Is Biden at fault for the worse inflation rate in 40 years?

Oh I agree there are others to be blamed. Biden though had a DIRECT hand in stopping exploration on land that provides 25% of America's oil. That is a direct role that as I've shown in the attached chart that shows leases being signed. Note 2020 the affect of COVID caused fewer leases to be signed under Trump! But the prior 3 years he was signing more. As a result:
In 2019, when Donald Trump was president, the U.S. did achieve energy independence, something that had not happened since 1957.

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no argument from me man.

I agree completely.
Democrats and other fascist globalist psychopaths are responsible, including Biden.

They burned countries down for power and wealth, and could give two shits about the poor and middle class.
Yes it was. The bidumb team effort. This is what they call success.
Correct. Is there even one Biden policy or decision that didn't add fuel to inflation? And there you have it. Dems can run but they can't hide from Biden that guy is a f'ing retard.
It's not just his fault, although he is partially to blame, but his whole administration is to blame for it.
Market Stimulus was done by Biden sympathizers with way too much money way too soon to be properly effective.

On top of this...
Shipping issues are part of the problem. Central to this is a rail line merger that the Biden administration approved of. Which is why the Keystone pipeline got shut down. So the oil would have been shipped by rail instead of pipeline.

Then on top of this...
The shipping containers are in shortage. Rail lines at ports are not working effectively due to the Dockworkers union instituting goldbricking. "Working to the rule" is what they call it. It's not's rail and truckers together.
And supply chain interruptions are his majority problem.

Biden inflation hits 40-year high… Rick Santelli breaks it down…​

So why is it Biden's "inflation"? Well among many reasons here is one dominate one!
Every day Americans buy an average of about 338 million gallons per day (or about 8.05 million barrels per day).
So when gas rises in price nearly 40% from what it was a year ago... that means every day gas cost Americans $334 million a day MORE
than a year ago.
So why is it Biden's "Inflation"... ONE major reason...
Biden shut off oil exploration on land that produces 25% of Americans oil.
He then begs OPEC to pump more gas while restricting American oil producers!
He then releases 50 million barrels from the strategic oil reserves!
These three Biden actions CAUSED gas prices to increase for Americans by $334 million a DAY!
Folks... if that doesn't add to are those of you who don't think Biden's at fault... You don't understand all!

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You are the one who doesn't understand facts. Oil companies are deliberately keeping supplies low to keep prices high. There were over 800 oil rigs in operation pre-pandemic. That number dropped to under 400 due to the collapse in oil demand. Despite high oil prices and higher demand, the number of rigs in production is increasing very slowly. Biden is not preventing them from re-opening. Oil companies are scamming America and are getting away with it.
Well here is one REASON why Biden/Obama contributes to high gas prices.
NOTE how Obama reduced leases for Federal lands that produce 25% of US oil..
while Trump INCREASED leases.
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The amount of oil produced increased under Obama. Republicans would put a oil drill in Old faithful. Republicans want to destroy the land to drill.
The "year ago" gas price thing is deceptive. Tater The Putz should be held accountable on what prices were the day he stole the election.....Prices started going up then due to uncertainty.

Think on it, a year from now if prices remain steady those "year ago" prices will be touted as a success by the dems, especially if it goes down a few cents. It would still be around a dollar a gallon more.

BTW the average price for a gallon of unleaded regular was around $2.20 the day Tater stole the election.

Prices started going up under Trump. Trump negotiated a deal for OPEC to cut production which started increasing oil prices.
Democrats and other fascist globalist psychopaths are responsible, including Biden.

They burned countries down for power and wealth, and could give two shits about the poor and middle class.

You Trumpies are the psychopaths.
You Trumpies are the psychopaths.
You're a Trumpie?

You can't be talking about me unless you have reading comprehension issues.

But yeah, Democrats are acting like Nazi psychopaths, and blaming Trump.

Kinda like rapists who blame the victim.
Correct. Is there even one Biden policy or decision that didn't add fuel to inflation? And there you have it. Dems can run but they can't hide from Biden that guy is a f'ing retard.

Trump supporters are the retards. You are the retarded one. Biden's policies have not contributed to inflation.
You're a Trumpie?

You can't be talking about me unless you have reading comprehension issues.

But yeah, Democrats are acting like Nazi psychopaths, and blaming Trump.

Kinda like rapists who blame the victim.

Republicans like you are the Nazis. You are the one who can't read.
Sleepy joe will forever be known as the inflation president. It's insane. They basically tell us to deal with it. So, you can say this Sleepy joe presidency is one about trying to survive instead of trying to be great.
Trump understood the Federal Reserve. He even made sure to make comments to keep the prime rate low. the truth is he did not start this. The Federal Reserve can make or break a President. In 1913 the United States ceded its control of its destiny when the Federal Reserve Act was passed. Are you willing to cut all of the debt in our yearly budgets? Cut the budget deficit now or raise taxes to balance the budget to start. Who loses? What are the consequences or positives? Do we go into a massive depression? Are we in some type of one now? A potential future Fed Head has views to not give resources to people who are not Global Climate lovers. Do you understand that? we are controlled by a privately owned Federal Bank who eats up economies from within over a period of time as politicians use their abilities to print money out of nothing to stay in power.
Three words that you alluded to are at the top of my list--BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT. Quit spending money we don't have.
The amount of oil produced increased under Obama. Republicans would put a oil drill in Old faithful. Republicans want to destroy the land to drill.
Prove it! Dummies like you make stupid wild-ass comments WITH NO PROOF! No wonder people find dummies like you and your comments so FUNNY!
You are the one who doesn't understand facts. Oil companies are deliberately keeping supplies low to keep prices high. There were over 800 oil rigs in operation pre-pandemic. That number dropped to under 400 due to the collapse in oil demand. Despite high oil prices and higher demand, the number of rigs in production is increasing very slowly. Biden is not preventing them from re-opening. Oil companies are scamming America and are getting away with it.
Prove it! Where are your links? Your substantiation?
President Biden has blamed inflation… on China for awhile. Then President Biden blamed it on greedy corporations. I expect next he'll say that inflation originated in a bat

That felt so good i'll say it again

He tries to blame inflation on everything but what it is--his own policies. He's blamed it on corporate greed--that's his latest scenario. I wouldn't be surprised if he next says inflation originated in a bat.
Xiden & Democrotch congress is like Carter years all over again, difference being Carter was a good man Vs Xiden is a creep. Wow have Demonicracks regressed.

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