Is carnivorism ethical?

If you make contact with your kick. Only a domesticated and trusting dog would stand still for your kick. A 150lb wolf, leaping at you would take you down. If you put your arm up to block the bite, the wolf would simply crush the bones in that arm, rendering it useless. Your idea about using two stick is amusing. But useless. BTW, to be fair, you would have no weapons other than your natural ones.
I heard about two sticks from hunters.

An ordinary European wolf cannot knock down, it weighs only 30-50 kilograms

there are still hundreds of options for how to kill him, you can just break the joints, they are weak. It is very unlikely that a wolf will be able to defeat a man.
and it is not necessary to hit the jaw. Anywhere a good kick from a boot will cripple him.
I heard about two sticks from hunters.

An ordinary European wolf cannot knock down, it weighs only 30-50 kilograms

there are still hundreds of options for how to kill him, you can just break the joints, they are weak. It is very unlikely that a wolf will be able to defeat a man.

Again, you are talking about a single wolf. That is something you are very unlikely to encounter in the wild.

50 kilograms equals around 110 lbs. If they leap at you, which ever arm you use to block the teeth will be useless in seconds. Their biting pressure is around 1500lbs per square inch. Now you have one arm and the wolf will pull on the dead arm. Think you will grab his legs with one arm?

Also, if you are grabbing a leg, your face and neck are within biting range. Which do you think is quick, your hands breaking a leg or his mouth ripping your neck out?
An ordinary European wolf cannot knock down, it weighs only 30-50 kilograms

They don't knock you down ... They drag you down.
They know how to hunt better than you do, and know how to put you on the ground.
At which point you might as well just give up.

Those fantasies you have all go back to the fact you have either led a very sheltered life and don't know how nature works ...
Or, you're just a pathetic little troll, that like I said ... Hasn't seen a 30 pound dog, go to work on a hog.

Well ... I call it work, but they think it's just fun.
They aren't even hunting the hog to eat it.​

In my opinion, this cannot be justified by logical means, because if you can eat someone else's meat, then someone else can eat your meat, therefore nothing prevents cannibalism. If you accept the point of view of a meat-eater, then you should not be indignant that someone ate your child.

Yikes, that's a tad radical my friend ;)
Again, you are talking about a single wolf. That is something you are very unlikely to encounter in the wild.

50 kilograms equals around 110 lbs. If they leap at you, which ever arm you use to block the teeth will be useless in seconds. Their biting pressure is around 1500lbs per square inch. Now you have one arm and the wolf will pull on the dead arm. Think you will grab his legs with one arm?

Also, if you are grabbing a leg, your face and neck are within biting range. Which do you think is quick, your hands breaking a leg or his mouth ripping your neck out?
These are all fantasies. He can knock down someone, but not a physically strong man. 50 kg is a schoolboy, or a small woman. That's funny.
Even if he dumps, he still needs to get to the neck, during this time you can pull out four paws and eggs, and even if he gets there, you can simply strangle him.
In addition, they are cowardly and do not attack alone.

I think In this case, it is better to take him by the skin in the neck area, then he will definitely not grab anything with his teeth. And then either hammer on the corner, or beat from above with improvised means.
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In my opinion, this cannot be justified by logical means, because if you can eat someone else's meat, then someone else can eat your meat, therefore nothing prevents cannibalism. If you accept the point of view of a meat-eater, then you should not be indignant that someone ate your child.


The "Christian" is to be judged by the content of the "Books"....i.e., the Book of Life and the Holy Scriptures wherein lies the oracles of the "perfect law of liberty" (James 2:1-2, John 12:48, Romans 2:5-6, Rev. 20:12)

Within the pages of Scripture we can read where we are to emulate the "mind of Christ", Phil 2:5, "...Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."

The Christ had no problem with eating the meat of lower life forms in Luke 24:42-43 we find Jesus eating broiled FISH.......and in Luke 22:7-8, we find Jesus instructing His disciples to make ready the Passover meal/sacrifice (the eating of Lamb).

What? There is no passage of Scripture where Jesus ate a Cow is forbidden because the Christ did not consume it? Jesus did not ride in an we can't ride in a car, train, plane, bus, etc.? Jesus was found entering the city on back of an we are to ride only donkeys? :popcorn:

The New Testament of Christ Jesus makes it perfectly clear that killing and eating animals is perfectly acceptable to the God of Creation. In fact in 1 Tim. 4:1-4 the Holy Spirit (that inspired all the Holy Scriptures) foretold that SOME were going to depart from teaching the truth and were going to tell people to ABSTAIN FROM FOOD which God had given His blessing to consume via offering a thanksgiving for the food they were receiving from God by those who know THE TRUTH...i.e, the eating of meat is acceptable.

".........for EVERY CREATURE of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is offered with thanksgiving; for it is SANCTIFIED BY THE WORD OF GOD AND PRAYER." Good as in GOOD FOR FOOD.
Also, if you are grabbing a leg, your face and neck are within biting range. Which do you think is quick, your hands breaking a leg or his mouth ripping your neck out?
In this case, he will not attack the neck, but will try to free his legs. He does not have such skills as a fighter, he does not think strategically, but does everything on instincts. In addition, it is not at all habitual for him to attack the neck, this is what lions do. Wolves hang on their feet.
By all means give it a shot, kid. Perhaps in your last few moments you'll have a revelation.
I beat cowardly dogs. I see no difference, I see no reason why the wolf should be stronger, this is the same dog
I don't give a damn about that, I don't think the Abrahamic scriptures are noble, it writen in imperias of slavery
Yeah.......typical of a don't care about others and their faith, but its OK to promote your DOGMA? LMAO :abgg2q.jpg: Its clear, based upon your own words, You don't care about people.....WHY WOULD ANYONE BELIEVE THAT YOU CARE ABOUT ANIMALS?:dunno: What you really care about........just like all supposed THE PERSONAL ACCOLDAES.....and ATTENTION? :popcorn: What? Is this the latest "IN VOGUE" cause? :cow: What about GLOBAL WARMING? With all those "undead" cows running around FARTING creating green house gases? I'd wager that you are cat person.......what does your cat eat?

Ever look at the real world? You will find that its the meat eaters that are sleek, powerful and fast in the animal kingdom.......its the green eaters that are the fatties of the world. The HUMAN BODY can't survive and be healthy void of a regular intake of PROTIEN rich and easily convertible into energy foods that contain FATS. When you rob your body of fats/ begins consuming itself searching for that fat and protein.
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They don't knock you down ... They drag you down.
They know how to hunt better than you do, and know how to put you on the ground.
At which point you might as well just give up.
This tactic will not work, they will just get a boot in the skull. Large animals sometimes cannot reached them, due to anthropometry, but man is well adapted to this. If a horse or bull hits a wolf with its hoof, it flies 10 meters high and lands dead. But they can't always get them.
These are all fantasies. He can knock down someone, but not a physically strong man. 50 kg is a schoolboy, or a small woman. That's funny.
Even if he dumps, he still needs to get to the neck, during this time you can pull out four paws and eggs, and even if he gets there, you can simply strangle him.
In addition, they are cowardly and do not attack alone.

I think In this case, it is better to take him by the skin in the neck area, then he will definitely not grab anything with his teeth. And then either hammer on the corner, or beat from above with improvised means.

I find it amusing that you talk about fantasies, and then write this nonsense.

Biologists and veterinarians say a single wolf can kill a healthy man. But you somehow know different?

And your posts on the thread are full of anthropomorphisms. Cowardly? Wolves are not cowards. They hunt and attack the way they do, and have for their entire existence. You use terms like "cowardly", "Loyal", "faithful" and the like to describe animals.

And your initial premise in the OP is one that would lead to ecological disaster.
Wolves are not cowards
These animals embody everything that is considered a shame in traditional culture. They are cunning, cowardly, thieving, attack in a flock on one, stink, randomly interbreed with jackals, coyotes and dogs, eat feces, carrion, attack children, and so on.

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