Is carnivorism ethical?

All is lie.
Archeology and mythology says that matriarchy gave birth to all of the above. In old Europe, traces of cannibalism are found on bones, impressions of teeth, broken legs of slaves and communal housing. Mythlology has preserved traces of wild orgies precisely in the cults of the worship of the mother goddess, the symbol of the fertility of old Europe.
And almost all matrons from antiquity to modern times were famous for cruelty and extreme sexual licentiousness. From Semiramis to Catherine 2
None of this was present in patrirachal cultures.


The hard evidence speaks for itself.

On the other hand the reality of day to day life in the prehistoric cultures you talk about is all speculation on the part of the scientists.


In my opinion, this cannot be justified by logical means, because if you can eat someone else's meat, then someone else can eat your meat, therefore nothing prevents cannibalism. If you accept the point of view of a meat-eater, then you should not be indignant that someone ate your child.
There are a lot of animals that would eat me if they could. However, being a member of the apex predator species on the planet they have more to fear from me than I have of them.

Most, if not all, of the domesticated animals that are grown for human consumption would never have lived if it weren't for being grown for food.

I did some beef ribs on the smoker a couple of days ago. They were delicious. I know the steer needed the ribs and I could have ate salad instead but I don't give a shit.
Yeah, I don't shoot the big ones. I'm looking for the 150 to 250 lb range. Tasty fare!!

Wild boar and feral hogs around here are a walking ecological disaster area.
There's no limit on them, and no restrictions into how you get rid of them.
If their population continues to increase at the current rate, Wildlife and Fisheries will start a bounty on them.​

Because we, as a society, prevent criminals from doing so.
But according to your logic, this is only good, why prevent it? According to your logic, criminals should regulate the population of humanity in the same way that predators supposedly regulate populations of herbivores. Don't make me think you're stupid.
But according to your logic, this is only good, why prevent it? According to your logic, criminals should regulate the population of humanity in the same way that predators supposedly regulate populations of herbivores. Don't make me think you're stupid.

Sweetie ... You already think he is stupid.
The only real difference is that you prove you're stupid every time you open your mouth ... :thup:

But according to your logic, this is only good, why prevent it? According to your logic, criminals should regulate the population of humanity in the same way that predators supposedly regulate populations of herbivores. Don't make me think you're stupid.

I'll ask again...

What makes you think they don't?


What makes you think they don't
Maybe they do, but at least they show concern for the "herd".
Do you think that if they declared it officially, the people would accept it? If they wrote legislation in the spirit of Nietzsche, would they vote for it?

The problem here is that people, not being bloodthirsty, receive meat in ready-made boxes and do not think about where it comes from. In any case, he is not forced to kill animals himself, and this is a psychological trick that adapts the people to killing animals.
When suffering is far from us, when we do not hear the screams of the victims, a feeling of compassion does not awaken in us. If the masses were well aware of the suffering of the Uyghurs in China and the Hazaras in Afghanistan, they would not dare to do it, but instead they lull us to sleep with pornography and TV shows, they want us to sleep while they do their business, and then it will be our turn
Maybe they do, but at least they show concern for the "herd".
Do you think that if they declared it officially, the people would accept it? If they wrote legislation in the spirit of Nietzsche, would they vote for it?

The problem here is that people, not being bloodthirsty, receive meat in ready-made boxes and do not think about where it comes from. In any case, he is not forced to kill animals himself, and this is a psychological trick that adapts the people to killing animals.

So now you accept that humans are carnivorous by nature.

You appear to spend a lot of time thinking about it.

So what's the problem?

How about a nice thick juicy steak to up your proteins and stimulate some of those neurons?


So now you accept that humans are carnivorous by nature.
People are not homogeneous. Part of the population has degenerated into predators, but most are not predators. And it is not from predators.

How about a nice thick juicy steak to up your proteins and stimulate some of those neurons?
what about cadaveric poison that will be absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines?


Let's tell him about the protein deficiency in his diet.
People are not homogeneous. Part of the population has degenerated into predators, but most are not predators. And it is not from predators.

Mankind has always been predatory in nature. Which is why mankind is a the apex of the food chain.

what about cadaveric poison that will be absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines?

There's always something in our diet that would kill us if ingested in great quantities. Whether fast or slow we all die in the end.


Let's tell him about the protein deficiency in his diet.

You mean his carefully balanced diet of proteins from vegetable food sources that would not be readily available in a prehistoric society, which means he represents an anomaly because civilization is his only salvation from having to ingest a diet of high protein meats to remain in his condition?



Mankind has always been predatory in nature. Which is why mankind is a the apex of the food chain.
Man is not the top of the food chain, but the herd. Gather a herd of rams and it will defeat the elephant. A man is supposedly strong only because he is stupid and easily trained, due to this, a slave army can be made from him that defeats one noble aristocrat warrior.

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