Is Caitlyn Jenner a Whack Job?

Thing is, this surgery does not make him into a woman. He is going to realize this one day I think.
Thing is, it doesnt matter what you think it does or doesnt make him. Especially since you come from a position of complete and obvious ignorance.

I think people who are encouraging and feeding the delusion are the ignorant ones. It's not real. It's a delusion and an illusion.
Oh, its not real now too.

Dragon, youve been slayed and your ignorance echoes in the halls of eternity, immortalizing it forever stupid.

It's not real. He is not really a woman and he will never be a real woman. Those are just facts. He will always be a man. His internal organs are those of a man. There are diseases that he is prone to and will have to be checked for because he is a man. His bone structure is that of a man. His muscle tissue is that of a man. His voice is that of a man. Shall I go on?
Well no, since youre not the arbiter. She is.

Youre a bigot, saying ignorant things on the internet. Be proud, bigot.


Nope, it's nature that determines your sex, not me. Bruce Jenner is a man wearing a dress. That is all.
^ theres the ignorant opinion of someone not in the situation and without doctorate, but feels free to blurt the opinion anyways.

Cuz why? Not because you KNOW better than the people LIVING it....

So why?

Busy body bigot. Thats why.

Because it is easy to understand how a child could be confused. Would you give the okay for one of your children to have this surgery?
That you think its a simple matter of confusion highlights the fuck out of you not knowing what youre talking about.

Was your sexuality so "on the fence" you coulda been swayed either way? Yea?

No, but it's easy to see how some children can be confused because they are children and impressionable.

Cuz thats.....fffucking weird

So, now you are saying Bruce is weird? :D Interesting.
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.
Thing is, it doesnt matter what you think it does or doesnt make him. Especially since you come from a position of complete and obvious ignorance.

I think people who are encouraging and feeding the delusion are the ignorant ones. It's not real. It's a delusion and an illusion.
Oh, its not real now too.

Dragon, youve been slayed and your ignorance echoes in the halls of eternity, immortalizing it forever stupid.

It's not real. He is not really a woman and he will never be a real woman. Those are just facts. He will always be a man. His internal organs are those of a man. There are diseases that he is prone to and will have to be checked for because he is a man. His bone structure is that of a man. His muscle tissue is that of a man. His voice is that of a man. Shall I go on?
Well no, since youre not the arbiter. She is.

Youre a bigot, saying ignorant things on the internet. Be proud, bigot.


Nope, it's nature that determines your sex, not me. Bruce Jenner is a man wearing a dress. That is all.
Nature determines if youre transgendered, male, or female.
Because it is easy to understand how a child could be confused. Would you give the okay for one of your children to have this surgery?
That you think its a simple matter of confusion highlights the fuck out of you not knowing what youre talking about.

Was your sexuality so "on the fence" you coulda been swayed either way? Yea?

No, but it's easy to see how some children can be confused because they are children and impressionable.

Cuz thats.....fffucking weird

So, now you are saying Bruce is weird? :D Interesting.
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

You really don't need a medical degree to know the difference between a man and a woman. Also, I haven't lied about my age, I don't smoke and I don't have wrinkles. Lol. I wonder what you think you are doing here? Hurting me? :D Funny.

Anyhow, Bruce is a man and will always be a man. That is the truth of the matter. Would I treat him badly if I met him or any other transsexual person, no, but I do not believe that they are the opposite gender of which they were born. That is just reality of life which people need to be able to cope with.
Because it is easy to understand how a child could be confused. Would you give the okay for one of your children to have this surgery?
That you think its a simple matter of confusion highlights the fuck out of you not knowing what youre talking about.

Was your sexuality so "on the fence" you coulda been swayed either way? Yea?

No, but it's easy to see how some children can be confused because they are children and impressionable.

Cuz thats.....fffucking weird

So, now you are saying Bruce is weird? :D Interesting.
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

Why are you so angry and miserable anyway? Got some issues yourself, huh? Sorry about that. I suggest you learn to deal with reality and seek help if you need it.
That you think its a simple matter of confusion highlights the fuck out of you not knowing what youre talking about.

Was your sexuality so "on the fence" you coulda been swayed either way? Yea?

No, but it's easy to see how some children can be confused because they are children and impressionable.

Cuz thats.....fffucking weird

So, now you are saying Bruce is weird? :D Interesting.
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

You really don't need a medical degree to know the difference between a man and a woman. Also, I haven't lied about my age, I don't smoke and I don't have wrinkles. Lol. I wonder what you think you are doing here? Hurting me? :D Funny.

Anyhow, Bruce is a man and will always be a man. That is the truth of the matter. Would I treat him badly if I met him or any other transsexual person, no, but I do not believe that they are the opposite gender of which they were born. That is just reality of life which people need to be able to cope with.
What am i doing?

Well, im countering your vile stupidity with equal fire, because you deserve it.

You told the board youre in tour 30s.

Why, crystal ball, do you imagine nobody believed you?

Because we actually go outside and are with 30 somethings on a daily basis and if youre in your 30s, you look like absolute hell.

Thats how YOU sound, and thats "just the truth, I dont lie."
That you think its a simple matter of confusion highlights the fuck out of you not knowing what youre talking about.

Was your sexuality so "on the fence" you coulda been swayed either way? Yea?

No, but it's easy to see how some children can be confused because they are children and impressionable.

Cuz thats.....fffucking weird

So, now you are saying Bruce is weird? :D Interesting.
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

Why are you so angry and miserable anyway? Got some issues yourself, huh? Sorry about that. I suggest you learn to deal with reality and seek help if you need it.
I dont go to the depths for acceptance that you go on an anonymous messageboard, lying about my age and uploadimg an entire photo album for complete strangers.

Trust me wanker, when I say you lose. Bigots always do, and goodness triumphs evil. On my watch.
No, but it's easy to see how some children can be confused because they are children and impressionable.

So, now you are saying Bruce is weird? :D Interesting.
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

You really don't need a medical degree to know the difference between a man and a woman. Also, I haven't lied about my age, I don't smoke and I don't have wrinkles. Lol. I wonder what you think you are doing here? Hurting me? :D Funny.

Anyhow, Bruce is a man and will always be a man. That is the truth of the matter. Would I treat him badly if I met him or any other transsexual person, no, but I do not believe that they are the opposite gender of which they were born. That is just reality of life which people need to be able to cope with.
What am i doing?

Well, im countering your vile stupidity with equal fire, because you deserve it.

You told the board youre in tour 30s.

Why, crystal ball, do you imagine nobody believed you?

Because we actually go outside and are with 30 somethings on a daily basis and if youre in your 30s, you look like absolute hell.

Thats how YOU sound, and thats "just the truth, I dont lie."

Well, I am 37 years old this August. Everyone tells me I look much younger. :D So now what?
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

You really don't need a medical degree to know the difference between a man and a woman. Also, I haven't lied about my age, I don't smoke and I don't have wrinkles. Lol. I wonder what you think you are doing here? Hurting me? :D Funny.

Anyhow, Bruce is a man and will always be a man. That is the truth of the matter. Would I treat him badly if I met him or any other transsexual person, no, but I do not believe that they are the opposite gender of which they were born. That is just reality of life which people need to be able to cope with.
What am i doing?

Well, im countering your vile stupidity with equal fire, because you deserve it.

You told the board youre in tour 30s.

Why, crystal ball, do you imagine nobody believed you?

Because we actually go outside and are with 30 somethings on a daily basis and if youre in your 30s, you look like absolute hell.

Thats how YOU sound, and thats "just the truth, I dont lie."

Well, I am 37 years old this August. Everyone tells me I look much younger. :D So now what?
You lied again.

No, but it's easy to see how some children can be confused because they are children and impressionable.

So, now you are saying Bruce is weird? :D Interesting.
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

Why are you so angry and miserable anyway? Got some issues yourself, huh? Sorry about that. I suggest you learn to deal with reality and seek help if you need it.
I dont go to the depths for acceptance that you go on an anonymous messageboard, lying about my age and uploadimg an entire photo album for complete strangers.

Trust me wanker, when I say you lose. Bigots always do, and goodness triumphs evil. On my watch.

Yes, anyone can go see my photos and see that you are lying. Lol. :D

Why are you taking all of this Jenner stuff so personally? That's weird. You are not a good person, BTW. Who told you that?
I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

You really don't need a medical degree to know the difference between a man and a woman. Also, I haven't lied about my age, I don't smoke and I don't have wrinkles. Lol. I wonder what you think you are doing here? Hurting me? :D Funny.

Anyhow, Bruce is a man and will always be a man. That is the truth of the matter. Would I treat him badly if I met him or any other transsexual person, no, but I do not believe that they are the opposite gender of which they were born. That is just reality of life which people need to be able to cope with.
What am i doing?

Well, im countering your vile stupidity with equal fire, because you deserve it.

You told the board youre in tour 30s.

Why, crystal ball, do you imagine nobody believed you?

Because we actually go outside and are with 30 somethings on a daily basis and if youre in your 30s, you look like absolute hell.

Thats how YOU sound, and thats "just the truth, I dont lie."

Well, I am 37 years old this August. Everyone tells me I look much younger. :D So now what?
You lied again.


Nope. :D I see that you are very insecure and feel the need to make personal attacks over some transgender celebrity. Why is that?
No, your ignorance and pride in said ignorance is weird.

I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

Why are you so angry and miserable anyway? Got some issues yourself, huh? Sorry about that. I suggest you learn to deal with reality and seek help if you need it.
I dont go to the depths for acceptance that you go on an anonymous messageboard, lying about my age and uploadimg an entire photo album for complete strangers.

Trust me wanker, when I say you lose. Bigots always do, and goodness triumphs evil. On my watch.

Yes, anyone can go see my photos and see that you are lying. Lol. :D

Why are you taking all of this Jenner stuff so personally? That's weird. You are not a good person, BTW. Who told you that?
People dont need to tell me who I am.

Who lives like that?

You do.

And nobody thinks youre in your thirties but you, broomhilda.
I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

Why are you so angry and miserable anyway? Got some issues yourself, huh? Sorry about that. I suggest you learn to deal with reality and seek help if you need it.
I dont go to the depths for acceptance that you go on an anonymous messageboard, lying about my age and uploadimg an entire photo album for complete strangers.

Trust me wanker, when I say you lose. Bigots always do, and goodness triumphs evil. On my watch.

Yes, anyone can go see my photos and see that you are lying. Lol. :D

Why are you taking all of this Jenner stuff so personally? That's weird. You are not a good person, BTW. Who told you that?
People dont need to tell me who I am.

Who lives like that?

You do.

And nobody thinks youre in your thirties but you, broomhilda.

I know, most people think I'm younger. :D
I'm not ignorant. I'm stating facts. You, OTOH, are just as delusional as Jenner. Perhaps psychiatric treatment is in order?
Since youre dumb, not a doctor, and seem to lack any real life experience regarding the subject youre for some reason proud to wax ignorant about....

Im gunna go ahead and WILD GUESS that you could benefit from psychotherapt QUITE A BIT more.

Especially since you lie about your age and youd think youd be more empathetic to people who cant be secure with who they are.

Or you dont like about your age, in which case you should quit smoking because its prematurely aging your skin. <--- not an uninformed opinion regarding smoking, by the way. We dont do that sort of thing on my end.

Why are you so angry and miserable anyway? Got some issues yourself, huh? Sorry about that. I suggest you learn to deal with reality and seek help if you need it.
I dont go to the depths for acceptance that you go on an anonymous messageboard, lying about my age and uploadimg an entire photo album for complete strangers.

Trust me wanker, when I say you lose. Bigots always do, and goodness triumphs evil. On my watch.

Yes, anyone can go see my photos and see that you are lying. Lol. :D

Why are you taking all of this Jenner stuff so personally? That's weird. You are not a good person, BTW. Who told you that?
People dont need to tell me who I am.

Who lives like that?

You do.

And nobody thinks youre in your thirties but you, broomhilda.

So, you're a tranny? :D Good luck with all that.
I call out bigots

I do that

Youre a bigot

Now, thats nice and all.....and thanks for sharing, but now we must vanish.
I'm happy that Bruce got to be Caitlynn, but now I want him/her to stfu and go away.
Concerning his/her "courage"? Um. No. Courageous is losing a limb saving someone else. Fighting for your country. Dying for a cause.

Enough already. GO AWAY CAITBRUCE!
.... no pun intended... okay, it was intended but she didn't get a whack job so, guess that is pretty lame

I can not believe ESPN glorified "it". Pitiful.

What irony...

A former Heisman and a former decathlete...

Which one would you tell your kid to trust?

Tim is a great example to follow...

Bruce is a tormented individual, really sad to see...


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