CDZ Is China really aggressive?

Yes, we've looked at the sixty year old invasion of Tibet by Mao.
Got anything newer?

what does "new" have to do with filth?

Well, the best that most are managing to come up with is a sixty year old war, a war that lasted a few days in Vietnam, and a war with India that also lasted a few days. The latter being part of a border dispute where there is nothing to say which country is right.
In fact, China's military actions have been very limited, and far less that many other countries.

It's been 32 years since China was involved in any military action, and all have been very limited, one assisting North Korea as that country's fall would have left areas close to China's border infested with American forces.

you make an excellent point----china commits its aggression against weaker nations easily and with
minimal violence in order to keep strong nations like
the USA from feeling inspired to intervene in the
filth and aggression of china. Adolf hitler began with
a nice genteel march into the SUDETENLAND. The murder of several million Biafrans did not even involve
a war------neither did the Armenian genocide
Yes, we've looked at the sixty year old invasion of Tibet by Mao.
Got anything newer?

I remember students crushed by tanks less than 50 years ago.
Maybe China's neighbors remember as well?

the "naqba" is more than 66 years old-----as to china----
lets pretend it is harmless and the only weapons it has are
chop sticks.......and the only vehicles----people drawn
rickshaw things
My position is simple.
Whilst I make no secret of my distaste for US foreign policy, that does not mean I hate America, just their foreign policy.
The same goes for China. I condemn their invasion and occupation of Tibet, but that doesn't mean I have to accept all the propaganda posted about that country.

In this case, I believe the Chinese build up is a direct answer to US weapons sales to other countries in the region, and US forces being posted to the area.

As an example, US forces are trying to build a base in Vietnam, an America "partner" in the region. This is absolutely pathetic - and a real slap in the face for all the American soldiers who were killed before the US lost the Vietnam war.

Then we look at US interference in the area.
All the comment is about China's near seas, and how the US deliberately enters the area.
Given these sea are near China, what dog does the US have in the race?

The distances involved means China is operating in its home area, but the US forces are half a world away.
One has to ask who the aggressive force is.

You sir are a charlatan and liar. You hate the US and it's military...period..
Nonsense. China wants to reunify Tibet and claims AP as a result of that. India doesn't covet any of China's territory.

Actually, they do.
India ready to let China keep Aksai Chin if neighbour country drops claim to Arunachal Pradesh Daily Mail Online

The bhai-bhai days may soon be reborn in bye-bye avatar along the India-China border.

Foreign ministry documents on border negotiations accessed by Mail Today reveal that India has signalled its readiness to let its Aksai Chin region remain in Chinese hands in exchange for recognition of Arunachal Pradesh as part of its territory.

In other words, India is willing to give up its claims to Aksai Chin if China does the same for Arunachal.

Sorry, I though India had no claims on Chinese lands - perhaps you could comment.

That is not true. On other hand, India accuses China of illegally occupying Aksai Chin.

Rajnath Singh accuses China of occupying Aksai Chin illegally North News - India Today
All we have so far is, a 50 year old war, an older invasion, and nothing else.
All failing to note the total lack of Chinese military actions for over 30 years.

Not exactly convincing stuff, especially when most of the claims about China's aggressive nature are coming from Washington, the capital that has attacked and invaded more countries than any other since WWII.

In the summer of 2011, Chinese boats damaged seismic vessels conducting exploration efforts in an offshore Vietnamese block licensed in a partnership with PetroVietnam and a private Canadian oil company more than 650 miles from the Chinese mainland. Since 1967, the United Nations Convention of Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has declared territorial waters of a nation can extend only as far as 200 nautical miles within an Economic Exclusivity Zone. In December 2012, Chinese ships again attacked seismic vessels with industrial cable-cutting equipment in another Vietnamese offshore block close to the Spratly Islands. This was a month after an ASEAN meeting that attempted to negotiate with China on territorial disputes.

China quickly responded by claiming Chinese sovereignty over not just the hotly contested Spratly Islands, but the entirety of the South China Sea. In a fit of pique, Beijing even produced a centuries-old map that claimed the entirety of the South China Sea as Chinese territory. These actions necessitate a re-examination of U.S foreign policy imperatives that acknowledge and react to the production and transportation of energy resources. A central tenet of modern energy policy must be the protection and support of the right of nations to maintain the integrity of their borders to produce their resources responsibly.

China s Territorial Aggression Is Driven By Its Hunger For Oil - Forbes
China quickly responded by claiming Chinese sovereignty over not just the hotly contested Spratly Islands, but the entirety of the South China Sea. In a fit of pique, Beijing even produced a centuries-old map that claimed the entirety of the South China Sea as Chinese territory.

So old maps show this as Chinese domain.
That's damning evidence - for the countries that wish to steal the land.

Tensions rise over East China Sea -

The first ADIZ was established by the U.S. in 1950, when it created a joint North American ADIZ with Canada, citing the legal right of any nation to establish reasonable conditions of entry into its territory. More than 20 countries, including the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea and Japan, have demarcated Air Defense Identification Zones in high seas or international waters. Japan, South Korea and China's Taiwan region have their ADIZs respectively in the East China Sea.

Let me see - America claims China s aggressive, because it did what America did.
As a note, the US also set up the Japanese and South Korean ADIZs, but really dislike China doing it.

As a note, and one the warmongers seem to want hidden, Japan is refusing to go to the Hague courts on this one.
US-Japanese Militarism and China 8217 s Air-Defense Identification Zone ADIZ over Disputed Islets. Pretext for Another Pacific War Global Research

The quickest resolution to the Senkaku-Diaoyu quarrel, along with the overlapping air-defense zones, is to bring a territorial case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the world court that handles international boundary disputes at The Hague. The ICJ requires sovereign parties involved in the dispute to accept the court’s jurisdiction and abide by its ruling. Japan’s rejection of an ICJ case therefore indicates serious weaknesses in its territorial claims under existing international law.

Japan looks a lot like the land grabbing aggressor here, and it's refusal to go to court suggests exactly that.
Really - you anti Chinese hate mongers are going to have to try harder on this one.
A country that has attacked and invaded a lot of countries since WWII, is complaining about a country that has not invaded or attacked anyone in a lot of years, and seems to be in the right regarding this Japanese land grab against Chinese land, and every like they post only goes to show new evidence the whole "Chinese aggression" idea is a sham - a fabrication by the USA.

There are complaints about Chinese attacks on Vietnam, but totally ignoring the massive US war against Vietnam.
Really, it's getting silly.
The Chinese military has taken Mahanian Doctrine to heart. It's no big secret to anyone with eyes (and sense) in their head.

That's good an all, but the thing is, it takes a very long time to build up a Naval Tradition. This is what the Germans didn't realize in WWI, when Tirpitz built a huge navy for his Kaiser that turned out to be kind of useless in the end.

China has one aircraft carrier that barely works. We've got 11 of them that work just fine.

Countries all across the world are willing to work with the US Navy. China, not so much.

But here's the real problem China has. China's entire economy is based on providing cheap labor for multi-national corporations. Any conflict with the West or Japan would entirely pooch that.
Getting past the propaganda is quite hard work, because America's propaganda machine is pretty good at clouding the truth with crap, but you can get there.

Dollar survival behind US-China tensions - BSNEWS

It is hard to justify Washington and Tokyo’s stance on the issue. The islands are much nearer to China’s mainland (250 miles) compared with Japan’s (600 miles). China claims that the islands were part of its territory for centuries until Japan annexed them in 1895 during its imperialist expansion, which eventually led to an all-out invasion and war of aggression on China.

Also, as Beijing points out, the US and its postwar Japanese ally both have declared their own air defense zones. It is indeed inconceivable that Chinese spy planes and bombers could encroach unannounced on the US West Coast without the Pentagon ordering fierce retaliation.

Furthermore, maps show that the American-backed air defense zone extending from Japan’s southern territory is way beyond any reasonable halfway limit between China and Japan. This American-backed arbitrary imposition on Chinese territorial sovereignty is thus seen as an arrogant convention, set up and maintained by Washington for decades.

The US and its controlled news media are absurdly presenting Beijing’s newly declared air defense zone as China “flexing its muscles and stoking tensions.” And Washington is claiming that it is nobly defending its Japanese and South Korea allies from Chinese expansionism.

However, it is the background move by China to ditch the US dollar that is most likely the real cause for Washington’s militarism towards Beijing. The apparent row over the air and sea territory, which China has sound rights to, is but the pretext for the US to mobilize its military and in effect threaten China with aggression.

In recent years, China has been incrementally moving away from US financial hegemony. This hegemony is predicated on the US dollar being the world reserve currency and, by convention, the standard means of payment for international trade and in particular trade in oil. That arrangement is obsolete given the bankrupt state of the US economy. But it allows the US to continue bingeing on credit.

The truth will come out.
The islands were claimed as part of Japan's series of wars, ending with WWII, but they were Chinese before that.
The islands are far closer to China than Japan.
The US imposed ADIZ is unfair and unreasonable, but the American governments dislike that being known.
The whole lot is down to the US government being scared of China being a better capitalist than they are.
The know BRICS will destroy the Dollar, so they have to destroy China, at least in reputation, first.

In fact, America's world influence is falling, even in Europe, and definitely in Asia, where America bully tactics and bribery are being rejected.
Even Saudi, the first country to use the petrodollar, they're trading BRICS with China.

or 20 countries have claims against Chinese lands.
Sort of depends on what you want to believe.

If it were 2 countries then your argument could easily be validated. But when it is claims in 20 countries and no other country agrees with China on their claims to said land then you really need to step back and use a reasoning process designed to do something other than draw crooked circles.

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