CDZ Is calling someone Fat okay?

I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender.
Your dad walks into a bar. Bartender says "What'll it be?" Dad says "Surprise me."
Bartender showed him a naked pic of your mom.
The other day I told my kids about the birds and the bee's. He told me about my wife and the uber driver.
It's perfectly fine to call someone fat...

1) If it's true.

2) If that person is your wife.

3) If you don't mind getting murdered as you sleep.
I heard a guy say that his wife asked him if his wife’s dress made her look fat?

He said, “no, but you make that dress look enormous!”

He should be out of the hospital by this summer.
It's perfectly fine to call someone fat...

1) If it's true.

2) If that person is your wife.

3) If you don't mind getting murdered as you sleep.

My wife cut me down to only twice a month.

That's not so bad. I know a couple of guys she cut off completely.
It's perfectly fine to call someone fat...

1) If it's true.

2) If that person is your wife.

3) If you don't mind getting murdered as you sleep.
The topic of "Fat shaming" get's muddled down by simplicity. It usually goes like this:

Normal Person: Fat shaming is tough to hear but it's factually accurate and can cause self-reflection. Reality can be harsh.
Body Positive Activist: But it's mean and traumatizes people, I've been called fat and it hurt me. I feel beautiful how I am and I shouldn't be made fun of for it.
NP: Nobody is making fun of you. If someone relentlessly bullies you for being fat, it's wrong. But if someone sizes you up and says you're fat in an informative way, it's entirely appropriate.
BPA: Yes you can make changes... BUT (insert reason to stay overweight)

Does anyone on this board have a problem with people saying an obese person is fat? I'm not talking about pointing fingers in public and mocking them... I'm saying, whether warmly or coldly, just some constructive criticism that you're overweight, and there's significant health problems associated.

Also, does anyone support body positive activists trying influence the youth that "big is beautiful" to supposedly protect their mental health?
I wouldn't say it directly to them. It's not constructive. The person already knows he or she is fat, and is already self-conscious about it.
Those are the stories that are more common than you might think.. but the leftist media certainly doesn't want them seeing the light of day.

When the opposite sex rejects you, it definitely can spur you into action. When I was 16, I was a nerd. I really liked this girl who was sort of nerdy too, and was valedictorian of our class. We were friendly for awhile, went to the prom together. I assumed she would want someone kind of like her, a college-bound intellectual. Later I saw her with an older guy who had played football and wrestled and was only a high school graduate and a middling student at that. She ended up marrying him. That shook me to my foundations. From that point onward, I started lifting weights and completely changed. I was known for being a muscle man. I was doing it to 'get back at her' in my mind, to make her sorry for dumping me, and to make sure I never got rejected again for being a nerd. Today at 62, I'm still lifting, still trying to get back at her, even though I haven't seen her for 40 years and likely will never see her again. I use it for motivation. Because I know that if I ever do see her, I will definitely look fitter than her husband. It's childish, but I don't care.
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I wouldn't say it directly to them. It's not constructive. The person already knows he or she is fat, and is already self-conscious about it.
I guess I should have better framed it as society.

Is society allowed to call people "fat"? Or insinuate that they are overweight? Because as we go forward more and more with woke narratives... it seems there's a war between objective medical truths and the emotional health of very mentally weak people who are addicted to iphones and social media.

Isn't it a good thing that our youth should be encouraged to keep a level of fitness for their long-term health? Because the woke movement says their feelings are more important than the health of the next generation it seems.

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