Is China Trying to Elect a Democrat?...You bet!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Trump is definitely hurting Chinas economy. China wants any body with out a spine. And no one better fits that want than an American liberal, a.k.a. DemonRAT.....Can you see Jojo or Fauxahontas doing a trade deal.....neither can I....the whole bunch of DemonRAT candidates are incompetent!

Powerline ^ | 09/09/2019 | John Hinderaker

Is China Trying to Elect a Democrat?

For the last three years, Democrats have obsessed over Russia’s relatively trivial participation in the 2016 election. But if they have any concern about China’s reported interest in 2020, they haven’t shown it. Why? Because China’s leaders want to get rid of Donald Trump and replace him with a Democrat who will be more compliant.

Bill Gertz’s piece in the Free Beacon is titled “China Trying to Stop Trump Reelection, Dominate Militarily.”

Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill Gertz said Friday that China is working against America ahead of the 2020 election because it wants “a different president.”

“They are already working in the farm states,” Gertz said Friday on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight. “They are working against the whiskey industry in the United States to undermine Trump. They want a different president.”

What, exactly, are the Chinese doing? I suppose we won’t know for a while yet. But this linked piece, also by Gertz, addresses that question.

The campaign has been underway since the 2018 mid-term election and involves enlisting pro-China elements inside the United States to end the Trump administration after four years.

Among those anti-Trump elements are “American mainstream news and social media outlets,” but I don’t suppose they needed the Chinese to mobilize them behind the Democratic nominee.

Most likely we won’t know about any Chinese dirty tricks until long after the election, but I think it is safe to say that the main thing they are doing to help elect a Democrat is to refuse to resolve the trade and intellectual property issues that have caused President Trump to impose tariffs on Chinese goods. The trade dispute, accompanied by an exodus of American companies to other Asian countries or back to the U.S., is hurting China’s economy much worse than the “trade war” is hurting the U.S. But it appears that China’s rulers are willing to endure a lot of economic pain–none of which, after all, is suffered by them–in hopes of bringing about the election of a friendly Democrat like Joe Biden.

This is the game of chicken that China and the Trump administration are playing. I hope Trump wins, sometime before November 2020. If not, there may not be a second term in which to continue the struggle.
If true GREAT NEWS You had Russia and still have, helping the scumbag Now we try to even the field Get your shit right back in your ugly faces
If true GREAT NEWS You had Russia and still have, helping the scumbag Now we try to even the field Get your shit right back in your ugly faces

Russia was never there for Trump in 2016 or now. After several investigations no collusion. Dream on. China trying to elect a demrat? Maybe. Iran I am sure wants the dems.
Oh, China certainly wants Trump defeated, but you won't hear a peep of complaint from Democrats about this.
If true GREAT NEWS You had Russia and still have, helping the scumbag Now we try to even the field Get your shit right back in your ugly faces

Russia was never there for Trump in 2016 or now. After several investigations no collusion. Dream on. China trying to elect a demrat? Maybe. Iran I am sure wants the dems.
Russia never there?? Then you believe Putin and trump ahead of our services? BK can't believe after all these years you've sunk so low
Trump is definitely hurting Chinas economy. China wants any body with out a spine. And no one better fits that want than an American liberal, a.k.a. DemonRAT.....Can you see Jojo or Fauxahontas doing a trade deal.....neither can I....the whole bunch of DemonRAT candidates are incompetent!

Powerline ^ | 09/09/2019 | John Hinderaker

Is China Trying to Elect a Democrat?

For the last three years, Democrats have obsessed over Russia’s relatively trivial participation in the 2016 election. But if they have any concern about China’s reported interest in 2020, they haven’t shown it. Why? Because China’s leaders want to get rid of Donald Trump and replace him with a Democrat who will be more compliant.

Bill Gertz’s piece in the Free Beacon is titled “China Trying to Stop Trump Reelection, Dominate Militarily.”

Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill Gertz said Friday that China is working against America ahead of the 2020 election because it wants “a different president.”

“They are already working in the farm states,” Gertz said Friday on Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight. “They are working against the whiskey industry in the United States to undermine Trump. They want a different president.”

What, exactly, are the Chinese doing? I suppose we won’t know for a while yet. But this linked piece, also by Gertz, addresses that question.

The campaign has been underway since the 2018 mid-term election and involves enlisting pro-China elements inside the United States to end the Trump administration after four years.

Among those anti-Trump elements are “American mainstream news and social media outlets,” but I don’t suppose they needed the Chinese to mobilize them behind the Democratic nominee.

Most likely we won’t know about any Chinese dirty tricks until long after the election, but I think it is safe to say that the main thing they are doing to help elect a Democrat is to refuse to resolve the trade and intellectual property issues that have caused President Trump to impose tariffs on Chinese goods. The trade dispute, accompanied by an exodus of American companies to other Asian countries or back to the U.S., is hurting China’s economy much worse than the “trade war” is hurting the U.S. But it appears that China’s rulers are willing to endure a lot of economic pain–none of which, after all, is suffered by them–in hopes of bringing about the election of a friendly Democrat like Joe Biden.

This is the game of chicken that China and the Trump administration are playing. I hope Trump wins, sometime before November 2020. If not, there may not be a second term in which to continue the struggle.

Actually Pocahontas would be the last person the Chinese would want. She’d slap a carbon tariff on all there shit.

Cramer: China better cut a trade deal with Trump — a 'President Warren' would be even tougher
The Chinese better wake up to Sen. Warren,” Cramer said on “Squawk on the Street.” ”‘President Warren’ would be tougher on China than Trump.”

Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate, on Monday released what she called an “economic patriotism” agenda, which outlined her approach on China.

“We’ve let China get away with the suppression of pay and labor rights, poor environmental protections, and years of currency manipulation,” Warren wrote in a blog post.
The Chinese Democrats have a choice to make. They can make a deal now with trump that will be fair for them, or they can hold out for an American Democrat to take power and give away the store. However, if the American Democrats lose, then the deal they will get from trump will cost them much more.

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