Is carnivorism ethical?

Do Eastern Cultures also deny the scientifically proven fact that without predation herbivores will overgraze and destroy the ecosystem?
And without cockroaches, there is too much food in the kitchen lol
And without cockroaches, there is too much food in the kitchen lol

LMAO!! Your analogy is hilarious.

No, there is not too much food in the kitchen.

But if herbivores are unchecked, they WILL overgraze and over forage. There are numerous examples of this.

And your claim that the birth rate drops when there is a famine, while technically true, does not change anything. By the time the food is so scarce that the animal is deficient, the current population will continue to eat and destroy the habitat, both theirs and that of other animals.
don't play the comedy, we talked about the muscles
I'm not trying to be a body builder. You missed that statement.


Yeah, I'm not a huge dude. Right now my main focus is looking trim and attractive for the ladies, NOT by body building, but by TONING what I already have.
They rape children, piglets and heaps of shit, eat children, piglets and heaps of shit. It is passible to lern them lick genitalies and ass, it practiced in France sometime. Decent people do not let dogs into the house, this is a desecration. So it was until the people themselves got sick. Calling anyone a dog was the greatest insult
You have serious mental issues. Let's see the links of dogs raping children because so far in this thread you have been 100% wrong and lack any credibility other than you seem insane.
The dangers of removing predators have been explained to these two several times. Thank you for this excellent, and specific example.

But they choose to ignore what ever doesn't agree with their fantasy.

There is a saying...."Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful."

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