Is carnivorism ethical?

Tell him that his protein good enough


If he had had to work to catch that chicken, butcher it, and cook it, he wouldn't have such a fat ass.

Do you really believe your shining example from post #152 doesn't work out to keep in shape?


that would not be readily available in a prehistoric society
It was available, just not everywhere. Historically, carnivore existed only in gray swampy scanty forests and deserts, and this is an insignificant part of the population.
If he had had to work to catch that chicken, butcher it, and cook it, he wouldn't have such a fat ass.
I know one fat weak old woman who has ass twice bigger then his one. She catches chickens and eats them
When suffering is far from us, when we do not hear the screams of the victims, a feeling of compassion does not awaken in us. If the masses were well aware of the suffering of the Uyghurs in China and the Hazaras in Afghanistan, they would not dare to do it, but instead they lull us to sleep with pornography and TV shows, they want us to sleep while they do their business, and then it will be our turn

Uh yeah ... I kind of don't remember seeing you in Kandahar.

Your nonsense is just a reflection of the social porn, that allows people to think they are
effectual in some way or another simply based on their views, and how those views relate to the other ineffectual nit-wits.

You may not be asleep,
but climbing the walls on bean sprouts isn't helping you any either ... :thup:

Man is not the top of the food chain, but the herd. Gather a herd of rams and it will defeat the elephant. A man is supposedly strong only because he is stupid and easily trained, due to this, a slave army can be made from him that defeats one noble aristocrat warrior.


Any animal can be defeated if enough of another animal is sent against them.

However one on one man is the top dog and can defeat any animal alone if he has the resources to do so.

Your comment does not reflect the reality of mankind dominating the planet as top predator due to his intellect and eliminating the competition.

Now man wars against the only remaining predator that threatens him and that is mankind itself.


Do you really believe your shining example from post #152 doesn't work out to keep in shape?
Most carnivores have muscle atrophy. This is not the kind of work that gives the athlete's body and strength. This is inherent in herbivores, they are strong, fast and muscular, but quickly get tired, the predator, with rare exceptions, is hardy but not strong
For example a wolf
Your comment does not reflect the reality of mankind dominating the planet as top predator due to his intellect and eliminating the competition.

Well he did put this thread in the Religion and Ethics Forum.
Maybe he forgot what part Man plays, and what the animals were put here for.

But ... It wouldn't really be necessary to convey that way.
It's already been stated that the domestication of livestock allowed for a transition between
hunter-gatherer and the birth of civilization as we know it.​

due to his intellect and eliminating the competition.
Human intelligence is low. his "strength" is that he is easy to train and obey, this allows you to organize a slave community that acts as a united front. This is mainly due to the language. Man is the most trained and most obedient animal.
Most carnivores have muscle atrophy. This is not the kind of work that gives the athlete's body and strength. This is inherent in herbivores, they are strong, fast and muscular, but quickly get tired, the predator, with rare exceptions, is hardy but not strong
For example a wolf

You've never watched a 30 pound dog put a 300 pound hog to the ground and hold him there.
Not even kill it ... Just keep his head pinned to the ground while that hog tries it's best to escape.​

You've never watched a 30 pound dog put a 300 pound hog to the ground and hold him there.
Most dogs are frail, smelly animals with a fat layer. There is no need to give exceptional cases. Even the bear is insignificant in comparison with the bull.
They also lack strength and speed, they are not sprinters, they drive the victim but never catch up with it at a short distance
Not even kill it ... Just keep his head pinned to the ground while that hog tries it's best to escape.
Just twist his front paw back, break the fragile joint, and it will forget about his "rage". Most are well affected by a simple kick to the jaw, it even stop yapping, this has been verified.
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Most dogs are frail, smelly animals with a fat layer. There is no need to give exceptional cases. Even the bear is insignificant in comparison with the bull.

Most dogs suffer from plant based garbage overcooked and processed to hell and back, with more fillers than food.

My dog had smoked chicken thighs, brown rice, carrots and green beans last night.
She'll have smoked salmon, quinoa, wild rice, carrots and sweet potatoes for dinner tonight.

She's lean, mean, strong, silky coat ... And probably smells better than your patchouli smelling ass ... :thup:

Her treats are made with steel cut oats (ground into a coarse flour),
applesauce, two eggs, local honey and cinnamon.​

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Most dogs suffer from plant based garbage overcooked and processed to hell and back, with more fillers than food.

My dog had smoked chicken thighs, brown rice, carrots and green beans last night.
She'll have smoked salmon, quinoa, wild rice, carrots and sweet potatoes for dinner tonight.

She's lean, mean, strong, silky coat ... And probably smells better than your patchouli smelling ass ... :thup:
I think it's because of the genital discharge. Since ancient times, a dog has been considered the dirtiest and most disgraceful animal, it can have sex with anything, from a pig to a woman.
It also eats feces and carrion.
Therefore, in ancient times, it were not allowed into the house so as not to desecrate the home.
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I think it's because of the genital discharge. Since ancient times, a dog has been considered the dirtiest and most disgraceful animal, it can have sex with anything, from a pig to a woman.
They also eat feces and carrion.
Therefore, in ancient times, they were not allowed into the house so as not to desecrate the home.

We've been known to shoot shit-eating dogs around here.

In any case ... I'm willing to bet my dog is in better health than you are.
I wouldn't suggest you get the bright idea of trying to test that assumption ... :auiqs.jpg:

She's taking a nap on the couch right now,
loves me to death, and doesn't much care what you think.

She's half Rhodesian Ridgeback, half Bull Terrier.
Smart as a whip, and the Rhodesians were bred to corner Lions.
Again ... I wouldn't suggest trying the doggy-kung-fu with her.

Sweet-talking her with a fried porkchop would be your best option.​

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We've been known to shoot shit-eating dogs around here.

In any case ... I'm willing to bet my dog is in better health than you are.
I wouldn't suggest you get the bright idea of trying to test that assumption .
No dog can cope with a man, they weigh no more than 50 kilograms, it's like a child. Its only danger is that it can cling to the leg and bite through the vessel. But mosquitoes are also dangerous because they can infect malaria. Physically, any dog is insignificant, in the nature almost always cowardly and attack in packs.
It dangerous for children. Dog can tear or rape. Dogs should be left only for special services, and private dog breeding should be prohibited. This is a source of risk that they are not fully responsible for. In addition this is the source of infections.
In my opinion, this cannot be justified by logical means, because if you can eat someone else's meat, then someone else can eat your meat, therefore nothing prevents cannibalism. If you accept the point of view of a meat-eater, then you should not be indignant that someone ate your child.

What a tremendously illogical troll thread.
It dangerous for children. Dog can tear or rape. Dogs should be left only for special services, and private dog breeding should be prohibited. This is a source of risk that they are not fully responsible for. In addition this is the source of infections.


Oh Pumpkin loves children, and they love her.

But she can tell ... And you, nah ... :auiqs.jpg:
She'd smell that fear on you.

It wouldn't be pretty, but I'd get a kick watching you explain how superior you are to her.
If there is a group of us standing around, don't be offended if everyone bets on the dog.

You silly grass chewer.​


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