CDZ Is calling someone Fat okay?

Walk a mile in the other guy's shoes, call people what they want to be called, and show everyone respect until they prove they don't deserve it.
I approved this post ---- though I would not agree with calling trannies weird pronouns and such that one can't even imagine what the grammar is. That's a case of attention-addiction and fraud and I wouldn't cooperate with that, or with calling a him a her. I'd be okay with calling him by a new name, if it's his legal name, even if it is a girl's name. Many women make legal name changes several times in our lives, so that's okay with me, and if it's legal, it's legal.
Bullying is when you say negative things in front of others, in order to deliberately cause harm.
Right, like telling people they are fat. What an insult!! Shocking behavior! Mind your own business and don't insult people.
Would you back off a druggie you care about who is clearly harming their health?
The experts tell us that people take drugs because they give pleasure.

So it is said that it is very difficult to persuade anyone to give up pleasure.

That is why some people want to really, really, really punish people so that they will be terrified of taking drugs lest they be sent to prison.

Other people say to let people take drugs. That it is hopeless to change them.

Of course, some people say that we all are hooked on some kind of "drug": sugar, coffee, fast food, sex, etc.

I see no "solution" to this matter.
But what message are we sending the youth?

Shouldn't we be encouraging them to avoid being overweight instead of allowing this leftist "big is beautiful" narrative?
Handle it the way you want, I think it's not smart however, how you choose to act is none of my business. You asked, I answered.
If someone foolishly was going to cross the street without looking and was going to get hit by a car, would you say nothing because you did not want to be critical?
This is the only kind of situation in which it is allowable to help someone without asking if s/he wants help.

To the contrary ... I'm not scared.

The ability to achieve Continuous Improvements
requires the ability of one to accept they have faults that can be fixed in the first place.

I am not saying that one should get in everyone else's business ...
Just that it would be foolish to assume anyone shares the same insecurities as another.

Okay -------- you asked for it. You should use normal left justification. This centering of text is annoying to read and pretentious. I suppose you are trying to look special, but it just looks dumb.
Portly is a respectful and lighthearted way of putting it.....As in, "hey Joe, gettin' right portly aren't ya?"
I was just joking. I don't really do that.

The only thing I ever do say about weight is to mention to friends that it looks like they have lost some. That always gets positive response since they are happy that somebody noticed.
Okay -------- you asked for it. You should use normal left justification. This centering of text is annoying to read and pretentious. I suppose you are trying to look special, but it just looks dumb.

I don't try to look one way or another.

Perhaps I could manage a more palatable response ...
But an explanation regarding the superiority of peer-based self-confidence over socially enforced self-esteem ...
Would probably wander a bit further into the ether than the OP was intended to venture.

The topic of "Fat shaming" get's muddled down by simplicity. It usually goes like this:

Normal Person: Fat shaming is tough to hear but it's factually accurate and can cause self-reflection. Reality can be harsh.
Body Positive Activist: But it's mean and traumatizes people, I've been called fat and it hurt me. I feel beautiful how I am and I shouldn't be made fun of for it.
NP: Nobody is making fun of you. If someone relentlessly bullies you for being fat, it's wrong. But if someone sizes you up and says you're fat in an informative way, it's entirely appropriate.
BPA: Yes you can make changes... BUT (insert reason to stay overweight)

Does anyone on this board have a problem with people saying an obese person is fat? I'm not talking about pointing fingers in public and mocking them... I'm saying, whether warmly or coldly, just some constructive criticism that you're overweight, and there's significant health problems associated.

Also, does anyone support body positive activists trying influence the youth that "big is beautiful" to supposedly protect their mental health?
Probably how it is said and by whom could have a positive impact. I don't think they need to hear "you a fat fucker!" Said right and some help like invite them over to your home gym and make them a health lunch?
NO. Fat people know they are fat, and they don't need to be reminded.
The topic of "Fat shaming" get's muddled down by simplicity. It usually goes like this:

Normal Person: Fat shaming is tough to hear but it's factually accurate and can cause self-reflection. Reality can be harsh.
Body Positive Activist: But it's mean and traumatizes people, I've been called fat and it hurt me. I feel beautiful how I am and I shouldn't be made fun of for it.
NP: Nobody is making fun of you. If someone relentlessly bullies you for being fat, it's wrong. But if someone sizes you up and says you're fat in an informative way, it's entirely appropriate.
BPA: Yes you can make changes... BUT (insert reason to stay overweight)

Does anyone on this board have a problem with people saying an obese person is fat? I'm not talking about pointing fingers in public and mocking them... I'm saying, whether warmly or coldly, just some constructive criticism that you're overweight, and there's significant health problems associated.

Also, does anyone support body positive activists trying influence the youth that "big is beautiful" to supposedly protect their mental health?

Is this just you randomly walking up to people and telling them they are fat?

It is someone you know that asked you if they are fat?

Is it your wife you are calling fat?
None of your business if another person is overweight or not. Unless you have a bond with them and you have talked about it before you could come up with a better to tell them they are overweight, you don't shame them,
Agree that without that personal bond, people don’t respond well to verbal attempts to shame them. American personal boundaries are currently being tested with our current political administration. The various group think tanks might start off on a positive mission in mind, setting up an information booth and maybe nutritional free samples. It’s when these group think tanks start telling other people how to live their lives that it fails miserably. People don’t like to be told what to do, and to shame them into changing their behavior works about as well as conversion therapy. It doesn’t.
Agree that without that personal bond, people don’t respond well to verbal attempts to shame them. American personal boundaries are currently being tested with our current political administration. The various group think tanks might start off on a positive mission in mind, setting up an information booth and maybe nutritional free samples. It’s when these group think tanks start telling other people how to live their lives that it fails miserably. People don’t like to be told what to do, and to shame them into changing their behavior works about as well as conversion therapy. It doesn’t.
We need to quit telling people what to do, we need to inspire them.

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