CDZ Is China really aggressive?

There is a way of studying anatomy that is actually
used in the USA-----samples of autopsy tissues----
are embedded in plastic------little samples of the stuff
that -------well-----to tell the truth-----DOES NOT GET
BACK INTO THE CORPSE (no matter what you were
told-----they do not shove everything back in) or
stuff removed in surgery------eg---remove a kidney---
for cause -------like cancer or something----and slice
it up and embed it plastic for the benefit of medical
students -----CHINA put on a show of WHOLE
PEOPLE -----sliced up------in plastic-----I was HORRIFIED---
that stuff was in display in Manhattan NY-----<<<barbaric

I am horrified that the city allowed it

This is a pattern we’ve seen before. Many nations and many strategies have gone by the name Mahanian. Great Britain, Imperial Germany, Imperial Japan, and the United States were all Mahanian while doing business in great waters quite differently.

Oh dear, he's complaining China is doing what the United states is doing.
That seems like a less than fantastic argument, more so when you consider he's complaining about the Chinese using an American Ideal, formulated by an American admiral.
For those who really have NO IDEA about this subject, here is a good place to learn at least the first little thing about what some people are trying to discuss here:

Red Star over the Pacific China s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy Toshi Yoshihara James R. Holmes 9781591149798 Books

They argue that China is laying the groundwork for a sustained challenge to American primacy in maritime Asia,

As I said, China is responding to the American aggressive military build up.

The above is, obviously, in no way a response to my post. 'Ignore and Repeat' does NOT result in a discussion.

You published a link to a book for sale.
I took the only quote from your link, and relied.
That quote clearly shows how the US arms build up forces the Chinese to reply.

This is a pattern we’ve seen before. Many nations and many strategies have gone by the name Mahanian. Great Britain, Imperial Germany, Imperial Japan, and the United States were all Mahanian while doing business in great waters quite differently.

Oh dear, he's complaining China is doing what the United states is doing.
That seems like a less than fantastic argument, more so when you consider he's complaining about the Chinese using an American Ideal, formulated by an American admiral.

Not exactly-----the USA is not busy invading or engaging
in violent border disputes with china's allies or allying with
china's active enemies
There is no getting around the fact that the only real point to this thread was just another excuse for a certain someone to vent his reflexive anti-Americanism. Dress it up all you want, spin all day, but that is the ONLY thing this was ever about. Too bad, because there is an interesting discussion to be had if there were someone who honestly wanted one.
Not exactly-----the USA is not busy invading or engaging
in violent border disputes with china's allies or allying with
china's active enemies

Actually, America's new partner, an evil communist country that murdered Americans, sorry, American friend in the region, is Vietnam.
Ignore and REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT----is the
time honored technique of the FATHER OF MODERN
ISLAMO NAZI PROPAGANDA ----josef goebbels

The clean debate zone is for clean debate.
Not exactly-----the USA is not busy invading or engaging
in violent border disputes with china's allies or allying with
china's active enemies

Actually, America's new partner, an evil communist country that murdered Americans, sorry, American friend in the region, is Vietnam.

Oh good----I am glad that the war that raged so horribly ----
almost half a century ago is now HISTORY----an alliance wth the fine people of Vietnam is a delightful outcome
Not exactly-----the USA is not busy invading or engaging
in violent border disputes with china's allies or allying with
china's active enemies

Actually, America's new partner, an evil communist country that murdered Americans, sorry, American friend in the region, is Vietnam.

Oh good----I am glad that the war that raged so horribly ----
almost half a century ago is now HISTORY----an alliance wth the fine people of Vietnam is a delightful outcome

It's still a communist government, one America's government opposed until they needed to lose their anti communist views, in order to fight China's communism ... or capitalism.
However, I'm pleased you support Clinton when he ended sanctions against Vietnam.

However, I wonder what the families of the 58,000 dead Americans would have to say about America's new partner, and your politicians' position on this issue.

Not exactly-----the USA is not busy invading or engaging
in violent border disputes with china's allies or allying with
china's active enemies

Actually, America's new partner, an evil communist country that murdered Americans, sorry, American friend in the region, is Vietnam.

Oh good----I am glad that the war that raged so horribly ----
almost half a century ago is now HISTORY----an alliance wth the fine people of Vietnam is a delightful outcome

It's still a communist government, one America's government opposed until they needed to lose their anti communist views, in order to fight China's communism ... or capitalism.
However, I'm pleased you support Clinton when he ended sanctions against Vietnam.

However, I wonder what the families of the 58,000 dead Americans would have to say about America's new partner, and your politicians' position on this issue.


silly wonder----Freddie------americans, in general do not get into the same kind of THOUSAND YEAR program of bloody feud as do-------the meccaists. In the USA today ----even the southerners (from Dixieland) talk to the YANKEES. ----It is an aspect of the Judeo-Christian approach to redemption-------see HILLEL
However, I wonder what the families of the 58,000 dead Americans would have to say about America's new partner, and your politicians' position on this issue.

America has become allies with former enemies in the past.

YOU attempting to besmirch and belittle the memory of fallen American servicemen in order to snipe at another poster is hardly what I would consider "clean" debate. You are now trolling your own thread. Perhaps you posted this in the wrong forum.
Just a little reminder guys - CDZ means:
No Name Calling Or Putting Down Posters
No Trolling and/or Troll Threads
No Hijacking
No Personal Attacks
However, I wonder what the families of the 58,000 dead Americans would have to say about America's new partner, and your politicians' position on this issue.

America has become allies with former enemies in the past.

YOU attempting to besmirch and belittle the memory of fallen American servicemen in order to snipe at another poster is hardly what I would consider "clean" debate. You are now trolling your own thread. Perhaps you posted this in the wrong forum.

Why am I besmirching American troops?
I'm having a go at your silly government, but not the troops themselves.
One government sent them in to die, the next totally ignored them, making friends with the very government they tried to remove.

As for the friend/enemy thing; this is true, but can you name one where there has still been the same group in government.
The 'evil communists' are now 'partners', even though they're still the same political group as before.
First you fight to get rid of them, then you arm them.
Of course, it's happened the other way round plenty of times, Afghanistan, Iraq and ISIS come to mind.

China trades, but does not attack.
China has land disputes, but who is to say they're wrong? The other, US supported side may well be wrong.

Remember the headlines?
America sends troops; China sends doctors.

Whilst I can't say I like the Chinese government, at least they trade their way to world domination, not bomb their way to oppressing the world.
The fact that China refuses to acknowledge India's sovereign claims to AP is exhibit A of the aggressive nature of the Chinese state. I hope they recall the Indian counter-offensive to their invasion of Sikkim in 67' before they dare try and appropriate Arunachal Pradesh.
The fact that China refuses to acknowledge India's sovereign claims to AP is exhibit A of the aggressive nature of the Chinese state. I hope they recall the Indian counter-offensive to their invasion of Sikkim in 67' before they dare try and appropriate Arunachal Pradesh.

The fact that India refuses to acknowledge China's sovereign claims to AP is exhibit A of the aggressive nature of the Indian state.

Sort of depends on how you look at it.
The fact that China refuses to acknowledge India's sovereign claims to AP is exhibit A of the aggressive nature of the Chinese state. I hope they recall the Indian counter-offensive to their invasion of Sikkim in 67' before they dare try and appropriate Arunachal Pradesh.

The fact that India refuses to acknowledge China's sovereign claims to AP is exhibit A of the aggressive nature of the Indian state.

Sort of depends on how you look at it.

Nonsense. China wants to reunify Tibet and claims AP as a result of that. India doesn't covet any of China's territory.
Nonsense. China wants to reunify Tibet and claims AP as a result of that. India doesn't covet any of China's territory.

Actually, they do.
India ready to let China keep Aksai Chin if neighbour country drops claim to Arunachal Pradesh Daily Mail Online

The bhai-bhai days may soon be reborn in bye-bye avatar along the India-China border.

Foreign ministry documents on border negotiations accessed by Mail Today reveal that India has signalled its readiness to let its Aksai Chin region remain in Chinese hands in exchange for recognition of Arunachal Pradesh as part of its territory.

In other words, India is willing to give up its claims to Aksai Chin if China does the same for Arunachal.

Sorry, I though India had no claims on Chinese lands - perhaps you could comment.

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