Is carnivorism ethical?


Well he did put this thread in the Religion and Ethics Forum.
Maybe he forgot what part Man plays, and what the animals were put here for.

But ... It wouldn't really be necessary to convey that way.
It's already been stated that the domestication of livestock allowed for a transition between
hunter-gatherer and the birth of civilization as we know it.​

Animals were not put here to be used and abused as objects for man’s selfish desires. At least not from a biblical perspective. According to Genesis 1, in the beginning we were all herbivores.
The animal is controlled by incomprehensible instincts. why they ate the old woman, because they were hungry, or because it calls for nature. Why did she rape the baby, out of abstinence or lust? Who knows. You are asking stupid questions.

One of the things I have learned over and over is that dogs typically are very good judges of character. I have never known a dog to dislike someone that didn't turn out to be an asshole. And I have never know a dog to like someone who wasn't a good person.

If the dog attacked you, it speaks volumes about you. Says little about the dog.

Dogs are very comprehensible. Yes, much of it is instinct. I have never had a dog try to attack me. And I have owned many dogs, and worked for a while at a kennel/boarding facility with numerous dogs every day. No problems.

The "Christian" is to be judged by the content of the "Books"....i.e., the Book of Life and the Holy Scriptures wherein lies the oracles of the "perfect law of liberty" (James 2:1-2, John 12:48, Romans 2:5-6, Rev. 20:12)

Within the pages of Scripture we can read where we are to emulate the "mind of Christ", Phil 2:5, "...Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."

The Christ had no problem with eating the meat of lower life forms in Luke 24:42-43 we find Jesus eating broiled FISH.......and in Luke 22:7-8, we find Jesus instructing His disciples to make ready the Passover meal/sacrifice (the eating of Lamb).

What? There is no passage of Scripture where Jesus ate a Cow is forbidden because the Christ did not consume it? Jesus did not ride in an we can't ride in a car, train, plane, bus, etc.? Jesus was found entering the city on back of an we are to ride only donkeys? :popcorn:

The New Testament of Christ Jesus makes it perfectly clear that killing and eating animals is perfectly acceptable to the God of Creation. In fact in 1 Tim. 4:1-4 the Holy Spirit (that inspired all the Holy Scriptures) foretold that SOME were going to depart from teaching the truth and were going to tell people to ABSTAIN FROM FOOD which God had given His blessing to consume via offering a thanksgiving for the food they were receiving from God by those who know THE TRUTH...i.e, the eating of meat is acceptable.

".........for EVERY CREATURE of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is offered with thanksgiving; for it is SANCTIFIED BY THE WORD OF GOD AND PRAYER." Good as in GOOD FOR FOOD.
You are ignoring the most important thing. God’s ideal is made clear both in the pre-fall world, and in the future peaceful world, when God restores the peace and harmony He created in the first place.

Read Genesis 1:29- 30. And read Isaiah 11:6-9.

It was not God’s intent, when he created humans and animals, for us to be at each other‘s throats. Bloodshed and violence and selfishness was never God‘s intent.
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Animals were not put here to be used and abused as objects for man’s selfish desires. At least not from a biblical perspective. According to Genesis 1, in the beginning we were all herbivores.

If you believe Genesis to be an accurate historical record, that is all well and good.

But the balance in the wild is only kept by the cycle of prey and predator.
If the herbivores are allowed to breed and eat without any controls on their population, they will completely destroy the habitat. Which will result in their slow, agonizing starvation. This is a biological fact.
Again, there are other ways to manage wildlife.

Somewhere on the thread I’m pretty sure you said that killing is your least favorite part. Maybe you should heed your instincts more? Unless one is starving to death and has no other options, killing is not necessary. And in my opinion, when it’s unnecessary, it’s unethical.
Animals were not put here to be used and abused as objects for man’s selfish desires. At least not from a biblical perspective. According to Genesis 1, in the beginning we were all herbivores.

I can now see why you are a bleeding heart godbotherer. Genesis is all unsupported rubbish and only fools would still be quoting it. There us no references to herbivores etc not did they have any evidence to suggest what animals could have been.

As far back as dinosaurs, there were many carnivores without doubt. Fossils prove it.
Genesis does not enter the debate. It's bullshit.
I can now see why you are a bleeding heart godbotherer. Genesis is all unsupported rubbish and only fools would still be quoting it. There us no references to herbivores etc not did they have any evidence to suggest what animals could have been.

As far back as dinosaurs, there were many carnivores without doubt. Fossils prove it.
Genesis does not enter the debate. It's bullshit.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Again, there are other ways to manage wildlife.

Somewhere on the thread I’m pretty sure you said that killing is your least favorite part. Maybe you should heed your instincts more? Unless one is starving to death and has no other options, killing is not necessary. And in my opinion, when it’s unnecessary, it’s unethical.

Unless you know a way to control wild animals, there certainly is a need to kill them.

Several years ago I read study done by wildlife biologists on the whitetail deer population in Alabama. They estimated the population was at around 1.5 million animals. They also said that roughly 1/3 of the animals need to be removed (killed, culled whatever word you want to use) in order to maintain a healthy herd and ecosystem.

Also, the licenses and special fees paid by hunters and fishermen make up the lion's share of the funding for the state conservation efforts.

So unless you can come with a way to remove 500k animals, and replace the funding for the conservation efforts, hunting is very much a necessity.

I also donate meat from my kills to various food banks and soup kitchens. The meat processing place I use can get the donations inspected by the USDA for free. I have donated several hundred pounds of lean, chemical & steroid free protein to those who need it.
It's hurts when you have no rebuttal. Don't come here with your veneer thin posts. You don't have the smarts.
Hahaha. Don’t flatter yourself. You shared your off-topic opinion about the bible, and sorry but I’m not interested in an off-topic religious debate at 1 in the morning with someone who is as militantly anti-theist as it gets. And hateful and disrespectful to boot.

Oh I have plenty of rebuttals, I’ve debated that topic for 20 years, but I have also learned what kinds of posters are not worth bothering with.

That’s why I said thanks for your opinion!
nonsense, I did it with large dogs, I see no reason why it won't work with a wolf
It does not capture anything, the kick is too fast for that.
Even more so against a heavy boot with protection
if he does it will reduce his chances to zero. The jaw is already locked and the wolf is absolutely available for defeat in any of the ways listed.
You can also lower the captured boot to the floor and crush the lower jaw.

Like I mentioned ... You don't have a clue what you are talking about, but thanks for the endless entertainment ... :thup:


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