The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I was just thinking about how The Chinese Operate, and very often it is not with intentions of keeping agreements etc. Because of out of control Social Spending by The US, because of things like Bill Clinton did helping China in to the WTO, and allowing American Businesses to move to China for slave labor, while at the same time America borrowing massive amounts from China, and at the same time moving 80% of our pharmaceutical manufacturing to China among other things......

What is The Possibility that China staged this as some kind of leverage over it's debtors? It brings up that possibility. China is also confiscating paper currency over there and does have a plan to eliminate physical currency altogether. Is it possible China is using The Hype of Coronavirus to accomplish an eventual economic goal?

Maybe they wanted to take a shot at our Stock Market so they did the unthinkable?

Shouldn't The US bring some of our industries back to The States so we are not so dependent on China and Globalism? Shouldn't we be more independent and self sufficient?

Besides my thoughts on this, I think COVID 19 is overhyped, and we should treat it like we treat the flu every flu season. For now, ya'll can panic...but I won't be. Just thinking outside the box here a little.

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I was just thinking about how The Chinese Operate, and very often it is not with intentions of keeping agreements etc. Because of out of control Social Spending by The US, because of things like Bill Clinton did helping China in to the WTO, and allowing American Businesses to move to China for slave labor, while at the same time America borrowing massive amounts from China, and at the same time moving 80% of our pharmaceutical manufacturing to China among other things......

What is The Possibility that China staged this as some kind of leverage over it's debtors? It brings up that possibility. China is also confiscating paper currency over there and does have a plan to eliminate physical currency altogether. Is it possible China is using The Hype of Coronavirus to accomplish an eventual economic goal?

Shouldn't The US bring some of our industries back to The States so we are not so dependent on China and Globalism? Shouldn't we be more independent and self sufficient?
We should bring industries back, regardless of the virus.
I was just thinking about how The Chinese Operate, and very often it is not with intentions of keeping agreements etc. Because of out of control Social Spending by The US, because of things like Bill Clinton did helping China in to the WTO, and allowing American Businesses to move to China for slave labor, while at the same time America borrowing massive amounts from China, and at the same time moving 80% of our pharmaceutical manufacturing to China among other things......

What is The Possibility that China staged this as some kind of leverage over it's debtors? It brings up that possibility. China is also confiscating paper currency over there and does have a plan to eliminate physical currency altogether. Is it possible China is using The Hype of Coronavirus to accomplish an eventual economic goal?

Shouldn't The US bring some of our industries back to The States so we are not so dependent on China and Globalism? Shouldn't we be more independent and self sufficient?
We should bring industries back, regardless of the virus.
If anything COVID 19 shows that we have too much of our economy invested in China, and we need to start bringing our business back home.
Thank Government for making it more profitable for businesses to manufacture in China. Brilliant strategy.
I was just thinking about how The Chinese Operate, and very often it is not with intentions of keeping agreements etc. Because of out of control Social Spending by The US, because of things like Bill Clinton did helping China in to the WTO, and allowing American Businesses to move to China for slave labor, while at the same time America borrowing massive amounts from China, and at the same time moving 80% of our pharmaceutical manufacturing to China among other things......

What is The Possibility that China staged this as some kind of leverage over it's debtors? It brings up that possibility. China is also confiscating paper currency over there and does have a plan to eliminate physical currency altogether. Is it possible China is using The Hype of Coronavirus to accomplish an eventual economic goal?

Maybe they wanted to take a shot at our Stock Market so they did the unthinkable?

Shouldn't The US bring some of our industries back to The States so we are not so dependent on China and Globalism? Shouldn't we be more independent and self sufficient?

Besides my thoughts on this, I think COVID 19 is overhyped, and we should treat it like we treat the flu every flu season. For now, ya'll can panic...but I won't be. Just thinking outside the box here a little.


I have a hard time believing that China would tank their own economy as some sort of grand plan. They have literally 1000’s of non- state owned companies drowning in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy. Having a bunch of companies go bankrupt does nothing good for China. It is nearly impossible to know what China’s true GDP since the government decides what GDP they want to report. Their numbers do not reflect true economic activity. Count me as a ‘no’ on that.

With regard to the “over-hype” of CV- How would anybody know that? You can’t compare it to the flu just because the disease seems to have the same physical affects as the flu. We have studied the flu for decades. We know by April the flu affect will be virtually gone. In contrast- 3 months ago nobody had ever heard of coronavirus. 3 weeks ago it was only in China. Today it has circled the globe and nobody knows where it will be in 3 weeks, let alone 3 months. Over-hyped?
I don't know about scamming the world or their intentions, but I have little doubt the Communists will exploit and take advantage of this crisis for their own purposes. Be it power or otherwise.

The West has woken up since Trump took over and it must continue. As China gets stronger, so does Russia and others in their sphere, so nobody can say that only China profits. It's N Korea, Russia, Iran, all of them.
_____Show me you War Face.jpg
There communist party bases its legitimacy on improving the lives of the majority of Chinese. Even the "heavy handed" actions of the govt to individuals who really don't pose much threat to the society are somehow justified as benefiting the whole. So I don't see how the communist party gained cred with this, esp with the Hong Kong situation. Taking away rights in Hong Kong when they can't even bring themselves to believe they had an epidemic arising isn't really a way to inspire belief they know what they're doing. They do seem to be getting containment now, but it was worse before better.
I'd bet the farm that its bio engineered. Are they scamming us? World govts have been scamming the populace ever since their have been outbreaks. Read up on the spanish flu in 1917. Our own govt, no surprise, was lying about the virus. And now, world govts, are lying and covering up the real numbers. Crying and blaming isnt slowing that virus though. You can scream and yell all you want........

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