Is carnivorism ethical?

Animals were not put here to be used and abused as objects for man’s selfish desires. At least not from a biblical perspective. According to Genesis 1, in the beginning we were all herbivores.

The intent was for Man to be the steward of both flora and fauna.
The utter ridiculousness of your herbivore statement doesn't even warrant discussion ... :thup:

Good stewardship is exactly what those who work with land and wildlife management do.
Letting any given population of wildlife suffer the effects of chronic wasting disease, and the likes, is unethical by any measure.
It destroys the existing population's ability to produce offspring absent chronic deficiencies in
everything from general health to genetic stability.

As a hunter, and someone who clearly enjoys the great outdoors, I don't give a rat's ass what your idiotic selfish desires may be.
I'm going to take care of both the land, and the creatures that inhabit it.​

One of the things I have learned over and over is that dogs typically are very good judges of character. I have never known a dog to dislike someone that didn't turn out to be an asshole. And I have never know a dog to like someone who wasn't a good person.

If the dog attacked you, it speaks volumes about you. Says little about the dog.

Dogs are very comprehensible. Yes, much of it is instinct. I have never had a dog try to attack me. And I have owned many dogs, and worked for a while at a kennel/boarding facility with numerous dogs every day. No problems.
The dog does not "love" anyone, it just has a slavish affection.

I got this deer last year. Not only does he make a great decoration, but guess what else we used him for?

We used the backstraps, loin, Roasts, steaks and other parts to cook stews, burgers, anything under the sun using ground meat, soups, steaks, tenderloins, BBQ, slow cooking recipes, etc. etc. etc. We used every bit of that thing. I even used the bones for knife handles.
These animals embody everything that is considered a shame in traditional culture. They are cunning, cowardly, thieving, attack in a flock on one, stink, randomly interbreed with jackals, coyotes and dogs, eat feces, carrion, attack children, and so on.

I disagree with this statement.

Dogs embody all the things that we, as humans, should strive for. Loyalty, love, and faithfulness. A dog will love you more than he loves himself. They will willingly sacrifice their own lives to save their human. They will work to protect their people. They will grieve the loss of their owner, often to the point of death.

You say they are cowardly. And yet, a dog will face a deadly threat to save their owner.
You say they are thieving. As if they somehow know about ownership.
You say they will attack in a flock, as if their natural hunting method were something bad.
You say they randomly breed with jackals, coyotes, and dogs. As if humans will not breed with different races. And at least dogs do so only because a female is in heat.
You say they eat feces. But this is only done when their diet is lacking what is contained in the feces.
You say they eat carrion. As if there were some sort of line between meat saved in a refrigerator and meat out in the wild.

I have had dogs give comfort to those who are mourning, snuggles with those who feel alone, and even respond to medical emergencies before the human knows they exist.
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I got this deer last year. Not only does he make a great decoration, but guess what else we used him for?

We used the backstraps, loin, Roasts, steaks and other parts to cook stews, burgers, anything under the sun using ground meat, soups, steaks, tenderloins, BBQ, slow cooking recipes, etc. etc. etc. We used every bit of that thing. I even used the bones for knife handles.

A friend of mine showed me his recipe for venison backstrap on a smoker that will put anything Ruth Chris serves to shame.
rupol, you disagreed with my comment that a lack of predation will allow herbivores to devastate the ecosyste.

Please tell us, if there is nothing to lower the numbers of herbivores, what will stop them from eating and multiplying enough to destroy the habitat?
Like your desire to project your beliefs on others?

I like having muscle, energy, stamina and being healthy all around. A good balance of meat and vegetables and grains do that for me.
In addition to plant foods, I eat only dairy products, my height is 183 cm and weight is 100 kg, almost without fat. Are you bigger than me?
In addition to plant foods, I eat only dairy products, my height is 183 cm and weight is 100 kg, almost without fat. Are you bigger than me?

Dairy? I am sure it is from cows who voluntarily give their milk to humans, right?
Please tell us, if there is nothing to lower the numbers of herbivores, what will stop them from eating and multiplying enough to destroy the habitat?

It not just the habitat that gets destroyed, it the wildlife population as well.

As they become overpopulated, the feeding grounds become polluted with waste.
This has detrimental effects on the land and the waterways.
It leads to Prion's Disease, CWD, and other terrible results.

It's why many states have started recruiting hunters from outside states, to come on sanctioned hunts.
No license required, and all the meat is donated.
Pennsylvania was advertising them here, and I don't live anywhere near the Keystone State.​

ahh yes another retard joins the thread.

If the herbivores are allowed to breed and eat without any controls on their population, they will completely destroy the habitat. Which will result in their slow, agonizing starvation. This is a biological fact.

Not only that, it has already happened. Foolish people, like these two here, eliminated all predators and prevented hunting on the Kaibab Plateau.

Lots of deer and other critters to live danger free among the plants.

The plateau was turned into a moonscape. Nothing but bacteria remained.

40 years on there is some recovery, but it is slow being the desert.

These silly people are the same, ignorant of science and how the real world actually works.
In addition to plant foods, I eat only dairy products, my height is 183 cm and weight is 100 kg, almost without fat. Are you bigger than me?

Who cares, you can't do hard physical labor for 8 hours straight without taking multiple breaks.

I can. Mongolia defeated the Chinese because the Mongols could fight all day. Ride 20 miles, and then fight all day again. They were primarily carnivores.

The herbivorous Chinese simply didn't have the energy to fight them.
Who cares, you can't do hard physical labor for 8 hours straight without taking multiple breaks.

I can. Mongolia defeated the Chinese because the Mongols could fight all day. Ride 20 miles, and then fight all day again. They were primarily carnivores.

The herbivorous Chinese simply didn't have the energy to fight them.

Not only that, but my life is better for having meat to enjoy.

It is like the old joke.
And old man said to a younger man, "I don't drink, do drugs, eat meat or chase women. And I just celebrated my 85th birthday".
The younger man replied "How?".
In my opinion, this cannot be justified by logical means, because if you can eat someone else's meat, then someone else can eat your meat, therefore nothing prevents cannibalism. If you accept the point of view of a meat-eater, then you should not be indignant that someone ate your child.
I love animals---I had baby calves that I bottle fed and raised as pets as a child-----this said, people require protein for higher brain function. A higher protein diet (thanks to fire make meat more tender) is why is credited with higher brain evolution. If you are vegeatarian, you aren't getting enough protein especially if you become pregnant and the offspring requires the extra protein to develop correctly without issues both before before and after birth.

I've actually conducted an experiment on my pet shih-tzu. I raised shih-tzus as a kid--they aren't the brightest dogs out there, but they are cute. As a child, I fed them mostly your average dog food and rare occasion table scraps.

My current shih-tzu---is the smartest shih-tzu ever by far and away that I have seen. She is on par with very bright aussie sheperds who have an extensive human vocabulary. She has no equal in other shih-tzu for intelligence although she is still hardheaded. I cook her steak/pork/ and chicken for each and every meal though with her refusing most all dog food. I have to watch for pancreatitis and her being chubbed out from all the extra protein, but she definately has a higher intelligence from it.

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