Is carnivorism ethical?

Most are not fast, only felines and snakes come to mind from the fast ones, but they cannot keep the speed for long. Most of them are slow.
They are thin because of hunger, but they get fat quickly. The bottom line is that they usually don't gain muscle mass.

Initial speed is a strength. But the endurance of wolves allows them to wear down an animal much larger than any of the wolves.
And no, the bull is no match for the bear. They used to have matches out west between a bull and a bear. The grizzly bear usually won. Not with claws and teeth, but with a well timed blow between the eyes of the bull as it charged.
This is a funny lie designed for idiots. The bear was killed with a simple stick. There was a hunt for bear with a spear, an ordinary strong man coped with him, simply choked him or pulled out his throat.
This is a funny lie designed for idiots. The bear was killed with a simple stick. There was a hunt for bear with a spear, an ordinary strong man coped with him, simply choked him or pulled out his throat.

A single, ordinary man would be hard pressed to kill a large bear with a spear. Humans hunted in packs.
Great, why don’t we lock you in a room with a wolf, just one wolf. Are you up for that?
Yes, I think I'll kill him easily. A wolf is an ordinary dog, I kicked large dogs in the jaw and they ran away from me. I just wouldn't do it without boots. I know that wolves are killed with two ordinary sticks. One is given in the teeth, the other is hit on the head and wolf dies. Apparently it have a very weak skull
Yes, I think I'll kill him easily. A wolf is an ordinary dog, I kicked large dogs in the jaw and they ran away from me. I just wouldn't do it without boots. I know that wolves are killed with two ordinary sticks. One is given in the teeth, the other is hit on the head and she dies. Apparently they have a very weak skul


Still hadn't let go of the ear ... :thup:


Yes, I think I'll kill him easily. A wolf is an ordinary dog, I kicked large dogs in the jaw and they ran away from me. I just wouldn't do it without boots. I know that wolves are killed with two ordinary sticks. One is given in the teeth, the other is hit on the head and wolf dies. Apparently it have a very weak skull

If you make contact with your kick. Only a domesticated and trusting dog would stand still for your kick. A 150lb wolf, leaping at you would take you down. If you put your arm up to block the bite, the wolf would simply crush the bones in that arm, rendering it useless. Your idea about using two stick is amusing. But useless. BTW, to be fair, you would have no weapons other than your natural ones.
Yes, I think I'll kill him easily. A wolf is an ordinary dog, I kicked large dogs in the jaw and they ran away from me. I just wouldn't do it without boots. I know that wolves are killed with two ordinary sticks. One is given in the teeth, the other is hit on the head and wolf dies. Apparently it have a very weak skull

I'd love to see you in the wild against a wolf pack.
If you make contact with your kick. Only a domesticated and trusting dog would stand still for your kick. A 150lb wolf, leaping at you would take you down. If you put your arm up to block the bite, the wolf would simply crush the bones in that arm, rendering it useless. Your idea about using two stick is amusing. But useless. BTW, to be fair, you would have no weapons other than your natural ones.

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