Is carnivorism ethical?

Here is exactly the same logic, you simply do not see it, either because of the low IQ or because of stereotypes. We can say that your body can grow too much without worms, and then it will starve blah blah blah.
in fact, a predator is a particular case of a parasite. It parasitizes on the bodies of herbivores in the population sense.
Of course, for the sake of justice, it must be admitted that herbivores themselves parasitize on the plant world, in this sense. But the difference here is that plants do not care, they have no feelings and self-awareness. In addition, they form a symbiotic system with herbivores. They help fertilize the soil and they carry the seeds.
Be that as it may, even if we admit that it is impossible to achieve complete justice on earth, then we still cannot but admit that refusing to kill sentient beings is a lesser evil.

When you start feeding your dog real food, the results are amazing.
However ... It's still necessary to ensure they getting the proper amounts of all foods.

I took the time to look everything up, and went through the process of observing poo (digestion and food to stool ratio ... nasty).
Whole grains, vegetables and meat in the proper portions, once daily, is all they require.​

I try to be a good pet mom, but I fail in this. She eating healthy is like trying to get my husband to eat healthy---I just get ignored. I will try harder though.
Those predatory cows should be eliminated then! Death to all vegetarians! Plants should be the only living things on the earth to be allowed to live.

I think he is a soybean salesman, part of a larger plan to sissify the male population with estrogen.

"Drinking just two cups of soymilk or eating one cup of tofu produces blood levels of isoflavones that can be 500 to 1,000 times higher than typical estrogen levels in women."

The intent was for Man to be the steward of both flora and fauna.
The utter ridiculousness of your herbivore statement doesn't even warrant discussion ... :thup:

Good stewardship is exactly what those who work with land and wildlife management do.
Letting any given population of wildlife suffer the effects of chronic wasting disease, and the likes, is unethical by any measure.
It destroys the existing population's ability to produce offspring absent chronic deficiencies in
everything from general health to genetic stability.

As a hunter, and someone who clearly enjoys the great outdoors, I don't give a rat's ass what your idiotic selfish desires may be.
I'm going to take care of both the land, and the creatures that inhabit it.​

Pretty much the abortion argument. We're gonna kill those useless human weeds (Margaret Sanger) to better the human population.

The intent was for Man to be the steward of both flora and fauna.​

Yes, God intended us to be stewards, not exploiters, tyrants, thugs, jailers or self-serving merciless gluttons.

Another thing you’re not acknowledging is that from a biblical perspective, it is undeniable that when we were given dominion over the animals, at that same time God gave us a vegetarian diet. It says so in the very next verse after dominion! Read it:

28 have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

The utter ridiculousness of your herbivore statement doesn’t even warrant discussion ... :thup:

Yes, of course from your anthropocentric worldly perspective it would sound ridiculous. But I’ve been talking about the biblical perspective.

Here you go, when God created humans and animals He gave all of us a vegetarian diet:

30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

Good stewardship is exactly what those who work with land and wildlife management do.

As I just pointed out, killing and eating is not the type of “good stewardship” God had in mind when we were created, that is made clear in Genesis 1:29–30.

Secondly, you are focusing on hunting, but that is completely ignoring the much bigger issue here. More than 98% of meat in the US comes from factory farms, and sorry, but there is no “stewardship” going on there, at least not anything even remotely godly. It is diabolical, cruel, evil and disgusting.

Letting any given population of wildlife suffer the effects of chronic wasting disease, and the likes, is unethical by any measure.
It destroys the existing population's ability to produce offspring absent chronic deficiencies in
everything from general health to genetic stability.

As I said to the other guy, there are other ways to manage animals. Just face it, hunters (like most people) simply don’t want to give up eating meat. That’s why you’re refusing to even consider other ways of managing wildlife.

As a hunter, and someone who clearly enjoys the great outdoors, I don’t give a rat’s ass what your idiotic selfish desires may be.
I’m going to take care of both the land, and the creatures that inhabit it.[/CENTER]

Projection to the max. I’m not the one with selfish desires, that would be people who are ruled by their belly rather than love, respect and compassion.
They also take perverse PLEASURE in killing living beings.

One 9f the final straws for me and eating beef was seeing the tear in the eye of a cow who KNEW she was gonna die

I absolutely agree. Animals are smarter than people realize, and they clearly have emotions. Most people know that dogs and cats have emotions and just want to live and enjoy life. But for some strange reason those people pretend that farm animals are different. I think it comes down to either ignorance, or willful blindness…lying to themselves.

Most people don’t want to see the ugly reality… but I wish that those who insist on participating in the horror show will at least look at what they are supporting. Well, at least those who claim to love animals.

Here’s a video I put together a couple years ago that gives a glimpse of what goes on every day (there might be an age restriction on it, so it has to be viewed on YouTube)

I absolutely agree. Animals are smarter than people realize, and they clearly have emotions. Most people know that dogs and cats have emotions and just want to live and enjoy life. But for some strange reason those people pretend that farm animals are different. I think it comes down to either ignorance, or willful blindnes…lying to themselves.

Most people don’t want to see the ugly reality… but I wish that those who insist on participating in the horror show will at least look at what they are supporting. Well, at least those who claim to love animals.

Here’s a video I put together a couple years ago that gives a glimpse of what goes on every day (there might be an age restriction on it, so it has to be viewed on YouTube)

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