Is Biden at fault for the worse inflation rate in 40 years?

Oh I agree there are others to be blamed. Biden though had a DIRECT hand in stopping exploration on land that provides 25% of America's oil. That is a direct role that as I've shown in the attached chart that shows leases being signed. Note 2020 the affect of COVID caused fewer leases to be signed under Trump! But the prior 3 years he was signing more. As a result:
In 2019, when Donald Trump was president, the U.S. did achieve energy independence, something that had not happened since 1957.

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Not a single drop of oil supply has been effected by leases since Biden became president and they would not yeld a single drop of oil for years. It has right about ZERO do with current pricing.

You fucking know that, because we explained it to your bs spreading ass multiple times now.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you get paid to peddle this transparent bullshit?
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Biden inflation hits 40-year high… Rick Santelli breaks it down…​

So why is it Biden's "inflation"? Well among many reasons here is one dominate one!
Every day Americans buy an average of about 338 million gallons per day (or about 8.05 million barrels per day).
So when gas rises in price nearly 40% from what it was a year ago... that means every day gas cost Americans $334 million a day MORE
than a year ago.
So why is it Biden's "Inflation"... ONE major reason...
Biden shut off oil exploration on land that produces 25% of Americans oil.
He then begs OPEC to pump more gas while restricting American oil producers!
He then releases 50 million barrels from the strategic oil reserves!
These three Biden actions CAUSED gas prices to increase for Americans by $334 million a DAY!
Folks... if that doesn't add to are those of you who don't think Biden's at fault... You don't understand all!

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If the petroleum was nationalized you might have a good argument, if these companies were not making record bank you might have a good argument, but all you people do is cry lies and misinformation to make the guy you didn't vote for look bad when in fact it shows how wrong you are about a subject you show you know little about.
The left is always destroying America. It's easy to track this chronologically: The golden years of the US are always years of the right, going back to the golden years before the Roosevelt crisis. All market crashes in one way or another preceded the arrival of the left.

The left is British-German agents in the US, colonists of the former British east coast colonies. This is European crypto-Bolshevism, which uses America for its dirty purposes.
Let's see.

Prohibition times - right wing power - economic boom

Eisenhower years - economic boom

The Reagan years - economic boom.
golden 20th


left 30th:


Why the fuck do Americans even vote left? It's hard to understand.
This is BDSM

You're still fucking lucky that you didn't live through what the leftists did in the USSR in the 30s.
My relatives in Ukraine have only two left from a family of about 15 people, all the children died of starvation except for the youngest and his sister.
They confiscated all their food. They had food, they were simply not allowed to eat.

Not a single drop of oil supply has been effected by leases since Biden became president and they would not yeld a single drop of oil for years. It has right about ZERO do with current pricing.

You fucking know that, because we explained it to your bs spreading ass multiple times now.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you get paid to peddle this transparent bullshit?
We do not believe your lies anymore. But you do it endlessly. Oil prices in politics. As soon as the stolen election was over the price rose. People put up with a lot of shit from Progs. You are at the point of hitting the peasants at home for survival as well as your tyranny edicts.
And this is what Roosevelt's friend did in Bengal.

And why the fuck are we all tolerating and silent?

Biden inflation hits 40-year high… Rick Santelli breaks it down…​

So why is it Biden's "inflation"? Well among many reasons here is one dominate one!
Every day Americans buy an average of about 338 million gallons per day (or about 8.05 million barrels per day).
So when gas rises in price nearly 40% from what it was a year ago... that means every day gas cost Americans $334 million a day MORE
than a year ago.
So why is it Biden's "Inflation"... ONE major reason...
Biden shut off oil exploration on land that produces 25% of Americans oil.
He then begs OPEC to pump more gas while restricting American oil producers!
He then releases 50 million barrels from the strategic oil reserves!
These three Biden actions CAUSED gas prices to increase for Americans by $334 million a DAY!
Folks... if that doesn't add to are those of you who don't think Biden's at fault... You don't understand all!

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The Democrats will blame inflation on Trump of course. Everything that goes wrong is always Trump’s fault.
Inflation: Supply & Demand: As demand increases and supply cannot keep up, dollars are devalued as they chase fewer goods and services.
  • We saw demand sharply increase as the economy strengthened. Inevitable and predictable, as the larger COVID shutdowns began to end.
  • Supply not only couldn't keep up, but it actually decreased due to supply chain disruptions and breakdowns, which are still far from being repaired.
  • This spread from most basic levels - the materials needed for production - all the way up the chain and continues to compound on the way up.
  • Boom: The predictable inflation kicked in and will remain (and possibly increase) as long as the above inflationary conditions remain constant.
Economics 101, for anyone who isn't intellectually paralyzed at the bottom of a partisan rabbit hole. You're welcome. No charge.
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Does Biden share the blame? Absolutely. Is this something that happened because of what has happened in the last year? No. This has been building and created over years.
I have a client who's a Regional VP of a paint company. We met last week. He was telling me how almost every step in the production process is fucked up.

They can't get cans to put the fucking paint in. They can't get the right color ink to put on the labels that go on their cans. They can't make certain shades of paint because they can't get the right ingredients. Meanwhile, demand is stronger than ever. It was fucking mind-blowing to listen to. If the overall supply chain is as messed up for other industries as it is for his, we're a long way from this being over.

Their production and distribution process is running at about 25% of normal, everything is backordered, and their competition is in the same mess. So what are they all having to do? Increase prices at the wholesale and consumer levels, of course. Economics at its most fundamental.
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The Moon Bats were in denial about the significant damage The Worthless Negro to the economy and they are in denial about the damage Joe Pototahead is doing.
We do not believe your lies anymore. But you do it endlessly. Oil prices in politics. As soon as the stolen election was over the price rose. People put up with a lot of shit from Progs. You are at the point of hitting the peasants at home for survival as well as your tyranny edicts.
Nope, wrong, wrong again idiot.


That caused oil stores to back up and oil price to drop to NEGATIVE on futures market. That in turn caused oil companies to sharply cut production.

As economy re-opened REVERSE started happening and prices started going up as demand went up.

Your claim that prices started going up Jan2021 is counter factual bullshit.


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