Is carnivorism ethical?

But according to your logic, this is only good, why prevent it? According to your logic, criminals should regulate the population of humanity in the same way that predators supposedly regulate populations of herbivores. Don't make me think you're stupid.

My logic is that people are not the same as animals. My logic says that one species does what it can to protect its own.
Maybe they do, but at least they show concern for the "herd".
Do you think that if they declared it officially, the people would accept it? If they wrote legislation in the spirit of Nietzsche, would they vote for it?

The problem here is that people, not being bloodthirsty, receive meat in ready-made boxes and do not think about where it comes from. In any case, he is not forced to kill animals himself, and this is a psychological trick that adapts the people to killing animals.

I am not forced to kill animals. But I do hunt. Killing the animal is the natural part of that. It is, however, my least favorite part.
It dangerous for children. Dog can tear or rape. Dogs should be left only for special services, and private dog breeding should be prohibited. This is a source of risk that they are not fully responsible for. In addition this is the source of infections.

I have owned dogs my entire life. Never once have any of them threatened me or my children. They have, however, protected us.

Prohibiting dogs as pets? That is your answer? That is simply sad.
Most carnivores have muscle atrophy. This is not the kind of work that gives the athlete's body and strength. This is inherent in herbivores, they are strong, fast and muscular, but quickly get tired, the predator, with rare exceptions, is hardy but not strong
For example a wolf

Now you are just spouting nonsense. The wolf is not strong? The wolf hunts with it's pack. They can run for hours and hours. Not fast enough to catch the more fleet footed prey. But enough to keep it going. As a group they work and take down animals many times their size.
Most dogs are frail, smelly animals with a fat layer. There is no need to give exceptional cases. Even the bear is insignificant in comparison with the bull.

Why not? When discussing humans you felt free to give exceptional cases, like decadent royals.

Most dogs are not frail & smelly. Most of them are fully capable of hunting the prey they were bred to hunt.

And no, the bull is no match for the bear. They used to have matches out west between a bull and a bear. The grizzly bear usually won. Not with claws and teeth, but with a well timed blow between the eyes of the bull as it charged.
Just twist his front paw back, break the fragile joint, and it will forget about his "rage". Most are well affected by a simple kick to the jaw, it even stop yapping, this has been verified.

Dogs typically hunt in packs. Your claims have some merit, but are not all truth. The pack accomplishes what one animal cannot.
Most carnivores have muscle atrophy. This is not the kind of work that gives the athlete's body and strength. This is inherent in herbivores, they are strong, fast and muscular, but quickly get tired, the predator, with rare exceptions, is hardy but not strong
For example a wolf


Most carnivores are lean and quick just as God intended them to be.

What better way to catch those fat juicy herbivores?


....Most carnivores have muscle atrophy. This is not the kind of work that gives the athlete's body and strength. This is inherent in herbivores, they are strong, fast and muscular, but quickly get tired, the predator, with rare exceptions, is hardy but not strong
For example a wolf

Did you study biology at Opposite University? It's the finest school in Bizarro-World.


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Human intelligence is low. his "strength" is that he is easy to train and obey, this allows you to organize a slave community that acts as a united front. This is mainly due to the language. Man is the most trained and most obedient animal.


What you mean is that you are a trained and obedient slave.

Not I!


Most carnivores are lean and quick just as God intended them to be.
Most are not fast, only felines and snakes come to mind from the fast ones, but they cannot keep the speed for long. Most of them are slow.
They are thin because of hunger, but they get fat quickly. The bottom line is that they usually don't gain muscle mass.
Do you prefer the death of people?
In equestrian culture, horses were covered with armor, and modern infantry is supplied with body armor, there is no difference, but one horseman is worth from 10 to 100 infantrymen at all times

I find this hilarious. Your comment of "Do you prefer the death of people" makes it sound like it was either horses or people in WWI. It was not.

The horses did not fight in the war. They carried soldiers. They had to be trained and ridden into the war.

I prefer not to have wars. But if we do, it is not a choice between the death of people and the death of horses. That is blatantly false. It is a choice between the death of horses and the use of machines to transport people. I prefer our military use machines.

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