Is carnivorism ethical?

The dog does not "love" anyone, it just has a slavish affection.
I was raised on a small farm...........that comment is not accurate. All of the animals were capable of expressing love and this included my dogs who often protected and raised the cats and any other orphan critters as part of their pack.
Not only that, but my life is better for having meat to enjoy.

It is like the old joke.
And old man said to a younger man, "I don't drink, do drugs, eat meat or chase women. And I just celebrated my 85th birthday".
The younger man replied "How?".

Yup. I did some volunteer work on a house build for a disadvantaged family.

Myself and the other meat eaters worked the whole weekend. We had a couple of vegans who in addition to being sanctimonious assholes berating us for eating meat, were unable to work more than an hour without a break.

When we lifted one of the walls up it was funny, two of us carnivores did it quite easily, but watching them try to lift it was amusing as hell.

They were so humiliated that they didn't, or couldn't, come back the next day. They did look cute with their new tool belts though.
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Democrats are noted for desiring cannibalism.
They support eating babies as an alternative to abortion.
This is all nonsense, I have already answered these questions twice. Your reasoning betrays in you not warrior's spirit
You answer and want everyone to accept your answer as you do. You do not use logic of science to back up your ideas. Wolves, bears, snakes, sharks and so forth are just as important as deer, gnus, and cattle in the world ecosystem. Your idea goes against all of nature. Other than it is the way you want it to be, you have nothing.
My current shih-tzu---is the smartest shih-tzu ever by far and away that I have seen. She is on par with very bright aussie sheperds who have an extensive human vocabulary. She has no equal in other shih-tzu for intelligence although she is still hardheaded. I cook her steak/pork/ and chicken for each and every meal though with her refusing most all dog food. I have to watch for pancreatitis and her being chubbed out from all the extra protein, but she definately has a higher intelligence from it.

When you start feeding your dog real food, the results are amazing.
However ... It's still necessary to ensure they getting the proper amounts of all foods.

I took the time to look everything up, and went through the process of observing poo (digestion and food to stool ratio ... nasty).
Whole grains, vegetables and meat in the proper portions, once daily, is all they require.​

No predators to control the population, no food for the herbivores would be left.

You are probably familiar with the Kaibab disaster, when Liberals, environmentalists, removed predators.

"...environmental histories that suggest human intervention in the balance of nature generally wreaks unintended havoc.
Kaibab deer

"Before 1905, the deer on the Kaibab Plateau were estimated to number about 4000. The average carrying capacity of the range was then estimated to be about 30,000 deer. On November 28th, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt created the Grand Canyon National Game Preserve to protect the "finest deer herd in America."

Unfortunately, by this time the Kaibab forest area had already been overgrazed by sheep, cattle, and horses. Most of the tall grasses had been eliminated. The first step to protect the deer was to ban all hunting. In addition, in 1907, The Forest Service tried to exterminate the predators of the deer. Between 1907 and 1939, 816 mountain lions, 20 wolves, 7388 coyotes and more than 500 bobcats were killed.

Signs that the deer population was out of control began to appear as early as 1920 - the range was beginning to deteriorate rapidly. The Forest Service reduced the number of livestock grazing permits. By 1923, the deer were reported to be on the verge of starvation and the range conditions were described as "deplorable."

The Kaibab Deer Investigating Committee recommended that all livestock not owned by local residents be removed immediately from the range and that the number of deer be cut in half as quickly as possible. Hunting was reopened, and during the fall of 1924, 675 deer were killed by hunters. However, these deer represented only one-tenth the number of deer that had been born that spring. Over the next two winters, it is estimated that 60,000 deer starved to death."
The Lesson of the Kaibab
The Left comes from the region of the Linear-Banded Pottery hunters and the Baltic region. This area has always been infertile and poor for game, so the ancient left did not disdain cannibalism. This was especially easy to do in conditions of equality, when slaves lived in communes and did not have weapons, and at the same time believed in the cyclical nature of nature and gave meat voluntarily
Meat-eating is very left idea
Okay, you're not exactly sane, are you?

You are probably familiar with the Kaibab disaster, when Liberals, environmentalists, removed predators.

"...environmental histories that suggest human intervention in the balance of nature generally wreaks unintended havoc.
Kaibab deer

"Before 1905, the deer on the Kaibab Plateau were estimated to number about 4000. The average carrying capacity of the range was then estimated to be about 30,000 deer. On November 28th, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt created the Grand Canyon National Game Preserve to protect the "finest deer herd in America."

Unfortunately, by this time the Kaibab forest area had already been overgrazed by sheep, cattle, and horses. Most of the tall grasses had been eliminated. The first step to protect the deer was to ban all hunting. In addition, in 1907, The Forest Service tried to exterminate the predators of the deer. Between 1907 and 1939, 816 mountain lions, 20 wolves, 7388 coyotes and more than 500 bobcats were killed.

Signs that the deer population was out of control began to appear as early as 1920 - the range was beginning to deteriorate rapidly. The Forest Service reduced the number of livestock grazing permits. By 1923, the deer were reported to be on the verge of starvation and the range conditions were described as "deplorable."

The Kaibab Deer Investigating Committee recommended that all livestock not owned by local residents be removed immediately from the range and that the number of deer be cut in half as quickly as possible. Hunting was reopened, and during the fall of 1924, 675 deer were killed by hunters. However, these deer represented only one-tenth the number of deer that had been born that spring. Over the next two winters, it is estimated that 60,000 deer starved to death."
The Lesson of the Kaibab

The dangers of removing predators have been explained to these two several times. Thank you for this excellent, and specific example.

But they choose to ignore what ever doesn't agree with their fantasy.
I was raised on a small farm...........that comment is not accurate. All of the animals were capable of expressing love and this included my dogs who often protected and raised the cats and any other orphan critters as part of their pack.
Even if there is a dog's "love" there is nothing to be proud of. A dog is a filthy disgraceful animal, and its people should talk about some kind of "kinship"
I love animals---I had baby calves that I bottle fed and raised as pets as a child-----this said, people require protein for higher brain function. A higher protein diet (thanks to fire make meat more tender) is why is credited with higher brain evolution. If you are vegeatarian, you aren't getting enough protein especially if you become pregnant and the offspring requires the extra protein to develop correctly without issues both before before and after birth.
These are all unsubstantiated propaganda tales designed for idiots.
Even if there is a dog's "love" there is nothing to be proud of. A dog is a filthy disgraceful animal, and its people should talk about some kind of "kinship"

Absolutely wrong. But you are welcome to continue to think so. But I will pity you.
rupol, you disagreed with my comment that a lack of predation will allow herbivores to devastate the ecosyste.

Please tell us, if there is nothing to lower the numbers of herbivores, what will stop them from eating and multiplying enough to destroy the habitat?
nothing is needed, they reproduce in accordance with the fodder resource just like humans. No one will grow exponentially and no one will starve to death, this is just stupid propaganda meat eaters bullshit.
nothing is needed, they reproduce in accordance with the fodder resource just like humans. No one will grow exponentially and no one will starve to death, this is just stupid propaganda meat eaters bullshit.

Bullshit. The herbivores will not even slow their reproduction until there isn't enough food. By that time the existing population will starve, even if no more are born.

This has been documented numerous times.
I wouldn't be surprised if these idiots believe that cockroaches regulate their diet, and mosquitoes and malaria are their blood composition. lol

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