Is Biden really that stronger of a candidate for president than hildebeast?

I discount MOST of them. Most are insane. I even see a problem with States Rights with a few of them. I do know that a couple or three of the Candidates do support all of them (just not worded quite like that) but in the end, they haven't got a chance in hell. There isn't a chance in hell we can allow them into office. For one, we can't afford to pay for it all. This is why I stand by Biden. He's not taking about much of this because he shouldn't. Most of it is just insane and should be ignored. There are some key points but you would have to word it different instead of the Rush and Hannity Hour wording like above for me to comment on.

Ok, I'll start with one policy that Biden said he approves, Medicare for all, "healthcare is a right". That's enough for me to oppose Biden. I paid for my Medicare coverage all my working life. I do not want everyone on it. The doctors said that system won't work, i.e. its unworkable. I'm sure Biden will agree with a few other crazy progressive policies, but throwing 180m families off their workplace healthcare plans is not going to work.

List a few more of those policies that you agree with.

Good start. I am on the other side of this, we both should be aware. And I am affected the least of it. I am covered by Medicare (133 bucks a month is taken out) and Tricare (with a 175 buck deduction). There are problems in that that I won't go into at this time so we just cover Medicare for all.

Here is a program that makes sense and many states use it. Instead of relying on Emergency rooms for health prevention for the poor like we have now, set up free health clinics so the poor, or anyone else, can get preventive medical help. Ever watch the TV show "Becker"? The problem we have right now in the free clinics is, the donations aren't what they used to be and many have closed down. So, instead of using a clinic, the poor wait until it becomes a life threatening situation and head for the far more expensive Emergency room. You and I end up paying for that emergency room visit that could have been taken care of much sooner in a cheaper clinic.

Now, let's look at a serious medical procedure. Let's say it's going to cost 250,000 bucks. Where is someone that works for 15 bucks an hour going to get that kind of money. They can't even afford health insurance as it is. So they still get the procedures done and get hit with the bill. Everything they own doesn't even come close to a down payment of the 250K. So what do they do? They default. Who ends up paying for it? We do anyway. The other option is, and many take this option, they go home and die.

You can play around with the numbers and figures all you wish but in the end, we are already paying for those medical procedures. We just need to make it official. But who should be in charge of it? How about a Civilian Panel made up of Doctors and Financial wizards that are volunteers. Yes, the Government collects the funds but the funds end up going to a civilian ran system. And we kick the HMOs and Insurance Companies to the curbs since this is a zero sum venture.

There are many problems with "Medicare for All". One of the biggest is the $32T price tag. Taxes would go up, even for those on Medicare, and doctors and hospitals would get paid less. The problem is that the medical resources would be asked to cover many more people for much less money. Drug costs would bankrupt the system in very short order. We saw the disastrous rollout of Obamacare, can you imagine if government ran ALL of the Healthcare system?? No thanks. It would soon devolve into a political perk, a waiting list, unless you have political connections. I much prefer the system where you get what you pay for, like it was before Obamacare and the $10,000 deductibles plus the premiums. The more pols fuck with healthcare the worse it gets.
Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare For All' Would Cost $32.6 Trillion, And It Gets Worse From There

What other democrat initiatives does Biden support?
$32 trillion is taken from what we currently pay for private insurance and deductibles

The US spends about $3.5T a year for healthcare. (Call it $32T over 10-years)
Historical - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
The total US budget for 2019 is $4.04T. The US collected $3T in revenue, so we already have a $1T Budget Deficit. You want to DOUBLE the size of the Federal Budget and manage the entire US healthcare system? That's not just crazy, its stupid. Do you remember when Obamacare was rolled out and it was a disaster? The Federal government has enough on its plate already. If the US voters are dumb enough to put the dems in to do single payer healthcare they deserve what they get.
What about the $325b in pharmaceuticals annually? Do we get free drugs too?
Kind of makes you question the $32 trillion estimate doesn’t it?
Ok, I'll start with one policy that Biden said he approves, Medicare for all, "healthcare is a right". That's enough for me to oppose Biden. I paid for my Medicare coverage all my working life. I do not want everyone on it. The doctors said that system won't work, i.e. its unworkable. I'm sure Biden will agree with a few other crazy progressive policies, but throwing 180m families off their workplace healthcare plans is not going to work.

List a few more of those policies that you agree with.

Good start. I am on the other side of this, we both should be aware. And I am affected the least of it. I am covered by Medicare (133 bucks a month is taken out) and Tricare (with a 175 buck deduction). There are problems in that that I won't go into at this time so we just cover Medicare for all.

Here is a program that makes sense and many states use it. Instead of relying on Emergency rooms for health prevention for the poor like we have now, set up free health clinics so the poor, or anyone else, can get preventive medical help. Ever watch the TV show "Becker"? The problem we have right now in the free clinics is, the donations aren't what they used to be and many have closed down. So, instead of using a clinic, the poor wait until it becomes a life threatening situation and head for the far more expensive Emergency room. You and I end up paying for that emergency room visit that could have been taken care of much sooner in a cheaper clinic.

Now, let's look at a serious medical procedure. Let's say it's going to cost 250,000 bucks. Where is someone that works for 15 bucks an hour going to get that kind of money. They can't even afford health insurance as it is. So they still get the procedures done and get hit with the bill. Everything they own doesn't even come close to a down payment of the 250K. So what do they do? They default. Who ends up paying for it? We do anyway. The other option is, and many take this option, they go home and die.

You can play around with the numbers and figures all you wish but in the end, we are already paying for those medical procedures. We just need to make it official. But who should be in charge of it? How about a Civilian Panel made up of Doctors and Financial wizards that are volunteers. Yes, the Government collects the funds but the funds end up going to a civilian ran system. And we kick the HMOs and Insurance Companies to the curbs since this is a zero sum venture.

There are many problems with "Medicare for All". One of the biggest is the $32T price tag. Taxes would go up, even for those on Medicare, and doctors and hospitals would get paid less. The problem is that the medical resources would be asked to cover many more people for much less money. Drug costs would bankrupt the system in very short order. We saw the disastrous rollout of Obamacare, can you imagine if government ran ALL of the Healthcare system?? No thanks. It would soon devolve into a political perk, a waiting list, unless you have political connections. I much prefer the system where you get what you pay for, like it was before Obamacare and the $10,000 deductibles plus the premiums. The more pols fuck with healthcare the worse it gets.
Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare For All' Would Cost $32.6 Trillion, And It Gets Worse From There

What other democrat initiatives does Biden support?
$32 trillion is taken from what we currently pay for private insurance and deductibles

The US spends about $3.5T a year for healthcare. (Call it $32T over 10-years)
Historical - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
The total US budget for 2019 is $4.04T. The US collected $3T in revenue, so we already have a $1T Budget Deficit. You want to DOUBLE the size of the Federal Budget and manage the entire US healthcare system? That's not just crazy, its stupid. Do you remember when Obamacare was rolled out and it was a disaster? The Federal government has enough on its plate already. If the US voters are dumb enough to put the dems in to do single payer healthcare they deserve what they get.
What about the $325b in pharmaceuticals annually? Do we get free drugs too?
Kind of makes you question the $32 trillion estimate doesn’t it?

I question all the numbers. It appears that all the numbers are manufactured for an end that has nothing to do with the good of the public.

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