CDZ Is calling someone Fat okay?

If you do NOT maintain a negative association for being overweight, then you are encouraging early death and rising medical costs for everyone.
It is the responsibility of everyone to encourage healthier living ideals that discourage being overweight.
Those claiming they are unable to not be overweight, as simply lying.
It is easily done by filling up on low calorie foods like veggies.
If you are filled with low calorie foods all the time, you can not gain weight and have to be healthier.
I think it is an individual thing. I don't subscribe to group think (meaning now we will make big gulps against the law). If you personally feel the need to point it out about someone and your reasons are because of "health" then that is how you feel and your motives. But legislating another's lifestyle you don't agree with gets tricky imo

But I do understand your point of view, you seem like you're not cruel about it. In that way, fatness is just as dangerous as drug addiction or alcoholism.
I think it's more about the societal movement than some individual issue.

The left is pushing for the idea that being completely overweight is beautiful. It fits in with other leftist narratives about sex and mere self gratification.

I'm about 20 pounds overweight right now and if you said anything to me about it I would just avoid you. I wouldn't like that personally. :dunno:

I understand that Michelle. I'm far more than 20 lbs overweight, and if you told me that, I'd say you're right.. and would describe whether I'm ready to do something about it or not.
I think it is an individual thing. I don't subscribe to group think (meaning now we will make big gulps against the law). If you personally feel the need to point it out about someone and your reasons are because of "health" then that is how you feel and your motives. But legislating another's lifestyle you don't agree with gets tricky imo

But I do understand your point of view, you seem like you're not cruel about it. In that way, fatness is just as dangerous as drug addiction or alcoholism.

A little overweight can be considered an energy reserve in case of emergency.
The question of health is not just weight, but that grease and sugar ensure diabetes and clogged arteries.
Once you get too heavy, it no longer is as easy to get the cardiovascular work out that dilates and clear arteries.
If you still get enough exercise to get out of breath once a week, that may be fine.
The problem only is when one is so overweight that one no longer can or does exercise anymore.
That is the deadly downward spiral.
If you do NOT maintain a negative association for being overweight, then you are encouraging early death and rising medical costs for everyone.
It is the responsibility of everyone to encourage healthier living ideals that discourage being overweight.
Those claiming they are unable to not be overweight, as simply lying.
It is easily done by filling up on low calorie foods like veggies.
If you are filled with low calorie foods all the time, you can not gain weight and have to be healthier.

When I lost a lot of weight, people kept asking me what diet I was on.
I told them it was the easiest diet to plan meals for.

It's called "Burn More Calories Than You Take In".

Is it your place to tell anyone they are fat?

If a person asks you about their weight then you can certainly respond. I would rather hope you say something like "You are overweight and could stand to lose some" instead of saying "You're fat"

If you aren't asked then keep your comments to yourself.
In our home growing up, the old saw was, "If you can't say something nice--don't say anything at all." Simple words to live by, but admittedly, easy to fail at.
How would someone know they were overweight if the OP didn’t tell them? Oh.. well. Maybe just keep it to yourself then.
"Be honest, now, do these pants make me look fat?"

I think it's more about the societal movement than some individual issue.

The left is pushing for the idea that being completely overweight is beautiful. It fits in with other leftist narratives about sex and mere self gratification.

Well, I think it's not my business unless it impacts my life personally. Same with drug addiction or alcoholism. If it is affecting my life in a detrimental way then I got to handle it. Otherwise, I am not interested in censoring or legislating anyone else.

I mean Fat people it's only because you can visually see the impact their addiction is having on them. But Alcoholics get liver disease, drug addicts have heart attacks. I think society has made partying quite acceptable. SO it's like in all instances these people have an addiction that is hurting them health- wise but only fat people are called out in your world?

I don't know I just deal with my own personal situations.

I relate to what you say only in that for your lifestyle you have every right to cut fat people out of your life. If you really want to change things like this address the addiction and read up on why it happens and then offer help. If you don't want to do that and just want to condemn or cut out fattys go ahead.

When I lost a lot of weight, people kept asking me what diet I was on.
I told them it was the easiest diet to plan meals for.

It's called "Burn More Calories Than You Take In".


I tend to agree.
I am a little overweight, but that clearly is on me for not exercising enough.
I find I can also control my hunger urges just by keeping a glass of ice water handy, and filling up on that all the time.
How would someone know they were overweight if the OP didn’t tell them? Oh.. well. Maybe just keep it to yourself then.

How can you shame someone that actually thinks they are beautiful the way they are?

In our home growing up, the old saw was, "If you can't say something nice--don't say anything at all." Simple words to live by, but admittedly, easy to fail at.

If someone foolishly was going to cross the street without looking and was going to get hit by a car, would you say nothing because you did not want to be critical?
Rigby5 I quit drinking but I still smoke pot and I put on weight when I quit drinking, I kind of replaced booze with food, and I am aware of what I did. But I am now working on quitting weed and once I can kick that I know I will lose weight simply put I won't be eating munchies because of being stoned. It's just a process for me. But I get my feelings hurt easily in-person so no don't shame me. :lol:
Does anyone on this board have a problem with people saying an obese person is fat?

It is not one's place to tell another person that s/he is overweight.

Obviously, s/he knows that fact.

And probably s/he wishes that s/he were more slender.

But food is what most unhappy people turn to for solace.

I think that most men and women would like to be slender.

I think that we admire people who are.

But it seems that after a certain age, a lot of people just give up and let it all hang out.

It is OK to gently speak with loved ones about the dangers of diabetes, for example.

So maybe a nice talk might help an overweight relative or spouse to cut down a bit on sugar.
Well, I think it's not my business unless it impacts my life personally. Same with drug addiction or alcoholism. If it is affecting my life in a detrimental way then I got to handle it. Otherwise, I am not interested in censoring or legislating anyone else.

I mean Fat people it's only because you can visually see the impact their addiction is having on them. But Alcoholics get liver disease, drug addicts have heart attacks. I think society has made partying quite acceptable. SO it's like in all instances these people have an addiction that is hurting them health- wise but only fat people are called out in your world?

I don't know I just deal with my own personal situations.

I relate to what you say only in that for your lifestyle you have every right to cut fat people out of your life. If you really want to change things like this address the addiction and read up on why it happens and then offer help. If you don't want to do that and just want to condemn or cut out fattys go ahead.

You don't "cut them out", you try to help them by offering advice, by example, etc.
If you care about them or the cost of health care in general, you at least try.

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