Is carnivorism ethical?

Metabolic syndrome is more of a sign of plenty than anything else.

This is probably the result of the mixing of peoples accustomed to abundant vegetarian food in the steppe and jungle with the peoples of the northern forest regions, who for thousands of years ate roots and meat. Their carbohydrate metabolism is lower. All northern animals, especially predators, tend to accumulate fat, lack muscle, and do not digest carbohydrates.
I would love to see evidence of civilization moving towards lower IQ.
Encountered such data several times. Probably it is associated with the huge increase of autism.
As far as I understand, for the US Army the IQ test has now been canceled and replaced with other tests, right?
I would love to see evidence of civilization moving towards lower IQ.

Have you met the OP?


This is probably the result of the mixing of peoples accustomed to abundant vegetarian food in the steppe and jungle with the peoples of the northern forest regions, who for thousands of years ate roots and meat. Their carbohydrate metabolism is lower. All northern animals, especially predators, tend to accumulate fat, lack muscle, and do not digest carbohydrates.

Encountered such data several times. Probably it is associated with the huge increase of autism.
As far as I understand, for the US Army the IQ test has now been canceled and replaced with other tests, right?

You skipped the other parts.

Sodomy? Are you saying you don't want any oral sex? No blowjobs?

Matriarchy? How are we moving towards that? And why is matriarchy worse than patriarchy?
I read a fascinating article not long ago about 2 brother in (I think) Germany who were back-breeding aurochs. Be interesting to see them come back from extinction as a wild species.
They have been working on that with Mammoths since CRISPR tech was perfected.

I think they are much closer with that species because they have actual viable DNA with those animals flash frozen in disaster discovered in frozen wastes. Of course, the animal was several tens of thousands of years old, but it was vialable and well preserved. . . it's flesh would be viable and safe to EAT!

I remember reading an article once, where some company, after they had extracted all the usable DNA and the scientists were done with what they needed, they had actually had hired some of the best chefs detirmine what was usable, and action off an exclusive dinner to world oligarchs to fund research into the possibility of bring back the species.

. . . now, here is the caveat with bring back these long extinct species.

Now, I am not a genetics biologists, and this is one of my educational weaknesses. . the highest I went is advance bio in high school. But, from what I read, in the article, my understanding is, they can only complete so much of the DNA of the species, and they have to use some of the mitochondrial DNA of the closest living relative of the current living species whom the plan to carry the first generation to birth the species.

For the Aurochs, one would assume, it would be the closest genetic relative of wild living bovine, and for the Mammoth, I believe the African Elephant, but it may be the Indian Elephant. . I don't remember now. They has to do with creating the most probably condition for a successful birth.

Now, I read all of this many, many years ago. So? They may have been putting all of this tech and research off till they can finally use artificial womb tech and just complete the full DNA profile? But, even then, the code is so complex, I still believe they have to use some of the modern living animals to compete the code.

. . . and, there is the ecological factors to consider, where will you put said animals one you have them? Many of the folks funding this, want to focus on bring back recent extinct species like the Tasmanian Tiger, the Dodo, or the Black Rino. Specie we already know the Earth has an ecological niche for.

Sorry for rambling. . . This tech interests me greatly, because I having studied primatology, and always had a great interest in all our brothers, the Great Apes, I am always very concerned about them. It is my opinion that the Gorillas, the Bonobos, the Orangutans, and the Chimpanzees should be extended full Hominidae rights, like any other secluded tribe on the planet, and assigned a representative at the U.N.

It was the symbol of evil

at least by the fact that it gave birth to the traditions of wild bloody orgies, slavery and cannibalism.

LMAO!! Cannibalism is not matriarchal. Wild orgies are only bad if you aren't invited. And slavery was practiced by patriarchal societies with equal vigor.

And are you really suggesting that we are moving towards cannibalism and slavery? Really?

After all, you are the only one in this thread suggesting we allow cannibals to flourish to control the human race.

Matriarchy may be a good thing, since patriarchy is reposnsible for many of the horrors and wars mankind has seen.
Sweetie ... If you show up at the deer camp ...
You better bring more than a horse and a spear .
A predator is always a coward. When he kills the obviously weak, he is always more than one, or he has a big advantage in height and weight, fangs. From the prospect of a collision with an equal, he usually runs away,
A predator is always a coward. When he kills the obviously weak, he is always more than one, or he has a big advantage in height and weight, fangs. From the prospect of a collision with an equal, he usually runs away,

The predator culls the weak. That is one of the many benefits of having predators.

The key is that predators kill to eat, not to prove some macho sense of bravery.
A predator is always a coward. When he kills the obviously weak, he is always more than one, or he has a big advantage in height and weight, fangs. From the prospect of a collision with an equal, he usually runs away,



Predators mark and defend their territory and will fight another predator just as large to keep their territory.


A predator is always a coward. When he kills the obviously weak, he is always more than one, or he has a big advantage in height and weight, fangs. From the prospect of a collision with an equal, he usually runs away,

That's foolishness ... And based in the utter fantasy of nit-wits.
Killing is killing ... And your noble protector is not exclusive to purpose.
Nobility is just the lie they tells themselves, to make it more palatable towards the weak ... :thup:

LMAO!! Cannibalism is not matriarchal. Wild orgies are only bad if you aren't invited. And slavery was practiced by patriarchal societies with equal vigor.

And are you really suggesting that we are moving towards cannibalism and slavery? Really?

After all, you are the only one in this thread suggesting we allow cannibals to flourish to control the human race.

Matriarchy may be a good thing, since patriarchy is reposnsible for many of the horrors and wars mankind has seen.

All is lie.
Archeology and mythology says that matriarchy gave birth to all of the above. In old Europe, traces of cannibalism are found on bones, impressions of teeth, broken legs of slaves and communal housing. Mythlology has preserved traces of wild orgies precisely in the cults of the worship of the mother goddess, the symbol of the fertility of old Europe.
And almost all matrons from antiquity to modern times were famous for cruelty and extreme sexual licentiousness. From Semiramis to Catherine 2
None of this was present in patrirachal cultures.
All is lie.
Archeology and mythology says that matriarchy gave birth to all of the above. In old Europe, traces of cannibalism are found on bones, impressions of teeth, broken legs of slaves and communal housing. Mythlology has preserved traces of wild orgies precisely in the cults of the worship of the mother goddess, the symbol of the fertility of old Europe.
And almost all matrons from antiquity to modern times were famous for cruelty and extreme sexual licentiousness. From Semiramis to Catherine 2

Yeah, and having female leaders in modern times would cause us to revert to such.

As for the "extreme sexual licentiousness", men have been just as lusty over the ages.
I'd kinda like to watch him hunt wild hogs with a spear. I know a guy who does it. He is an adrenaline junky.

We hunt them with dogs (except the ones that just wander up in my yard).
If they pin one at 200 plus pounds ... It's feeding the gator.
But if they pin a nice 30 pound choate ... That sucker is going on the fire or the grill.​


We hunt them with dogs (except the ones that just wander up in my yard).
If they pin one at 200 plus pounds ... It's feeding the gator.
But if they pin a nice 30 pound choate ... That sucker is going on the fire or the grill.​


Yeah, I don't shoot the big ones. I'm looking for the 150 to 250 lb range. Tasty fare!!
As for the "extreme sexual licentiousness", men have been just as lusty over the ages.
It depends on where. In the royal, patrician families, they were restrained, and did not sleep with anyone, they strove to preserve the royal blood, took wives from noble families. In late Rome and Macedonia, which inherited matriarchy, men were equally licentious. For example, the Alexander was homosexual, and on the late Roman frescoes and coins there is a lot of pornography, up to scenes of bestiality.

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