Is carnivorism ethical?

Plants are living creatures and while alien to us, they are not without complexity.

Do you hate cats, dogs, owls, foxes and otters?

Sorry but of all the non-arguments, that one is by far the WORST. Normally I don’t even bother responding to it because it’s that idiotic. And it’s incredibly disingenuous. Do you mow your lawn? Do you not see the difference in mowing your lawn and slitting the throat of a sentient being (like a pig, for example) that is as intelligent as a three-year-old child?
After I'm dead ... don't care.

You can make me into Soylent Green if that's your kinky predilection.
Still dodging. I’m not asking how you would feel after you die. I’m asking you now, would you like it if someone were to do that to you in the future? Come on, at least be intellectually honest. You know the answer to that question.
Buttercup already explained without ANY doubt, and the Scriptures to back it up, that God intended Man to eat the plants He provided.

And God said, behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”

In a few short years, at the return of Jesus Christ, the masses of humanity will have the darkness lifted from their eyes and will see how VILE and evil the world they created really is.

They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea

A better world is coming. "Resistance is futile." Some of us choose to live in the Kingdom NOW, as best we can. We choose God over Satan. We respect and love His creation.

In the end, you will all get there. Right now your minds are under the spell of the Prince of the Power of the Air, but soon enough this will all end.
Sorry but of all the non-arguments, that one is by far the WORST. Normally I don’t even bother responding to it because it’s that idiotic. And it’s incredibly disingenuous. Do you mow your lawn? Do you not see the difference in mowing your lawn and slitting the throat of a sentient being (like a pig, for example) that is as intelligent as a three-year-old child?
I now scroll past her posts.
I’m asking you now, would you like it if someone were to do that to you in the future?

I can't have an opinion on something that is never going to happen (unless I find myself lost in a Borneo jungle or survivor of a zombie apocalypse).

They only hypothetical example of this question exists in the fiction of H.G. Wells.

If it came down to a choice between being Morlock or Eloi, that would be a hard call. Morlocks ultimately dine on The Eloi. But, the Eloi, while their are alive, live a life of leisure and hedonism without a care in the world.

Morlocks, on the other hand, have to work hard to provide for the Eloi and, by the looks of them, never get laid.

I can't honestly answer which I would prefer because, until the hypothetical becomes reality, I have no, literal, skin in the game.

The more important question is how the animals feel about it. To date, any animal I asked declined to offer an opinion.
Buttercup already explained without ANY doubt, and the Scriptures to back it up, that God intended Man to eat the plants He provided.

In a few short years, at the return of Jesus Christ, the masses of humanity will have the darkness lifted from their eyes and will see how VILE and evil the world they created really is.

They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea

A better world is coming. "Resistance is futile." Some of us choose to live in the Kingdom NOW, as best we can. We choose God over Satan. We respect and love His creation.

In the end, you will all get there. Right now your minds are under the spell of the Prince of the Power of the Air, but soon enough this will all end.
AMEN!!! I can understand non-Christians not getting this…because they don’t even accept the idea of a fallen world. But for Christians to not get this is more frustrating. The Bible is clear, the way the world is now is NOT the way it’s supposed to be, and it won’t always be this way. Thank God!
I like this one….

On a side note, I have a friend who is a wildlife rehabber.

She was contacted by the Dodo because they wanted to do a video about her animals. I am so excited for her. The Dodo has a youtube subscriber base of over 10 million. Her tiktok channel has 20k. She's a strong believer in education. I'm hoping the exposure will explode her audience
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I can't have an opinion on something that is never going to happen (unless I find myself lost in a Borneo jungle or survivor of a zombie apocalypse).

They only hypothetical example of this question exists in the fiction of H.G. Wells.

If it came down to a choice between being Morlock or Eloi, that would be a hard call. Morlocks ultimately dine on The Eloi. But, the Eloi, while their are alive, live a life of leisure and hedonism without a care in the world.

Morlocks, on the other hand, have to work hard to provide for the Eloi and, by the looks of them, never get laid.

I can't honestly answer which I would prefer because, until the hypothetical becomes reality, I have no, literal, skin in the game.

The more important question is how the animals feel about it. To date, any animal I asked declined to offer an opinion.

It may be rare but it does happen. Look at people like Jeffrey Dahmer. But that’s irrelevant anyway, the point is that if you don’t want something done to yourself, why do it to others? If everyone lived by the Golden rule, this world would be a much better place.
On a side note, I have a friend who is a wildlife rehabbed.

She was contacted by the Dodo because they wanted to do a video about her animals. I am so excited for her. The Dodo has a youtube subscriber base of over 10 million. Her tiktok channel has 20k. She's a strong believer in education. I'm hoping the exposure will explode her audience
Wow, that’s fantastic! If / when that happens, please share the video. Oh and I’m on TikTok so I’d also love to follow her channel.
But that’s irrelevant anyway, the point is that if you don’t want something done to yourself, why do it to others? If everyone lived by the Golden rule, this world would be a much better place.

But, who are "others"? The biblical injunction is universally believed to apply to human - human relations. We aren't compelled to hold animals as moral equal to humans. Animals (at least the ones we eat)have no moral code, they aren't self-actualized, they don't interact with humans except to see us as food -- literal food in the case of predators, providers of food in the case of domesticated animals.

However, if you're looking for a biblical injunction to support my choice of diet ... look no further.

“Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”
We do not say that because the worms are not conducive to a healthy life.

We CAN, however, say that limiting the number of herbivores in a given habitat is healthy for all the flora and fauna in that habitat.
This is fuck*ng sophistry. You just invented a different status for worms than for predators, based on the same premises: balance regulation
Why are predators vile?
because he spills innocent blood
I only acept the right to murder a murderer

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And, I think that with an attack, this is also possible. For example, if you are attacked by a dog, you can hit it as hard as possible, and it remains within the law, right?

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