CDZ Is calling someone Fat okay?

You don't "cut them out", you try to help them by offering advice, by example, etc.
If you care about them or the cost of health care in general, you at least try.
No, Rigby: Never offer advice that someone has NOT asked for. That's just trying to control someone, and that is not okay.

Never "help" someone who has not asked for it (except in cases of violent emergency) ---- "help" like that is an obvious control attempt and is illegitimate.
Rigby5 I quit drinking but I still smoke pot and I put on weight when I quit drinking, I kind of replaced booze with food, and I am aware of what I did. But I am now working on quitting weed and once I can kick that I know I will lose weight simply put I won't be eating munchies because of being stoned. It's just a process for me. But I get my feelings hurt easily in-person so no don't shame me. :lol:

Well it sounds like you are on the right track, and if I knew you, then I would also know how you have changed, so then I would only say encouragements.
Portly is a respectful and lighthearted way of putting it.....As in, "hey Joe, gettin' right portly aren't ya?"
Putting on.

Picking up. Old Tennessee term: "She's picked up some over the years."

The opposite is "He's fallen off a lot since he got sick."

It is not one's place to tell another person that s/he is overweight.

Obviously, s/he knows that fact.

And probably s/he wishes that s/he were more slender.

But food is what most unhappy people turn to for solace.

I think that most men and women would like to be slender.

I think that we admire people who are.

But it seems that after a certain age, a lot of people just give up and let it all hang out.

It is OK to gently speak with loved ones about the dangers of diabetes, for example.

So maybe a nice talk might help an overweight relative or spouse to cut down a bit on sugar.

That is the point, in that one can always improve.
So there should always be encouragement to improve.
It may seem hard, but there are simple tricks that help.
The most important one is to stay active physically.
"Be honest, now, do these pants make me look fat?"

In the West, except in America, women say, "Does my bum look big in this dress"

In America, women say, "Does my conceal carry look big in this dress"
No, Rigby: Never offer advice that someone has NOT asked for. That's just trying to control someone, and that is not okay.

Never "help" someone who has not asked for it (except in cases of violent emergency) ---- "help" like that is an obvious control attempt and is illegitimate.

How is it illegitimate to help encourage a person to live longer, have a better quality of life, and to reduce the health care cost of everyone?
I'm just trying clarify.. it's okay to call someone overweight, but not fat? What about "obese"?
Unless you’re their doctor, why do you feel the need to call them any of these things?

When I was a nursing student there was a girl who was very fat in our class. At clinicals one of the nurses asked the instructor which student was assigned to her patients. The instructor replied, in front of everyone, “her, the fat one over there”. The poor girl was humiliated. When it was pointed out to the instructor that was rude, she rolled her eyes and blamed political correctness. “I guess I’m just un-PC” she said.

Now, I’m not PC. But way too many assholes use complaining about PC as a get-out-of-jail card for being assholes. No, the instructor wasn’t being “un-PC”, she was simply being a bitch. Don’t be a bitch.
I bet there are lots of things about you that you wouldn't like people to face you with.

To the contrary ... I'm not scared.

The ability to achieve Continuous Improvements
requires the ability of one to accept they have faults that can be fixed in the first place.

I am not saying that one should get in everyone else's business ...
Just that it would be foolish to assume anyone shares the same insecurities as another.

As a general rule, one shouldn't make personal remarks about anyone, unless one has something nice to say.

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