Is carnivorism ethical?

Here is exactly the same logic, you simply do not see it, either because of the low IQ or because of stereotypes. We can say that your body can grow too much without worms, and then it will starve blah blah blah.

We do not say that because the worms are not conducive to a healthy life.

We CAN, however, say that limiting the number of herbivores in a given habitat is healthy for all the flora and fauna in that habitat.
in fact, a predator is a particular case of a parasite. It parasitizes on the bodies of herbivores in the population sense.

The definition of parasite and predator are different.

And the predator helps to keep the herd healthier by removing the weak and the sick. It prevents the overgrazing/over foraging that will devastate the plant life and cause all the other herbivores to suffer starvation.
Be that as it may, even if we admit that it is impossible to achieve complete justice on earth, then we still cannot but admit that refusing to kill sentient beings is a lesser evil.
If those sentient beings are allowed to over populate and devastate the ecosystem, the lesser evil is having predators remove them. But predation is not evil. It is part of the natural cycle of life.
This is a lie, our morphology and origin suggests that we are not predators, just part of humanity has degenerated to carnivor
We are omnivores….our morphology, everything from our dentition, digestive track and difficulty getting certain needed nutrients out of only plant based sources points to that.

Carnivores, omnivores and scavengers are not in any sense “degraded”…why on earth would you think that? They all perform a valuable role in the cycle of life.
We are omnivores….our morphology, everything from our dentition, digestive track and difficulty getting certain needed nutrients out of only plant based sources points to that.

Carnivores, omnivores and scavengers are not in any sense “degraded”…why on earth would you think that? They all perform a valuable role in the cycle of life.
You are WRONG (as usual). But you've been TOLD what to think by those you respect. You've never actually looked into it.
Again, you use the word "gave". Do you think these wild cows walked up to humans and offered their milk?
Just food for thought…but think of it this way….

Why did some species become domesticated?

Why the horse but not the zebra?

Why the goat but not the deer?

Why the dog and not the wolf?

You can look at domestication in two ways….from a strictly scientific approach…the ability of some species to reduce their flight/fight responses over time in order to live among humans and accept domestication….or….as something more spiritual. A compact between First Cow and First Man. Domestication in exchange for protection.

Problem is…we reneged big time when we turned living souls into nothing more than another product.

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