweigh the risks, I accept the risks. In the case of the XL Keystone pipeline, the rewards don't outweigh the risks. Most of that oil would be transported through the U.S. just to be exported. Of what benefit to the U.S. is that?
It's not a yes/no answer, dipshit. It's not all or nothing. If the rewards outweigh the risks, I accept the risks. In the case of the XL Keystone pipeline, the rewards don't outweigh the risks. Most of that oil would be transported through the U.S. just to be exported. Of what benefit to the U.S. is that?
You may as well explain it to a stump.
Right, all the money gave away under Trump has nothing to do with this. All the trillions under Trump pumped into the markets has nothing to do with this. The 8 trillion debt under Trump has nothing to do with this.

Even you understand but yet you will persist.
When you have nothing....

Proof! Where is your proof for that "3-4,000 options"????????
Talk about idiots! Where is your links?
It's always been that way... You can go to the Bush years. There's always a surplus in federal concessions. The rules and regs are more stringent so US companies prefer to drill elsewhere.

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