Is carnivorism ethical?

Now you are trying to change the topic. Come on dude…
I'm arguing with a fool. Oh how I wish I could put you on ignore.

Your love for animals only extends as far as your pets. You block out everything you KNOW to be true when it's time to think about dinner.
The zebra isnt found in Europe. Africans never developed beyond the Stone Age until the Europeans made contact

Untrue. Sub-Saharan Africans developed domestic food production around 3,000 BCE. Africans, like all societies, developed domestic food production where there were sufficient numbers of easily domesticated plants and animals to give farming an advantage over hunting and gathering.

Much of the Fertile Crescent is in Africa which was the first place humans developed agriculture around 9,000 BCE.

The only continent on Earth that didn't independently discover domestic food production was Australia which remained hunter-gatherers until the 19th Century. Despite the fact that native Australians traded with Torres Strait Islanders who were farmers.

The harsh climate and lack of species that could be domesticated made farming and animal food production very difficult.

Every farm crop and cattle species in Australia today is imported from Europe and Asia.
I'm arguing with a fool. Oh how I wish I could put you on ignore.
And again…you divert. Human’s are omnivores. It is a fact. What is perplexing is that you need to make them herbivores in order to make a case for vegetarianism. You don’t need to. You can make a perfectly sound case based on ethical considerations alone. In this we actually might have a slight bit of common ground. Go figure :dunno:
Forgot to mention, this donkey was finally reunited with its owner

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Would you like it if someone hunted you down and then slit your throat so they could eat your dead body? If your answer is no, then you have your answer.
Now, imagine yourself a lovely young alder shoot…along comes a cow, it’s giant teeth coming down, enclosing you in darkness as it rips you from the earth and crushes your dying body….pulverized between massive molars.

Or…if that doesn’t work, imagine a planet with no predators and an ecosystem out of balance….
Your love for animals only extends as far as your pets. You block out everything you KNOW to be true when it's time to think about dinner.

:clap::clap: SO true! Sadly, that is how most people think in this world. But it’s conditioning. Too many people don’t question things they were conditioned to believe.
Now, imagine yourself a lovely young alder shoot…along comes a cow, it’s giant teeth coming down, enclosing you in darkness as it rips you from the earth and crushes your dying body….pulverized between massive molars.

Or…if that doesn’t work, imagine a planet with no predators and an ecosystem out of balance….

You didn’t answer the question. I’m still waiting. And did you actually just equate sentient animals with a leafy plant? Puleez. I thought you were smarter than that.
I'm perfectly capable of hunting back.

OK, but what if someone shoots you before you can fight back, then hangs you upside down and slits your throat while you’re still conscious? Would you like that?
I'm arguing with a fool. Oh how I wish I could put you on ignore.

Your love for animals only extends as far as your pets. You block out everything you KNOW to be true when it's time to think about dinner.
Unfortunately, for you, that is untrue. I spend a considerable amount of time outside (devoid of humanity) enjoying the company of the resident wildlife. Unlike you, and presumably Buttercup, I don’t exclude carnivores from nature’s grand plan…or demonize them because they have a role in it.

Gaia…nature…is not like Disney. If you can’t appreciate, love, and respect each creature for what is (a member of a League of Nations often invisible to us)…tben maybe you ought to stick with hamsters and goldfish?
And did you actually just equate sentient animals with a leafy plant? Puleez.

They both taste delicious ...

OK, but what if someone shoots you before you can fight back, then hangs you upside down and slits your throat while you’re still conscious? Would you like that?

I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have a lot to say what is done with my carcass after I'm dead.

I do know I haven't heard a lot of animals express an opinion on the subject.
I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have a lot to say what is done with my carcass after I'm dead.

I do know I haven't heard a lot of animals express an opinion on the subject.
You’re dodging the question. Let me phrase it in a different way. Would you want someone to do that to you, yes or no?
You’re dodging the question. Let me phrase it in a different way. Would you want someone to do that to you, yes or no?

After I'm dead ... don't care.

You can make me into Soylent Green if that's your kinky predilection.

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